Chapter 20 - Lilypatch's P.O.V.

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My eyes shot open, the bright sunlight blinding me. A scream rose in the air and at first I thought maybe Eclipse left and got attacked, but everyone was still sleeping peacefully, even her. Except Squirreltail. 

"Cloudjaw! Squirreltail is in trouble. I have to go find her," I yelled, hopping down from the roof and straight to the ground. A small stab of pain shot through my leg as I landed, but I was fine. Just then, another scream rose up into the air, longer but still the same cat.

I dashed toward the gap in the fence and squeezed through. "Squirreltail!" I gasped. The red furred warrior was limping toward me, her mouth grasping dripping moss and her paw twisted to the left of her body. 

Pelting toward her, I pushed her along and then shoved her through the gap I came through. I squeezed through next and then grabbed the nearest thing I could find. A silver grey cylinder lay on its side. I rolled it toward the gap to block anything from coming in. Squirreltail limped toward the boxes that acted as steps to the roof. There was no way the red she-cat would be able to climb up with an twisted ankle!

I hurried toward her and let her lean on me, the sound of claws scrapping wood filling the background. "Redfur, Poppyheart, Squirreltail is injured!" I called up to the roof. Squirreltail was waiting by the first box. She dropped the moss on the first step. 

"I went out to get a drink, then I decided to get moss so I could get everyone water and then I got stuck in the mud and then I ripped out my foot and I guess my toes and foot was in a improper position and now my foot hurts so badly I feel like I'm going to pass out!" Squirreltail rambled. She spoke so fast that her words were just a blur.

"Did you grab the whole bundle of herbs?" Poppyheart asked Redfur as she jumped to the last step. The red tom carried the bundle in his jaws, answering the question for her. "I got enough to drink, give that to Lighteningice and the kits." Squirreltail growled. Her jaw was clenched tight and her eyes were draining from pain.

I nodded and handed it to Redfur. He jumped back up to the roof. "We're going to have to go out. Your leg will heal by its self but in the position its in and in double the time." Poppyheart stated, sighing. "Rush will do." Redfur murmured, jumping down to us in one hop and sniffing the broken bone. "Yeah, that should be all." He muttered, eyes narrowed.

"Lilypatch, you'll have to go with them. Mudpaw, Eclipse and I are leaving to hunt again." Cloudjaw called down, hopping down each step carelessly.

I dipped my head, "Of course. Then we can all get a drink and with Squirreltails' moss that she had risked her life to get, Heatherleg and Lighteningice and the kits will have plenty of water," I dipped my head to Squirreltail. She rolled her eyes as her thigh twitched. "I will stay with Squirreltail," Redfur dipped his head to us and we returned it.

"Alright, we should get going." I sighed, turning to leave. Poppyheart said a farewell to the others and padded toward the way we had first come into Twolegplace.

I hurried along, worrying that something bad was about to happen. I stepped onto the fallen wood fence, blood stains still splattered on it. It made it darker than it already was, a dark brown with a tint of red. Not one piece of Scar was left on the wood, only the stain of his shed blood.

"Do you even know where to get rush?" I muttered, keeping my gaze forward. "Well of course, we weren't taught by kits you know," Poppyheart purred. "Rush grows in infertile soils in a wide range of moisture conditions." She stated, glancing over at me. I nodded twice but didn't look over at her.

We padded in silence through the blazing sunlight. I was luckily a short hair, or I knew I would be suffering by then. The air was humid and the sun was pleasant and radiant. The suns' rays glittered on the poisoned puddles, gleaming brilliantly. The weather acted as if it was a normal day, showing off its fiery ball of flame with its unclouded blue sky.

I squinted as I looked up to the sky. My paws suddenly were wrapped in blades of long, light green grass. Kneading at the ground, I sighed and felt my heart flutter. I longed to run freely through the fields again. "Lilypatch!" Poppyhearts' hiss came from beside me and turning my head, I realized we were heading east. 

"Coming," I replied sharply.

My mind wandered from Poppyheart's mutters of herbs and techniques. I guessed it was a medicine cats way of remembering all of those leaves and poultices. 

We headed toward the forest that SpiritClan had owned, padding through the open field. All I could think about was the constant reminder that it was more likely to be overrun by the infected than to just walk through the forest without a disturbance. All I wanted was to just relax and be happy like we were before the outbreak had happened.

Suddenly, shade splashed over me and covered my pelt. Sun dotted the ground through the tree tops. I felt more refreshed now, no sun blistering my back. I noticed the breeze was cooler under the trees.

"Lilypatch," Poppyheart meowed. She sounded far away, as if she were in a tunnel on the other side. I turned toward the tortoiseshell she-cat, my eyes still forward for a mere heartbeat. "Yeah?" I mewed. 

The medicine cat gave me a strange look and then gestured with her tail to follow. "Focus, this is a dangerous time and if you keep day dreaming like that, you're going to run into some major problems ahead of time." She reminded me. 

"The heat makes me feel relaxed and warm. When I'm this warm, I tend to get sleepy and I loose track easier." I mumbled, giving my chest a few embarrassed licks. Poppyheart didn't reply. Her tail swung to and fro as she took each step, dragging in the dead leaves and undergrowth. A trail started to show up as her tail became heavier. Mine did too as the weather turned hotter.

"Here." Poppyheart mewed after a while, trotting toward a small patch of long narrow leaves with lavender-colored head stalks. She sounded out of breath as she spoke. "That's odd, I thought I'd see more than this. I haven't seen anymore around and there are barely any here," Poppyheart mumbled, her eyes narrowed. 

Sighing, she nipped a bundle out of the ground and dropped it at my paws. "Make the best of it and grab as much as you can." She called over her shoulder, trotting off east. "Where are you going?" I meowed. 

Glancing briefly over her shoulder, she responded, "I spotted dock and bindweed. Dock will help everyones' pads heal after all of the trekking. Bindweed will help keep the rush in place." 

As the medicine cat hurried away, I filled my jaws with the tall, sweet-smelling plant. I turned to follow her when the all-too-familiar sound of groaning echoed from where she had headed. 


East - right
West - left (in case you didn't know)

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