I'm here

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Finally a morning to were I haven't felt like crap. Noticing  Yugi  was still next to me, has never made me so happy. I wonder what it will feel like to ki- wait why the hell am I thinking this now!I have seen him sleep before but now...since we are two different people my heart can't take this. I have to do what any normal person would do and leave. I sat up as quite as I could and tried to move off the bed but felt something on my wrist.

"Please...Yami don't leave..."Yugi mumbled and my face was starting to turn crimson. No he is not awake...is he? Looking over and opening one of my eyes, I saw that he was still asleep. Wait, what is that around his wrist? It looks like he has marks, maybe from the duek dusk? Pushing the thought aside because I was worried were my brain was going.

He might be having another dream about me... It sounds like the time I was passing on... It might not be clever for me to stay with my heart like this...

Slipping out of his grip, I left the room and went downstairs and saw Yugi's grandpa, Joey and Tea. "Yami your awake! I'm glad that your okay. Is Yugi still up there?"Joey asked and everyone turned their attention to me. Tea looked stright at me and it felt like she was staring into my soul.

"Yeah Yugi fell asleep along side me and he still out of it,"I said and Joey and grandpa laughed but Tea didn't look happy. What is up with her? Maybe I did someth- wait. She still likes Yugi! How could I forget about that! What does this mean for Yugi?  What does this mean for me? I don't want to give up on my precious Aibou, but to upset Tea would also be sad.

She then stood up and walked over to me, keeping her head low to the ground. Before I knew it Tea lifted up her hand smacked me, making me stumble into the wall behind me. "How dare you! Disappearing after all this time and now you think you can just walk right back into our life! Have you even seen him in pain! Just take a look at his wrist then you will understand... I had to stop him from going deeper..."she cried and ran out. Joey went to chase her but grandpa stopped him.

"We need to explain Joey...Yami please take a seat here and I'll tell you everything..."grandpa said and I did as he asked. After what I saw this morning on Yugi... and what Tea has said makes me fear the worst. "You see...Once you left Yugi started to go into a phase of depression but we were able to help him. It got worse when Tristan disappeared and that's when he started to...started to..."he said but he then broke down.

"He stared to hurt himself  Yami..."Joey continued and started to rub grandpa's back. He started to...do that? How the hell did they let that happen? " It was Tea who walked in on him as he was doing it and stopped him... now one of us has to watch him 24/7. We are lucky he hasn't disappeared from our sight because Ra I'm terrified of what he will do..."Joey cried and I was on the break on tiers.

I made him sink into depression... If I just would of found a way for me to stay... I need to see him, I need to let him know that I'll never leave him again. I started to head to Yugi's room and I heard Joey trying to yell for me. I can't let this stand...

I got into my room and he was awake, siting up in the bed. "Hey Yami are feeling better? Has your fever gone down?"he asked and I sat down with him. He held an hand to my head and his other hand on his own. "Hmm seems like it is down but you feel warm,"he said as I started to feel warm next to him.

"Yugi...I'm so so sorry..." I mumbled and he came closer. I'm guessing he couldn't hear me...I couldn't stand of what I have caused him to do and I brought him into a hug. "I never wanted to hurt you... I care too deeply for you and want nothing but the best... please never hurt yourself again,"I cried and he must of knew by now.

"I wasn't... I never...I'm sorry Yami, I promise I'll change but please...don't tell anyone else..."he mumbled and tightened his grip on me. Glancing at his face I could of swore I saw a slight smile appear on his face.

"I'll never let anyone know...I promise but you need to promise me something in return,"I said and brought him from my side. His face was riddled with confusion, but he had a slight blush. I did as well not noticing the distance between us was very small. "Promise me...that you'll...never leav- do something dangerous on your own!"I stumbled and turned from him. I can't believe I almost blurted that out!!

My face must of matched a strawberry and I felt so embarrassed. Only he can make me feel this, only he had a special place in my heart. "He giggled at my shyness and nodded his head. "Yeah I promise, but don't always be like this or I won't see my old Yami,"he said and his face matched mine. He lay back down and dragged me with him. "I'm still sleepy, join me and let's sleep some more,"he said and smiled brightly at me.

This is the old Yugi talking to me, the old Yugi I feel in love with. But no matter what, this is my Yugi. No matter what happens to him, even if he turned evil, I'll never stop loving him. We feel asleep in each others arms and this reminded me, we have never been able to do this. Someone pinch me and make sure I'm not dreaming...

I hope this chapter brought a smile to your guys dayI just wanna thank everyone for reading and hope you all are enjoying this story!!

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