Change of pace...

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I must of broke a sound barrier due to how fast I was going. No matter what I needed to get back to Yugi. He might be the next target and if he gets cought me heart won't take it. Yugi I'm coming just wait for me!!


And now for something new....Yugi's POV!

"So how long are you going to stay here Yugi?" I heard but didn't pay too much attention. The choice I had to make is the most difficult I return to everyone or do I leave parents. They had been sitting with me the whole time I had been in this darkness and have never left my side once. I was able to see what was happening in the hospital room...

Everything my grandpa did, everything my friends did...everything that Yami did. When that doctor Dawn tried to steal his heart he pushed her aside and said...he liked me. I knew this because of what he did back in the warehouse and also that he has been trying to me help return back to my body.

"Yugi soon enough your body will be too weak to even need to decide to what you want to do," a male said and held a hand out to help me up. My mum had been just helping me through this whole thing and my dad had been trying to get me to return. But they also told me that if I return to the others...I won't see them until my time comes.

I could see everyone just sitting around my body and there was no sign from Yami and Kaiba...I'm getting worried about them... 

Just as I thought this Yami stormed through the door, out of breath and was sweating a lot. "Yami what  happened! Where's Kaiba?" Tea asked and went to go over to him. He bypassed her and and went straight for my body.

"Tea I'm sorry but has anyone came by? Near the door or anywhere?" he asked and he looked back at her. She shook her head and he slightly sighed. "As for Kaiba...he got taken as well..." He mumbled and the whole room went silent. Both Joey and Kaiba are gone? But who is doing this! I know Tristan would never do such thing! Mokuba started to cry in Tea's arm while everyone else went quite.

"Thank you for telling us Yami...I think I'll take Mokuba to a hotel near by and we'll come visit tomorrow," Tea said and waved everyone goodbye,taking Mokuba away with her. The room was quite for some time and Yami never left my body once. I can feel the sadness from him...and it's killing me.

"Hey Yami we're gonna go to. I'll take Serenity to her house," Duke said and Yami nodded at them, but he never turned to them. They left my room and then there was only Yami left with me. I could see his eye begin to shut and thought about how much he has been running around for everyone. Hang in there Yami...

Now we go back to Yami's eyes.

I don't really want to sleep, but my body is screaming at me to rest. Soon enough I gave in to sleep and stayed leaning against Yugi's bed. I must of slept for a few hours until my phone went off in my pocket. Slowly getting it and swiping it, the brightness blinding me for a second. Duke had messaged me and also with a text from Tea. I decided to open Duke's one first and it read...

'Hey bro just wanted to check in and make sure everything is alright at the hospital. I've just got back from Serenity's house and she really misses Joey but also Tristan...I hope we can get them back soon...'

I'm glad to hear that their ok, but Serenity really misses her brother... I don't blame her, he is the only family she has left. I replied to Duke's message and turned to Tea's message which read...

'Hey Yami, just wanted to see how your holding up. I only just got Mokuba to sleep and he hasn't stop crying about Kaiba. I'm really worried and I'm not to sure how to cheer him up. I just keep telling him that we'll find him and I think that helped a little. We'll all go out tomorrow and try and find them so that weight isn't all on your shoulders!'

Her text made me smile a little but the part of us all going out and looking...I can't follow through with it. I need to stay with Yugi at all cost and unless it was big trouble. I just texted her back a smile and left it at that. Grabbing the remote for the t.v I turned on the t.v and the Channel it was on was the news channel.

"Breaking news from the Neon hotel. An intruder has broken in and has destroyed a lot of the room, injuring some of the residents," they said and my face paled. That's- that's the hotel that Tea said she and Mokuba were staying at! Acting on instant I pushed the button to call a doctor to the room and it was Dawn. Why is it always her...

"Dawn I need you to stay here with Yugi until I get back!" I yelled and ran out. The hotel was only a few minutes from the hospital so it took no time at all to get there. The place was covered in doctors and a lot of people surrounded the scene. Looking around I finally spotted Tea and she was crying to herself. I called her and when she clogged me, she ran up to me and hugged me.

"Y-Yami...h-hes g-gone..."she cried and tighten her grip on me, leaning on me for support.

"Who's gone! Where's Mokuba?" I asked and looked around not spotting him. Maybe he was the one that got away and called the police?

"T-that's the p-point. Mokuba is gone! Tristan came by and took him!" she yelled and collapsed on the floor taking me with her. That's what he meant by the small one...he was after Mokuba! But why him? Is it to get at Kaiba?

MWHAHAHA I bet you guys thought he was after Yugi. Aha that's not until later my friends. Anyway I hope you enjoyed looking through Yugi as he is fighting himself. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this and want to see through Yugi's eye more. SEE YA NEXT TIME!!! FYI i just made up the name neon hotel...don't know if it's a real place

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