Chapter 39 - Heatherleg's + Blood's P.O.V.

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Feb 17th, 2018: Bare with me. The plot is changing and will be confusing if you read past this! I'm working hard to create a new ending! Thanks for your patience!


I splashed out of the water in fear that something was going to grab at my legs. Sunkit was still grasped in my jaws and as I crawled onto shore, anxiety prickled under my pelt when she didn't start panting right away. Within moments, though, she began to splutter. I thought I told her to close her mouth and hold her breath?

As I scanned the ground near the old ShadowClan territory we came from, I noticed there were no familiar cats around. Sunkit wriggled in my jaws, "Let me down! I can't stand being held like this as if I'm still a moon old!" Sighing, I let her drop to the ground. "Stay near me." I muttered, padding toward the sound of rushing water. Maybe there are cats near the river... Being alone with only a small kit wasn't something I was looking forward to. 

Following the shoreline near the thick pine trees, I aimed for the small Twoleg den. Sunkit trekked close beside me. Birds took off with frightened calls as a sudden yowl came from just beyond the small Twoleg den. I spotted the slender shape of Ivypool's white-and-silver pelt from under a couple of trees beside the Twoleg den. "Come on, we have to help!" Grabbing Sunkit by the scruff again, I took off as fast as I could to help the she-cat. 

By the time I got to the patch of even grass that the den was on, Ivypool was seemingly giving up. Two hungry flesh-eaters snarled at her. Her hind leg was twisted at an awkward angle, and I realized she must have fallen from the tree she stood under. Ivypool was backed into the tree with her lip curled in a nasty snarl. Though she hid it well, I could briefly see the dread glistening in her eyes. 

"Stay here, Sunkit! And don't move until I say!" I hissed, dropping her into a bush. Taking off, I bounded toward the two flesh-eaters as they closed in on the warrior. With a heroic leap, I landed on the back of the one closest to me and clawed at its face. It let out a shocked shriek and whipped around, trying to snap at my legs. With one swift movement, I snapped its neck and let it collapse under me. Though it's jaws continued to chomp at me, its body could no longer move. When I turned back to face the other one, Ivypool had already started to claw at it but her swipes were weakening.

Charging, I threw myself at the torn up cat and shoved it to the ground. "Come on, let's go!" I puffed, nudging her away before turning toward the bush where Sunkit was hiding. I could see her golden muzzle peeking out of the leaves. "Sunkit, follow me!" At my call, she dashed out as fast as she could and hurried past Ivypool and I. 

"I would never say this unless I meant it, but... Thank you." Ivypool murmured as she leaned on me for support. Sunkit kept running with an occasional glance over her shoulder to make sure I was still there. "Don't mention it." I replied solemnly. Taking a peek behind me, my heart lurched as the flesh-eater I had knocked down was already coming for us again. 

Ivypool noticed the flesh-eater and tried to hurry her pace. "Take your time, flesh-eaters aren't very fast," I reassured her. Her dark blue eyes were glossy with pain but she refused to stop speeding up. 

The flesh-eater didn't give up and even as Ivypool managed to keep up a good speed, I realized it slowly was gaining on us. "Keep going, I'm going to have to kill it or it will catch our tails." I sighed, leaving Ivypool to limp on her own. 

Turning to face the ugly monster, I let out a snarl and unsheathed my claws. I sprinted toward it and sprung onto its back. It collapsed under my weight just like the other did and a sickening snap sent chills down my spine as one of its legs fractured. Deciding that was enough to slow it down, I hurried back to Ivypool's side with a brief peek over my shoulder. To my relief, the flesh-eater had barely moved a tail-length by the time I had reached the injured warrior. 

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