"Come on Yami...you can't just sit there. You are fighting your own battle as well," Tristan said beside me as I was laying down. I don't care...I don't know what has happened to Yugi and hearing the buzz...
"To be honest Tristan, until I see Yugi walking around I don't care about most things..." I said and kept my face hidden from him. To think Yugi might be badly hurt...that he is lying in the hospital bed because of me... I can't bear it if he is bound to that bed...
"THAT'S IT I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" Tristan yelled and grabbed my collar bringing me up to face him."Yugi would never forgive you if you just gave up on yourself! He has just got out of his depression and if you die, and he starts to think it's his fault he'll just go back into that state and HE MIGHT GET WORSE!"he yelled and punched me.
My face stung at where he just hit me and looking up he was crying. "It pains me seeing one of my friends suffer and seeing another...well that might just do me in."he said and sat down next to me. "In order to get outta here you need to know what you want, either to pass on and leave or stay and fight."
"Come on man that isn't even a question, I just want to be with Yugi and everyone else..."I said and felt tiers coming down again. I'm a huge mess...but hes right. I need to get back to reality and see everyone. "I've made my choice but Tristan, how the heck do we leave here?"
"Well I can't leave because my body is still in control of that thing... BUT I can get you out. Sorry about this pal,"he said and pulled out a knife. I tired to run...but my body wouldn't move but when I looked back Tristan had already stabbed me. "Please take care of him...I know things look bad, but your keeping him stable at the moment but he will change soon with time...Never leave him Yami he needs you..."
Slowly opening my eyes they stung with the brights lights around me. "Oh sir he is awake!" someone yelled and glancing over to try and see who it was, I couldn't see them. "We're very glad that your awake Mr Muto! You have been asleep for quite some time."
Muto? I guess they think I'm Yugi's brother... They helped me sit up and I was finally able to see. I was in a hospital and had at least three doctors around me. "You suffered quite a bit of a shock Mr Muto, you have been out for the past few days,"a female nurse said and she looked at her clipboard. "We have a report on...your brother if you want to have a read?"
I nodded my head and they gave me the board. It had a picture of Yugi smiling with his entire report. It said that his body was weak...he was hiding different scars all over his body and he had worse injures then me. But wait...I HEARD that buzz. I thought that was his heart failing so what the hell happened when I was out?!
"As for your younger brother he hasn't woken up since his injection. Later on today when you have more energy you can go see him if you want,"they said and left me alone. I...have never been so happy to hear hes ok! But we is still weak and needs all the support. The hours pasted by and I couldn't even get out of bed. This is so rubbish...
Running footsteps came from the halls and stopped outside of my room. The door swung open and Joey jumped in. "Dude I'm so glad your awake! Once I heard I ran straight here!" he yelled and jumped on me. He forgot about my injures and it stung when he landed,but seeing a friendly face is worth it. "We have already seen Yugi... it seems like he is getting a bit better..."
Wait us? Is he on about Solomon? Might be... Another person walked in and I was a bit shocked to see him in here. But since Joey is here I don't know why I'm surprised. "Short stuff is lucky that you came back or he would of not made it," Kaiba said and stood beside my bed.
"Well I would be happy if you stopped calling him short stuff Kaiba, he has a name," I said and he just laughed at me. They stayed with me for a few hours but something crossed my mind. "Wait where is Solomon anyway?" I asked.
"He has been with Yuge all this time, which reminds me the doctors said that you could go and see him. Want us to help ya?"Joey asked and helped me swing my legs over the bed. I accepted his offer and he and Kaiba helped me, throwing one of each of my arms around their shoulders. Two doctors ran in after they saw and brought up that maybe crutches would be better but I declined and they kept a close eye on me.
Walking through the hall we saw so many different people there with their own stories. A little kid was walking past me with his mom but stopped when he saw me. "Mommy mommy! Look at that mans hair!" he yelled and his mother shown a bright smile. She took him away and soon enough we found ourselves outside of Yugi's room and...for some reason I'm nervous to even walk in.
"Hey don't worry Yami, he would be thrilled to see you...we're gonna go see if Tristan has woken up," Joey said and slowly let go of me as well as Kaiba. They left me alone in front of his door and peering through I could see Solomon standing up and walking to me. He opened the door and I had to take a step back to let him out.
"Hello Yami my boy. It's nice to see you walking around and out of the bed. I take it your seeing Yugi?" he asked and I nodded. "Maybe he might wake up to you. If he does tell him I'll be waiting for him at the game shop," he said and walked of. Taking a deep breath I opened the door to see him...Yugi laying down and was hocked up to two different machines. Walking up to him I took his good hand in mine and fought back tiers.
"Aibou...it's me. I wanted to come and see how you were. I-I'm alright, like I still hurt...but I'm fighting like you should do..." I said and collapsed into the chair next to his bed. "Just...please...wake...up...soon..."I mumbled and gave up to how weak I was an how tired I was...
Yey Yami woke up!! And Tristan is also trying but can you guys forgive him for what he has done to the boys? Also Solomon is back and he's alright which is also good. The one question is when is Yugi gonna wake up? if he wakes up....ERRR SEE YA NEXT TIME!!!

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...