I soon enough gained my vision and I wasn't in the hospital anymore. I was in a completely different place. "I'm glad to see your awake, the trip was kind of bumpy," someone said and I spun round to see who is was. "I just need to ask why are you here Pharaoh?"
Ishizu was standing at the door with a jug and a cloth. I tried to sit up my head stung as soon as I leaned up. "Easy my Pharaoh...You bumped your head when we were bring you here,"she said and sat down. She dipped the cloth in the jug and pulled it out, reliving that in the jug was just water.
"Wait where's Yugi!? Why am I here? Why are YOU here!? This doesn't make any sense.!"I yelled and my head started to hurt even more. She put the cloth on my head where the bump was and then she moved away.
"Don't worry little Yugi is here. We just have better equipment then the hospital to heal him. We couldn't just grab Yugi and leave you. You would of lost your mind if you couldn't find him," she said and got up from when I was sitting. "And what do you mean but not calling you Pharaoh?"
"It's just as I said. I have been dethroned and now I'm a normal human by the name of Yami," I said and got off the bed I was put on. "Now I don't care where we are, Where is Yugi?" I asked and she laughed, leaving the room. I followed her and she lead me into another room with two other people and someone lying on a bed. "Yugi!!"
I ran to him pushing aside the people near him and grabbed his hand. His eyes shot open when he saw me and showed a massive smile. "Hey Yami...glad your alright,"he said and tried to sit up. I met him halfway and he hugged me tightly. "I guess I was afraid for nothing."
I returned his hug but looked over my shoulder at who else was in the room. "Marik? Odion? What are you guys doing here?" I asked and sat down with Yugi, him still holding onto me. This doesn't make any sense but the only thing that matters...I have Yugi safe with me.
"Haha I guess things never change Yami, your feelings for Yugi are just as strong as before," Marik joked and my face went red. Yugi didn't move though, he just stayed in my arms. "Anyway we're here because something is wrong with this world, the shadow games are still going on."
We both gave each other information about what was going on or at least what we knew. Once everything got explained I finally asked the question I should of from the start. "Wait...why did you even kidnap us when you could of just came and spoke to us normal!?"
"Well you know of what is going on with your friend Tristan. If we tried to talk to you in the hospital then he might of found us easily, we have been hiding here for a long time." Odion said and walked out. To think I panicked so much...but can anyone blame me? Soon enough Marik and Ishizu left, leaving me and Yugi alone once again.
"Yugi...I'm sorry for how I reacted earlier. I didn't mean to explode like that. All I want..."I said and moved closer to him. "All I want is to keep you safe..."I said and I was inches away from his face. I could...but what would happen if I do...? I just pushed aside the thought and landed my head on his shoulder.
"Yami...You know you could of..."he mumbled and brought my face up to see him. His face was just as red as I was. "And don't worry about earlier. I wasn't thinking straight so let's forget about it. I don't want us to be mad at each other."
I nodded my head at him and he shown his biggest smile. We just froze, staring into each others eyes, our faces going crimson by the minute. We both moved together and closed the gap between us, locking our lips together. I was a bit shocked to see him moving in too...but that doesn't matter. Yugi put his arm around my neck and brought me closer to him.
"OHO are we interrupting something lovebirds!?" Marik yelled as he came back in. We pulled away from each other and all we could do was just laugh at each other, faces both crimson. "We have a plan to get your friends back but in order to do that we might need help from Bakura as well."
"Where even is Bakura? I haven't seen him in forever?" Yugi asked and Marik threw something at us. "What's this?"
"It a letter I have just got from Bakura. He has been going all around the world and has kept in touch with me. This is the latest letter he sent me."he said and sat on the bed next to me. Yugi opened the letter and we all read it.
'Hey Marik just another quick little letter to say I'M BACK IN DOMINO CITY!! It's been too long that I have been home and it feels weird. I have just got my phone back so here's my number. Call me whenever you want! Bakura'
"It might be best if you call him Marik, he'll be waiting for you and won't think of us. Besides he doesn't know that I'm back and me and Yugi are not one." I said and Marik nodded. He called Bakura and told him the whole thing. For what I heard he agreed to help us and said he'll be here soon. We're slowly getting somewhere...and me and Yugi are doing great...
DAWWWWW finally another cute moment between them. To be honest when I was thinking of who the hooded man was. I was thinking of either Pegasus or Bakura but then I thought I could bring in the others. A side note...WE HAVE HIT OVER 500 READS!!! Also I think this is the 30th part of this story. This is the longest story I have ever done. I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...