Walking around again...

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A whole month has passed and still Yugi hasn't waken up... my concern grows each day and with his birthday right around the corner, I'm afraid he'll spend it asleep in bed. I decided to leave the hospital and spent some time with everyone else and being outside is kind of weird seeing how I've spent a long time in the hospital.

"Hey come on Yami chin up! You need to smile or your face will be glued like that!" Joey yelled and slapped my back. Joey, Kaiba, Serenity and I have all decided to head out to the beach for the day. Well when I say decided I mean Joey dragged us all out. He was walking ahead with Kaiba while me and Serenity trailed behind.

"It's great to see you out and walking Yami. I remember when I got out...it felt so great and I remember when I first saw Joey saving...you? Or was it Yugi? Sorry I'm still new to this," she laughed and I just smiled at her. She ran off and joined Joey and I caught myself looking out at the water. 

It was relaxing, just watching the waves bounce back and forth. Just having time that we don't need to fight is something. Everyone stopped when they saw me staring off and both Kaiba and Joey came to each side of me. "Hey Yami, do you have anything in your pockets?" Joey asked and I searched them. The only thing that I had was my bag. Once I showed them I had nothing they both grinned. and took off my bag.

They both grabbed my arms and dragged me to the edge. "On three! one...two...three!" Joey yelled and they both lifted me up and tossed me in. The coldness of the water shocked me at first but I got used to it as I was forced to sit in the ocean. "Ahahha look at your face! Someone pull out a camera!"

I stood up and I was completely soaked but an idea popped into my head. Joey hates spiders...so what would happen if..."Oh haha very funny Joey but I- Joey there's a spider on your arm!" I yelled and pointed. He started to panic and was dancing around trying to get it off. He danced over to me and I saw my chance. Sticking out a leg, he tripped over it and fell in the water as well.

"Really Joey? You were scared by that little trick? Oh well now I have something to mess with you," Kaiba laughed and Serenity laughed. He went to help Joey up but judging by the smile on his face, Kaiba was going for a swim. I was right when he reached out his hand, Joey grabbed it and pulled him into the water. "Baaaa that's freezing!"

I walked and stood beside Serenity as she was laughing at Kaiba and Joey fighting in the water. "It's so funny to watch how far those two have come. To hating each other, to being friends and now I'm pretty sure that they're dating," she laughed and made me question that two. I could kind of see that they liked each other but knew Joey would never tell and Kaiba would never admit to it. 

"Come on you two! We need to get dry before we all land in hospital,"I yelled and they both came out  looking like drownt rats.  We were walking and they both began to shake as they were in the water longer then me but I was also beginning to feel the cold. 

Serenity spotted something ahead and it was a dryer near the pier so we made use of it. We didn't want leave her on her own so Kaiba stayed with her while me and Joey got dry. "Man that was a lot of fun! But the way you got me in Yami, that was a dirty trick," he pouted and left me to smile at his face. 

"Come on we all had fun so it was worth it, the amount of stuff that has happened we need this break." I said and finished. Since I got out before them I got dry a lot faster and joined Serenity while Kaiba went and got dried  A few minutes later they came out and after we went for something to eat we all went our separate ways.

I made my way back to the hospital but not before stopping by the shop. I might as well grab some stuff for while I'm up there. Walking around looking for the last bits I ended up bumping into someone who I didn't want to see.

"Umm I very sorry si- Yami..." she said and turned her face. I forgot...this is Dawn's break... She didn't even look at my face but she didn't move either. I was getting mad just staying here so I made the first move and walked around her. "W-wait Yami please!" she yelled and grabbed my arm. "I know things were rocky at first...but I don't want to let you go! It's been a month and he still hasn't woken up. How long will you wait?"

"I'll wait forever if it comes to that. You don't understand what we have been through..." I growled and moved my arm from her. "Now I would like it if you would leave me alone," I said tried to walk off but she got in front of me and stuck her arms out.

"Your just hurting yourself and you know that! I want to help you be free Yami!" she yelled and went to hug me but I dived out of the way.

"Dawn...your really pushing me and you wouldn't like me being angry...now for the last time. LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled and she stopped then. I took my chance and paid for stuff, getting to the hospital before she did. Once I got into Yugi's room I dropped down on my pull out bed and sighed. Glancing over at Yugi, he was just facing the ceiling and looked like he was just asleep. Getting up and walking over to him, I sat down and grabbed his hand.

"Please come back soon Aibou..." I whispered and kissed his head. The door went and I opened it to see Dawn out of breath... "Didn't I tell you earlier? Leave me al-"

"We have bigger problems here Yami! Tristan has disappeared from his room and he was still just as bad as Yugi!"she yelled and I got shivers down my spine. He could be after the others! But what do I do! I can't leave Yugi on his own but Joey and everyone needs me!

Dun dunnnnn Tristan is back in action and everyone is apart! How will things turn out? Also I've been thinking... do you guys want to see through Yugi's eye while he is still asleep for half a chapter? It's up to you guys but I HOPED YOU ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER!!

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