Chapter 34 - Lighteningice's P.O.V.

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Carefully, I slid out of the makeshift nest that Sootkit and Stormkit lay curled up with each other. Ebonykit lay with his chin on the edge of the nest, snoring softly. None of them stirred. Sunkit was still awake, padding around and looking up at the darkening sky. Though she was getting older, it still worried me that no one was paying attention to her.

"Sunkit!" I hissed as I padded toward her. The golden she-kit whipped around to see who had called to her. "You should be settling down. You can sleep in my nest tonight." Sunkit gazed up at me and even though she looked as if she wanted to argue, she sighed and nodded.

Pausing beside the nest, Sunkit frowned. "How come Heatherleg doesn't spend any time with me anymore?" She mewed, her jaw stretching wide in a yawn. Giving the kit a reassuring look, I licked her cheek. "Heatherleg has many duties like the rest of the Clan cats. When she has time to play, I'm sure she will!" I grasped her by the scruff and lifted her into the nest where she plopped down in between my two tom-kits and Ebonykit.

Sunkit opened her mouth to continue and stood up, but I pushed her back down and shook my head, "Heatherleg will be here when you wake. The sun will be down before long and I don't want to hear another peep from you." I ordered softly. Sunkit rolled her eyes but listened. She circled around in the nest and before long, she curled up and tucked her tail over her nose.

The growing kit gave out a tiny sigh as her eyes closed. Good, I need to grab something to eat before I starve to death!

I heard a faint snapping sound come from just the trees. My heart began to race. It could just be a squirrel or a bird. Don't frighten yourself! Quietly, I sighed and trekked toward the fresh-kill pile. Just as I began to nose through the mouth-watering prey, the sound of heavy paws hitting the ground made my freeze. The fur along my spine spiked up as fear crept throughout my body. That didn't sound like a squirrel...

Bracing myself, I glanced over my should only to realize it was Heatherleg and everyone else that was on the dead-island, including the guards. My heart started to calm.

"You scared me out of my fur!" I panted as Lilypatch lead the way in.

She let out a purr, "Oops, sorry!" Lilypatch hurried in beside me and snatched a fat dove and I narrowed my eyes at her as jealousy washed over me.

"Are you going to finish that?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

Lilypatch flicked her tail. "I haven't even had a bite yet..." She responded.

I was going to pick that. Annoyance pricked under my pelt, but I fought back the retort. I watched her head off to a spot under the shade of a branch with a grim look on my face.

Turning around, I sniffed through the fresh-kill like again. The only piece that looked good enough to satisfy my hunger was a starling. And with that, I headed off to sit a few tail-lengths away from the nest that the four kits were sleeping in. I crouched down and dug in. 

By the time I had finished eating the starling, the moon was up fully. Bright stars were speckling throughout the navy blue sky. If only there wasn't a thing to worry about... I would have sprawled out and watched the stars blink until I fell asleep. My heart suddenly ached. Nothing will ever be okay...

A sudden mew from the other side of camp made my muzzle snap up. "Lighteningice, I'm going out to hunt with Heatherleg, Dovewing, and Mintfur. We'll be back before dawn." Lilypatch murmured and at the sound of their names, Dovewing, Mintfur, and Heatherlegs' heads turned toward Lilypatch. None of them protested as Lilypatch explained to the exhausted ShadowClan leader that she was taking out the patrol. I watched silently as Lilypatch lead the way out of camp and into the dying world beyond.

As soon as they left, the camp went quiet. An eerie silence that made me feel less than peaceful. Within moments, I could feel eyes burning through my pelt. Swallowing, I glanced around the camp. None of the warriors were watching me. From beneath the shade of a pine tree, Blackstar fluffed out his fur. Even though most of his Clan and the remainder of our own Clan was asleep, he decided through a yawn, "I'm going to call it a night, everyone. No one is to go onto dead-island, Ivypool I want you to wait on the tree-bridge until Mothwing and Poppyheart are done. Keep an eye on the camp as well as the medicine cats."

Stretching, the large white tom kneaded at a patch of grass until he was comfortable and proceeded to lay. I have two questions for that leader... Why was his name 'Black' when he is almost completely white? Maybe it was Blacksoul or Blackfoot or Blackear. It would make sense then. But how could he just go to sleep? How could any of the leaders go to sleep? A murderer is out on the loose and he put one scrawny she-cat on guard!

I looked around the camp as everyone settled down. Cats huddled together, quiet mumbles echoing through the island as they shared tongues before they went to sleep. Ivypool trotted away with her ears flat to her head. Hopping onto the tree-bridge lightly, she sat at the entrance with her ears perked. My stomach twisted as my eyes rested on the four tiny bundles. I have to guard the three kits... I would never forgive myself if they were killed while I slept beside them!

I sat in the quiet with my tail wrapped around my paws. The wind tugged at my pelt, sending a shiver down my back. The only sounds were the far away groaning from flesh-eaters, the soft snoring coming from a few warriors, and the hushed mumbles of Mothwing and Poppyheart as they discussed something.

A sudden snap echoed from the barrier that lined the camp again. Jolting, I nearly jumped out of my skin. My heart began to beat fast and I found myself scanning beyond the barrier. As far as I could tell, there was nothing. Instincts told me to turned around to see if something was behind me, but there was nothing.

I gulped. Something isn't right... Out of the blue, the wind stopped and everything stood still. A sudden sharp pain pulsed through me as I felt my neck slice open. I let out a yelp, jumping in front of the kits. Blood dripped to the ground, a warm liquid seeping through my white pelt. My stomach churned with dread.

My gaze traveled to the side. A dark tom with black eyes stood crouched down beside me, a smirk spread across his menacing face. His yellow teeth glinted in the moonlight. The toms claws were unsheathed, ready to strike.

He stood up straight and I realized the little weasel was almost double my size. I opened my mouth to scream, but he clamped my mouth shut. He unsheathed his claws again and shoved his long, thorn-like claws into the wound. A muffled sound of my scream came as my sight went fuzzy and my mind went blank except for one thing that left a pang into my heart as I gave my last breath: My kits... I was supposed to protect my kits...

Without realizing it, I had collapsed to my side. Through my darkening eyes, I helplessly watched the tom grab Ebonykit and hurry off out of the camp.

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