Where are you?

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    Ugh my head is spinning. As soon as I woke up I was in the heart of Domino city, but I don't have any idea where I start. Which direction do I go in? Damn it's been that long I can't remember where the game shop is. A fountain was beside me and this was the perfect chance for me to see if I actually was Yami or still somehow the Pharaoh. Peaking over in fear I saw I was my old self. I was Yami with my black outfit. 

I have never been so happy to see this form and to be back near Yugi but the biggest question was, where are you Yugi? Where is the game shop? I started to wonder around and realized that it was night and I needed to find somewhere I could stay for tonight. If I was still a spirit I could solve this easily but I'm now a human and have to do this on my own.

"Hey dude watch out!!" I heard and turned to see someone heading towards me with a bike. Somehow I manged to move out of the way but the guy hit a tree near me. "Owww that's gonna like a mark. Yo are you ok there bud- Yuge?!"he said and I realized who it was.

"Joey you need to be more careful friend otherwise you will only hurt yourself,"I said and he jumped on me. I think he might think that I'm Yugi, I don't blame him we do like a lot alike.

"What the hell has been up with you lately. Tristan wouldn't be happy if he saw you like this and you have been hurting yourself inside as well. Don't lie to me Yuge I'm your best bud I know you better then anyone,"he said and backed up. He face was riddled with confusion and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry Joey but I'm not Yugi. I think you know who I am,"I said and it took a few seconds for him to figure what I mean, until he burst into tiers and latched himself onto me. 

"I-I can't believe it! Yami your back but how!? I mean we saw you pass on and there was no way for you to come back!" he yelled and kept crying on me. I patted his head and he eventually stooped and regained composure. "So are ya gonna tell me how yer back or am I going to be left in the dark?"

"I got permission from the gods and they allowed me to remain here if I was replaced as Pharaoh. That happened and now I'm here and I'm here to stay. I need help Joey can you help me find Yugi? I need to see him." I said and Joey's smiled dropped.

"I don't know if you know but he ain't the same Yugi he used to be. After you left a few months passed until someone came and challenged Yugi but they took him into the shadow realm. We were there with him and it turned around. Yugi was losing and when his life points were about to be hit, Tristan jumped in front of him and took the blast."

"Yugi lost himself and went nuts. He defeated the guy and sent him to the shadow realm but ever since then he hasn't been able to smile. When he duels as well he doesn't have the same attitude when you were with him, he has lost himself Yami..."he said and kept his head low. This might be worse then I thought and if I don't get to Yugi and help him soon, he'll lose himself completely.

"Well anyway it's too late to head to the game shop because you never know what type of goons are out at this time of night and I bet you haven't even eat yet have you Yami?" he asked and right on cue my stomach growled. Joey started to laugh and lead the way to his home. That's right, now that I'm human I have a lot of things to balance like sleep, food and water.

We got into Joey's and to my surprise Kaiba was sitting in the living room which confused me even more. "Excuse me for asking Joey but what is Kaiba doing in your home?" I asked and Joey started to laugh while Kaiba looked back and his face was in complete shock when he saw me.

"Yugi what are you doing here? I thought you would still be curled up in your bed," he said and got up. He looked at me and after a few minutes of him looking at me he finally spoke up. "No your not Yugi are you?"he asked and I shock my head.

"First answer me Kaiba, what are you doing here at Joey's house?" I asked and then Joey stepped in. He shock his head and mouthed 'I'll tell ya later pal'. He ended up making dinner for the three of us and showed me a room so that I could stay for the night. 

"Man I can't tell ya how great it is having you back bud and I can sure tell ya Yugi is gonna be hella happy to see you,"he said and I couldn't agree more with him. To see Yugi again will be the second best thing in my life, the first was meeting Yugi. He shut off the light and left me to sleep but all my mind was full of was finding Yugi and helping him find the part of him that he has lost. Whenever it was my fault for leaving or if it was the shadow game that screwed you over , I will do whatever is in my power to help you and to get Tristan back from the shadow realm.

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