Thinking of a plan...

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It didn't take long for Bakura to get the house Marik and the others had brought me and Yugi to. Once he got in, his eyes were drawn to me and Yugi and he took a few steps back. "W-what's going on here!? Yugi?"he asked and backed up. Yugi begun to laugh at him and walked to him.

"Aha I guess Marik never explained this. As you can see me and Yami are not one person!"Yugi told him and Bakura still didn't look convinced. "I guess you might think that he is a ghost, here I'll show ya!" Yugi then walked over to me and stood up to my ear and whispered "Forgive for this..."

He turn reached for my arm and then pinched it. "Hey! Yugi! Don't use me to show something!" I yelled as he laughed at me. Bakura finally believed us and he agreed to help out and we all filled him in.

 "To me it sounds like a millennium item is involved...but since he came from the shadow realm the only thing it could be is a demon possession," Bakura said and Marik nodded. But when I was talking to Tristan he said he LET the thing take over, so how do we get it to either leave him or switch hosts?

Night time soon enough came and Bakura stayed the night. "Yami, I don't really have a lot of space and the only free room has a double bed. I'm sure YOU won't mind," Marik said and winked at me, leaving my face to turn red. "Odion can you help Yugi through to his room? First I want to talk to Phar-Yami," he said and Odion helped Yugi.

Marik leaned against the wall and just looked at me. "So Yami, I guess the gods let you stay here? That's good for Yugi as he missed you the most." he said and I nodded. "You do know there might not be a way to save Tristan's soul..."

"I am aware of the Marik, but for Yugi's sake I will not give up. He already blames himself for what has happened and if that truly is the case...I'm afraid it might screw his mind up...." I said and his face dropped.

"Has he been that unstable? Man that really blows. I'm guessing you have been helping him all this time?" he asked. 

"I guess you could say that. At first he didn't believe that I was real. Also we had a massive fight just before you guys shown up but we're good now. He has been cheering up a lot that I've seen but he's still broken."

I could hear Yugi calling for me through the other room and Marik laughed. "Better hurry and not keep him waiting, he'll get grumpy at you," he said and I was already on my way to the room. Yugi was waiting on the bed and slowly got up. 

"What did Marik want to talk about?" Yugi asked and I shook my head. Marik had laid out extra clothes for me to change in for bed and some for Yugi in the morning since he was in his was in his hospital clothes. Once I got changed I joined Yugi in the bed but he didn't look happy. "Yaaaammii! Tell me what you guys talked about!"

"Why do you want to know so bad Aibou? Your so curious,"I said and ruffled his hair. He giggled and cuddled right up to me. "You love to do this don't you?"

"Well...before you came I constantly was having nightmares. I didn't realise it but you have been with me ever since and I stopped having them. I'm sorry if I creep you out..."he said and tighten his grip on me. At this point I won't need the cover because having him like this, he's keeping me warm.

"Na it's fine you can do this...and if you want..."I trailed off because I was getting more embarrassed. "I don't mind if you want to do this every night..." He laughed at me and looked up so his eyes were locked with me.

"Yes! I would love that! Thank you Yami!" he squealed and I had to put a hand on his mouth. He was being a little bit too loud and if Marik or Bakura came in and saw us...they would tease us big time. "Heehee sorry."

"Alright you need to try and sleep, you need to rest more then me," I said and he nodded on my chest. Soon enough he drifted of to sleep and I didn't want to sleep. I dunno I just don't feel tired at all. The time passed by slowly and Yugi kept tossing and turning in his sleep. A knock came to the door and I manged to get out of Yugi's grip and opened the door to see Bakura.

"Hey sorry that it's late but can I talk to you?" He walked off to the living room and waited for me. Since I'm not sleeping I might as well. I slipped on some slippers and closed my door behind me. Walking in the living room Bakura was sitting on the couch. 

"So you can't sleep either?" he asked and I sat down next to him, nodding my head. "I've been like this for a while now. Becomes a pain after a few weeks but I have some things to ask regarding Yugi," he said and my smile disappeared.

"After hearing what has been going on, it does seem like something is going on within him. When you told me that when you first saw him he lost it in a duel. I hate to say this but if he isn't helped soon...we might lose him for good soon."

"Don't you think I know that? I've been trying to think of a way to help him myself and having you reminding me about this doesn't help," I growled but Bakura didn't look phased by me.

"I'm sorry but it's better to think now why we have time other then wait until hes on the edge," he said and he had a point. Giving up I agreed to talk with him and we ended talking through the night, trying to make up a plan to save both Tristan and Yugi

The cute scenes just keep on coming. Looks like Yugi and Yami will be sharing a bed for the rest of the time. Their relationship keeps on growing. Lets see what the heart of the cards have in store from them...NEXT CHAPTER!! sorry about the pun... 

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