Still with Yugi...
When I heard this through the mind link, I knew who it could only be.
'Y-Yami is that you!? Are you alright!? What have they done to you?" I yelled at him and could hear a small laugh coming from him.
'Calm down Aibou, they haven't done anything to me yet. I'm glad to hear that your alright,' he said with the most calmest voice. If I was more careful he wouldn't need to talk through the mind link and he could of talk to me face to face.
'A-Are you still at Tristans? Once everyone is better we can all come back and we can save you!' I yelled and he stayed quite, making me worry even more. 'Yami? Yami what's going on!?'
Again I got no answer and tears were threatening to come down. Something could of happened t him right under my nose! 'Sorry Aibou I'm still here, just had to go quite for a minute.
'Don't do that! I just had a heart attack!' I yelled and he let out a laugh, not just a little chuckle. 'Why did you have to go quite? Was someone near you?'
'Yeah but they didn't stay long, look I need you to listen to me and not talk.' I was getting uneasy from this...but I mentally nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see me. 'I don't want you guys to come back, I know that sounds insane but you have to trust me.'
'What? No way! We can't just leave you there, Tristan an his workmen could do anything to you! It's not that I don't trust you it's them I don't trust!' A slight tear came down my face but I had to force myself not to cry.
'You just can't come for now, if you do you'll all get captured again...I'm not going to let that happen.' Even though he is caught himself...he is still trying to protect me... 'Also, forgive me but I heard every word you said earlier...'
It took a minute for me to register what he meant until it hit me. He was on about when I was trying to talk through the mind link on my own! My face started to go bright red as I knew what he heard. 'I just wanted to say that...I also love you Yugi. I always have and that will never change, no matter what happens to me or you.'
That was it...I couldn't stop myself and started to cry yet again. 'I'm so sorry it took me this long to tell you, even though I have been right beside you this entire time.'
'N-no I should be the one saying sorry! You gave me so many signs and I never spoke up on how I felt...and now look at you. Your captured and it's all my fault. I'm so sorry Yami...'
'Hey I'm in this because of my crazy actions, so don't think it's your fault,' he went on although I was once again a big crying baby. 'Look just promise me that at least for now, you'll all stay away,' he asked again but before I I could say anything he started speaking again. 'Sorry Yugi I need to go...keep in touch...'
'NO YAMI keep talking to me!' I yelled. Silence filled my head...'Yami?' I whispered but got nothing again. Only the sound of my sniffles could be heard.
I don't know how long I have sat here for, just crying my eyes out. The sun was already nearly down and the sky was going going dark. I know I need to go check on Marik...but I don't have any strength in my legs.
Grabbing the wall, I forced myself up and walked to the room were I left everyone and once they saw me, only smiles were on their faces. Well everyone but Tea... "Yugi where were you! We were worried about you!" she screamed.
"Hey not so loud please...I just went for a walk and some fresh air alright?" I said and she just shook her head. Ishizu was no where is sight, which slightly concerned me. Once I sat down with everyone, Ishizu and another nurse came out of a corridor.
"It's good news everyone! Marik is going to be alright giving a few months!"she said happily and everyone was happy. No one was more happy then Bakura though, he started to cry with joy. "I'm going to stay here with him until he gets better, you can all go home if you want."
We all agreed to go home and soon enough it was just me and Tea. I never spoke to her once, in fact I didn't speak to anyone I just smiled at them. "So Yugi I heard your grandpa has travelled over seas right?" she asked and I just grunted, giving her a small head nod.
Once we finally got to the game shop I was about to go in but Tea stopped me. "You love him don't you?" she asked and I spun around to see her face. Her hair as hiding her eyes but I could tell she was close to crying. I used to like Tea...but then Yami came into my life and everything changed.
"Yeah. Yeah I do love him..." I mumbled and Tea nodded her head. She let go of my arms and smacked my back, forcing me into my home. Even as she was saying goodbye, I could see she was forcing herself not to crying.
Once I opened and locked the door, I only just realised that I was the only one in my home. Thinking back on the day, I slammed my back against the door and slid down. I love him so much and to only lose him like this? I won't let it happen.
Yeah! Thanks to typing I can go really fast and was able to get ONE more up before school starts back up. I hope you guys can forgive me for the different upload times I have been doing but until my internet is fixed it's going to be like this for a while. Also forgive me for spelling mistakes as I didn't have a lot of time to check over this chapter...
So we saw a day through Yugi's eyes but he was crying a lot. But hey! At least they could finally tell each other that they loved each other! I hope you enjoyed this, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...