My whole body screamed as I dived in after him, the water once again taking a toll in my body. I had to open my eyes to try and see where he was, but the pain from the shocked water is murdering me. I searched around trying to find him until I felt something. Not thinking I pulled it up and we both reached the surface.
Pulling him over the edge was the first thing I did then I joined him on the ground, shaking from the pain. I glanced over to him and noticed...he wasn't breathing. Oh god...oh no...
Fear started to sink in as I crawled over to him and checked for a pulse. Nothing was there...No h-he can't be gone! I tried to sit up...but someone forced me down. But this touch was gentle...
"I don't think Yugi would appreciate it if you keep hurting yourself Yami,"someone said and I knew the voice all too well. Glancing up I saw Solomon hovering over me, showing a gentle smile. "Thank you for taking care of Yugi."
"So-Solomon, go u-up to the p-panel and cover the p-pool," I muttered and Solomon did as I asked. Panic was starting to set in and I didn't know what to because my best friend, my crush was in front of me and there might not be a chance to save him. Solomon joined me at my side as did Joey and Kaiba.
Joey put Kaiba down and leaned down to me. He reached in and grabbed something from my pocket. "Since it's your phone you better call the ambulance and tell them..." he mumbled and grabbed my hand and put my phone in it. He was right...I needed to do this.
"Hello Domino City hospital what is your emergency?" I heard and told them everything that had happened. My tiers had once again threaten to rain down and I had to use every last inch of my strength to fight them back. "And sir would you mind telling me your name?" the person on the end asked and I started to go woozy.
"S...sure my n-name i-is..." I mumbled and then vision went black. I heard everyone trying to wake me up and were trying to shake me but nothing was working.
What is this? Darkness surrounds me and my whole body is freezing! Looking around I couldn't see anything and everyone had disappeared. Yugi! Oh god no where is he?! Yugi was the only one on my mind as he was in such a state when I last saw him and if anything has happened to him! I...dunno what I would do.
"Old friend it's nice to see you again... I only wish that our situation was different," someone said and made me flip around to see him. Anger flared inside of me seeing who was in front of me and for what he has caused... I ran towards him and went to punch him but he disappeared and re-appeared behind me holding my arms up. "Just please let me explain!"
I shook him off and he actually looked like he wanted to talk, I don't even want to be standing near him. "Fine start talking before I rip your throat out...Tristan..."I said and spat at the thought of even mentioning his name. Yugi is fighting for his life and I'm forced to talk to this idiot! I will never forgive him...even if this IS the real Tristan.
"After I manged to save Yugi from his shadow game I was whisked away to a realm like this, cold and lonely. After I was left to my thoughts...I was slowing losing my spirit and something reached out to me. Said that they would protect me and help me with my problems. I didn't think twice but accepted their offer and well...ever since then I haven't been in-control of myself. Please believe me when I say I never wanted th-"
"Well maybe you should've thought twice huh?! Yugi could be dead for all I know and I'm here wasting my time when I should be by his side!"I yelled and had to take a breath. This is the real Tristan talking and Yugi would hate it if I held such hatred to him. "I'm sorry Tristan...but with what has happened to Yugi it'll take some time for me to forgive you..."
"Hey I don't blame you dude. Judging by how angry you are, you and him must be going out, correct?" he asked and my face was going bright red. I didn't know how to answer this...wait we weren't even going out! What's with my brain!
"U-um I think our relationship is none of anyone's concern. Anyway do you know how I get outta here?" I asked and manged to settle my face. He looked down and waved me over. Taking a step with care, I stared at what he was pointed at and it was a warp hole. It showed me Yugi...laying in a hospital bed with a lot of nurses around him. "No Yugi!"
A lot of doctors were running around with different types of equipment and some where taking tests. I tired to reach for him but Tristan grabbed it and shook his head. I felt tiers rolling down my face as I was forced to watch him struggle for his life. "No we're losing him! We need to give him the shot! It's his only chance!"
"But sir, by looking at his body and jue to the conditions his body might collapse on him!"another yelled looking complete shocked.
"We have no choice! We are not losing him and letting him lose on his entire life!"the main doctor yelled and his partner ran and got an injection. He then put it in Yugi's arm and the warp hole was getting smaller...
"No Tristan keep it open! I yelled and glanced up at him. He shook his head and the tiers came down faster. I took a finale glance at the monitor before hearing a finale buzz...The hole disappeared and my heart sunk...
Alright PLEASE DON'T KILL ME BUT THINGS WILL CHANGE IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!! On a positive side...WE HIT 300 READSSSS. This is insane. I never expected this would ever happen and I just wanna say a MASSIVE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! The only thing I hope is that you guys are enjoying this. Ok Imma off now enjoy!!

It's Too Hard...
FanficYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...