What do I do! If I stay with Yugi then the others are in danger but if I go to them then Yugi might get cought! And if he is taking off of the machines for too long as he hasn't waken up yet it might do extreme damage to him. I started to panic and Dawn looked at me in confusion. "I don't understand why you are so stressed out."
"It's because of that idiot that we are here! Hes the reason to why Yugi is in such a state!"I yelled and kept pacing. I needed to think of something fast! Grabbing my phone from my bag and skimmed through the numbers. I tried Joeys but his went straight to voice mail. I then tried Tea's and it was ringing.
"The number you have dailed can't take your call. Please leave a-" I shut off the phone and kept looking. If I can just get one person to come here and watch Yugi I can go off and help everyone else. Then a certain person came to mind and I could only try. I dailed his number and it rang for quite some time until...
"Who is this and why do you have my number." he asked and I have never been so glad to hear his grumpy voice.
"Kaiba I need you to listen good. Tristan is out of the hospital and they have no idea where he has gone. I need you to get here and send Joey to see if Solomon is alright. Yugi can't be left alone and if you get here I can run over to the shop."
"Why don't I just go with Joey and that means you can stay with Yugi? Wouldn't that be easier then all of this?"
He's right...but staying here with him will make it worse if something happens to anyone. "Fine we'll make a deal every half hour we change, I'll be with Yugi then you'll be with Yugi." He went silent on his end of the phone and I could of sworn I heard him sigh.
"Fine I'll start heading over there, Joey is already on his way but you better be ready to run as soon as I get there," he said and hung up. I could finally take a breath but I didn't stop moving. I couldn't because if I stop moving Kaiba will get here then I will stumble around and make myself look like a mess.
My mind is running all around and I can't think straight. What is Tristan planning? Who is he going after and what happened to him fighting against that thing inside him? Grrrrah I don't know I can't piece it together. The door went violently and Kaiba dived in out of breath.
"Alright I'm here so you better get your feet moving to the game shop! Your half an hour begins now," He said and I nodded. Finally I could get moving but maybe Dawn can help. I walked up to her and looked her dead in the eye.
"Dawn...if Tristan comes back here...please don't let him in..." I asked and ran out. The game shop was about 20 minutes away from the hospital so I had a long way to run. I just hope nothing has happened. While running I remembered Tea and Mukobua were near by so it wouldn't hurt to make sure nothing has happened to them.
I took a turn on a corner and got to their house, banging the door and prayed that they were in. The door unlocked and Tea opened it, but once she saw me she jumped straight into my arms. "Y-Yami...Tristan he- hes come back and tried to take Mukobua...he..."she cried and all I could do hug her.
Mukobua came from the living room and looked happy to see me. "Yugi...we're so glad to see that your ok. Where is my big brother?"
"Tea listen to me. I want you to take Mukobua and head to the hospital. There you'll find Kaiba and Yugi. Just tell the doctors your friends with me and your that your there to see Yugi," I said and brought her away from me. My eyes were shocked to what was in front of my eyes. Her whole house was trashed and there was even holes in the walls. He needs to pay for this...
Tea nodded and grabbed her wallet then left, leaving me to look at what was once her house... "Kurrie Kurrie!" I heard and looked around. Nothing was near me nor outside. Something then tapped my shoulder and I spun round to see...
"Kuribouh? What on earth are you doing here?" I asked and he started to dance around me. He must of creeped out with me. "Stay hidden my friend, there is a powerful foe near by," I said and he vanished after giving me one final hug.
A sharp pain shot through my back and I got a bad feeling. I need to hurry to Solomon! Taking off again and I finally got to the shop...but it as I feared. There were holes everywhere and also a lot of smoke was kicking around. I was too late... Jumping in I searched everywhere, hoping someone was hiding.
"Solomon! Joey! Is anybody here!" I yelled and waited for a reply. Nothing happened and I kept moving around the ruined shop. Something fell and I jumped at least three feet in the air. Someone was trapped under the rubble! Knelling down and throwing the pieces everywhere I finally got down to the person. It was Solomon.
I pulled him from under everything and sat him in my lap. Checking for his pulse, he had one which made me calm down a bit but where's Joey? "Y-Yami...he t-took him...he took J-Joey..."he mumbled and my face paled.
Joey is the first one to be taken...Solomon may be safe but will Tristan when Kaiba finds out what happened to Joey? Will he stay with Yugi or will he go out on a hunt? Stay tuned and hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!!

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...