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After we all ate and had a minute, it was finally time to head out. Try and save Solomon, to fight in another battle for our lifes. We hopped into Kaiba's car and Joey was in front and me and Yugi was in the back. "We saw him in a warehouse next to the ocean, it was only for a few minutes but we're pretty sure it was him!" Joey yelled and looked back at us. Yugi was staring outside.

He was in his own world, not even paying attention to anything around him. I had to tap him on his shoulder to get his attention but even then he jumped. "Hey don't worry, everything will be fine. We'll rescue grandpa and then we will get him home." I said and he nodded, going straight back to staring outside.

We sat in silence for about 10 minutes until we got to the warehouse Joey told us about. We all went to rush out but my belt got caught and I was stuck for a minute. Everyone got inside when I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. I tried to catch up with everyone but the door that lead inside shut on my face. "Yugi! Joey! Kaiba! Are you alright!?" I screamed and banged on the door. I heard nothing for the first minute but then heard screams later on.

My face paled and I needed to get in and make sure they were ok. The only I could think of doing was to pull the door from the bottom and try to force it open.  Trying a first time I got it a little bit open but it got heavier with every time I got it open a little bit. A dark thought of something happening to Yugi came to my mind and it made me furious.

I lost my thoughts for a minute as the door got forced opened and I ran in without thinking, with the door slamming shut behind me. "Where have you taken my friends! Come out you demon!" I yelled as I walked deeper into the building. It was completely dark and  I had no way to see anything around me. I kept walking until I felt something under my feet, a button was laying on the ground and I had stepped on it.

A spotlight came on and blinded me for a minute but when I gained my sight back, my face was in complete horror. Everyone was tied up on a platform and were completely covered in water. My feet moved on there own and I tried to reach were there were hanging from. I manged to get up to their ropes and started to try and get them down. "No Yami move!" Yugi yelled but I ignored him.

A sound then came from under me like the metal was moving and the rest of the bridge I was on was falling. I didn't have anywhere to jump to and when the bit closet to me fell, I had a glance at what was under my feet. My face was in complete horror as I dropped down into the water...that was covered be electric at the top. My body felt like it was on fire and was being frozen at the same time...

I thrashed around and swam for the top. Every part of my body was yelling in pain until I finally grabbed the top and forced myself over and out of the tub. "Yami! Yami are you ok!" Yugi yelled and I tried to pull my thumb up, but I couldn't find the energy  to even move. I was struggling to even breathe...

"Well well if it isn't the Pharaoh, I thought you had vanished forever. I thought at first you were Yugi,"someone growled from the far side of me. I tried to sit up but my body still wouldn't move from just being shocked. The person stood right over me with a bright flashlight and almost blinded me. "So tell me. How did a oh so powerful Pharaoh suffer from these types of injures?" he asked and moved the flashlight. 

I manged to finally see who was standing over me...I can believe who I was seeing. 

"Is this an illusion...or are you real...Tristan?" I asked and he started to laugh in my face. He grabbed my arms and dragged me somewhere. But since I had just been shocked I worried that he would also get hurt, but looking at the gloves he was wearing I guess he was alright.

He dragged me to a room where it looked like a single bed was with a bright light shining down on it. "Now listen to me, I'm going to give you an offer that might decide what happens to your friends," he growled and lay me down on the bed. He then had someone come from the door in the back with what looks like 4 pieces of rope. Tristan then grabbed it and tied me down.

"The choice is Pharaoh, either you stay and get healed and when you do you duel me... or your friends can duel me," he said and sat down on the chair beside my face. He had a knife in his hands and he brought it to my face. "Oh... I left out a tiny bit of detail. We are going to be playing a shadow game."

He then moved the knife on my face and cut me. I winched as he then put the knife down and waited for my answer. There is no way I can let my friends even try this when he is after me. I also have a trick card up my sleeve so it's better if I have a swing at him. " long will it take for... for me to heal?" I asked and he shown me three fingers.

"I give you three days you should be able to duel then," he said and went to walk out but looked back at me. "Oh and your friends are going to be kept here, no promises I won't do anything to them. Which reminds me your real close to Yugi aren't ya?" he laughed and stood waiting for me to react. 

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM OR THE OTHERS! I SWEAR I WILL END YOU!"I yelled and tried to thrash around but my body was still sore. He started to laugh and left now he got a reaction out of me. 

A tier started to come down my face as I now know everyone is at danger...and it was all my fault. If I find out he has even laid a finger on them... I will show him no mercy.

But there's one thing I need to remember... that still is Tristan and I need to do whatever I can to save him and the others.

Ahh I always love writing chapters for this but I need to remember my other account. I haven't touched it in day......ehe....

Anyway WE HAVE REACHED OVER 2OO READS!!!! None of my other storeys have ever got near this and I just hope you all are enjoying this. Hope you like how I brought back in Tristan. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU YA'LL THOUGHT ABOUT THIS CHAPTER!!

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