Chapter 28 - Heatherleg's P.O.V.

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I set down Sunkit to be examined by the tom. He sniffed her over and then started on me. "You don't look like her mother," He stated with the flick of an ear. I nodded and swallowed a purr. "I'm not. Ambersun, her real mother, was my best friend. I vowed to keep a close eye on her until the day I died." I replied. 

He dipped his head and gestured to the growing amount of cats at the edge of the island. I grabbed Sunkit. "Name?" He mewed before I left. Sunkit chirped up, "I'm Sunkit from DarkClan!" His eyes filled with warmth but didn't reply. "Heatherleg, once a warrior in DarkClan." I dipped my head to him and he returned it. I padded off.

Redfur sat under a low hanging branch with Sootkit. The small tom chased a leaf that skidded away with the wind. I sat down beside him and put Sunkit onto the ground. Sootkit stumbled over and Sunkit chased him. Lighteningice and Stormkit finally made their way toward us. She set down her kit before she was even a tail-length away to let him join in on the play fight. He tore away and pounced on his brother with a yowl.

After what seemed to be only a few short heartbeats, the white tom spoke up. 

"It seems you all are clean," He glanced around at our group and nodded. "I am Blackstar, one of the three remaining leaders the Clans. One left with a group of our old warriors in hopes to survive better. This is Crowfeather-" He gestured to the sleek black tom with the harsh blue eyes. "Squirrelflight," Then to the orange she-cat that Squirreltail had gotten along so well with. "Thornclaw and Reedwhisker." Blackstar gestured to the brown tom and then to the other black tom.

"We do welcome you and wish you the best of luck here. I am glad you came here and offered to help in exchange for shelter." Blackstar informed us, dipping his broad head to us. 

Blackstar led the way away with our group behind him. Blazefang limped to the front to pad beside his leader. Squirrelflight, Reedwhisker, Thornclaw, and Crowfeather stayed behind. 

With Sunkit grasped in my jaws and my eyes heavy, we crossed the tree-bridge and came into the camp. Thorns, bracken, and dead trees lined the island. I expected more cats, but there were surprisingly not as many. 

Blazefang turned to Poppyheart and Lilypatch, "I told you they were scattered. Not many decided to stay with us - like Blackstar said - in hopes to accomplish a land without flesh-eaters." I kept my head down. My pelt burned as looks flashed our way. The unknown cats stared for longer than I expected.

Blackstar stood in the center and raised his voice, "These are newcomers from behind ShadowClans old territory. They've come from SpiritClan, LightClan, and DarkClan." Blackstar turned to me. "I noticed you and Sunkit are the last from DarkClan." Then turned to Poppyheart, "And you're the last from SpiritClan, I see?" We both nodded. I dropped Sunkit gently and she huddled into my stomach.

"We lost Reedstar to the gorge at the edge of LightClan's territory. He was bat-crazy anyway." Poppyheart sighed. Mudpaw let out a hiss at the mention of Reedstar. Hackles raised and eyes to a slit, he growled through clenched teeth, "He killed Snowpaw! She was my best friend and he threw her to the flesh-eaters!"

Blackstar's eyes widened and took a moment to reply. "So, I assume no one misses him?" The muscular tom mewed and we all shook our heads. "All he wanted was power," Redfur spat.

"Crystalstar was LightClan's leader and Redfur is LightClan's medicine cat. Our leader didn't survive the first day. Cloudjaw was SpiritClan's deputy, and he recently died saving Blazefang." Lilypatch sighed. Blackstar nodded. "What about DarkClan's deputy, medicine cat and leader?" Blackstar asked me. 

Swallowing nervously, I took a step forward and explained, "Leopardstar was her name. She... went insane. We think she was half-infected a few days before we came here. Darkheart was our deputy. He was the first to become infected in the Clans and killed most of our Clanmates... He confessed to travelling to Twolegplace and getting bitten. Then there was Pebblefur, the medicine cat. Her and her apprentice Timberpaw were killed the first day as well." I stared off into the distance. It felt like a thorn was jabbing my heart at the reminder that DarkClan would never be the same, nor the other two Clans. We took everything we had for granted... We may have thanked StarClan for our fresh-kill and warm seasons, but it was never enough. Now we have nothing but the few of us left.

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