The mirror started to work it's magic but the sight wasn't what I was expecting. Yugi was out in a park, even though he was knocked out when I last saw him. "Yugi! Stop running!" someone yelled and when I noticed it, it was Tea running to him. "Please Yugi you need help, it will take a long time for them to heal on their own," she said and stopped near him.
"If I have said it before I'm saying it now. They will heal on their own so I don't need help Tea, you might as well leave me alone," Yugi said and got up from where he was sitting. He tired to walk away but with his injures he stumbled around. Tea tried to run to him, but her arm got grabbed from someone behind her.
"There is not point Tea, you won't get through that guys thick skull once he has made up his mind," Joey said and looked at Yugi. He was already up on his feet again and walking away. Tea and Joey just looked at what was once their happy and go lucky friend. Where ever that guy was that was going to take over me, he needs to hurry up so I can go and save him!
He got to the road and in one of the cars, someone stopped near him. "Well well if it isn't Yugi. I haven't seen you in forever. How has Joey and the rest been?" she said and it was Mai, but Yugi took no notice of her. "Hey don't just ignore me Yugi! Ughh you have the same attitude as Atem!"she yelled and Yugi stopped in his tracks.
"Don' dare..."he began to shake and clenched his fists. "Don't you dare bring up Yami!" he yelled and ran off. The mirror stopped showing me Yugi and all was left was my tears. He is a total different person and...was it because of me leaving?
"Mirror! Show me Yugi Muto!" I yelled and mirror started to show me him again. He was back at the game shop and in his room. He was holding the box that contained the millennium puzzle pieces . What is he doing? That box should be empty but I guess that's the only thing that was allowed to remain there.
"Yami, it's not's me. Ever since that one shadow game after you left...I lost it. I was 100 life points from losing and the final blow was about to hit me that's when Tristan...he saved me by taking it and he lost. I don't know what happened after, I passed out but when I awoke I had won."
He kept his head low and I could see him starting to cry and there's nothing I can do. He punched the table and the box shook, making a sound like something was inside. "Wait there shouldn't be anything in here?" Yugi said out loud and pressed the eye to open it. We were both shocked to see what was inside. It was all the pieces of the puzzle!
Yugi went to grab a piece but stopped before he touched it. "No...Yami is gone and he is never coming back...this is someones version of a sick joke!" he yelled and stepped away from the box. How can the pieces be there when his puzzle disappeared and mine is right here. He shut the box and lay on his bed, curled up in his covers crying his eyes out.
*A little time skip...*
It was a good few hours before he finally got up and returned to the box. He opened it again and grabbed the middle piece. "I might as well try this...might pass the time," he said and sat down on his bed with the box at his side. He sat for ages trying the puzzle again but he only got half down until his grandpa entered the room.
"Here Yugi I have some food for you. Wait is that the puzzle?!" he yelled and Yugi nodded, not lifting his head and his eyes on the puzzle. His grandpa put the tray he was carrying down next o Yugi then left but not before looking back one more time with worry in his eye for his grandson.
"I'm going to finish this, I know I am,"he mumbled to himself and kept going until he almost finished. He had to put in the final piece but was too tired and passed out, with the puzzle in his hand. It might be better off if he didn't finish it, not yet. Even when he does finish it and I return I won't return to the puzzle and I can't help him like I used to.
The mirror stopped showing me him and I heard a knock on the door. "Enter!" I said and my servant walked in with the right person I needed. "I see you finally got here. I am grateful you are doing this as it it helping me out," I said and we both left for the gods room. It is time finally for me to return to Yugi and see him once again. Once we arrived at the doors I didn't have time to knock before one of the gods dragged us in.
"Atem we can sense his power from outside and there is no need for him to prove his strength to us. We can send you to little Yugi's world whenever you are ready," he said and I couldn't be more happy.
"My lord, it seems like little Yugi has awoken,"one god said and the main god turned to what seemed like a bigger size mirror then the one I had. "Oh we are very sorry Atem we should of said that we were able to watch his every move as well as you and it looks like he is about to complete the puzzle," he said and we all watched as he put the final piece in.
Nothing happened as we expected bit something began to resonate in my body. It is the same feeling that I got when Yugi first completed the puzzle. "Now! Yami return that world that you once called 'home' and serve as it's and Yugi's guardian!" the main god said and I felt all my powers leave me as I passed out. Yugi... it won't be long until I see you once again.

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...