A bit of bad news.

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It feels like the only thing that I have done since I became a human is sleep. I never had to do this when I was a spirit. I would always just look after Yugi as he sleeps and always wondered on what he was dreaming about. Like yesterday I woke up first and Yugi was facing the wall across me.

How has he had to go through so much pain, everything that has happened to him hasn't been fair at all. Voices were coming from downstairs and I didn't need to think twice of who they belonged to. Joey and Tea were having a loud talk but I couldn't hear grandpa's voice at all. I slipped out of bed and went downstairs to be greeted by the faces of them. "Yami come closer we need to talk..."Joey said and I was confused. He sounded hurt in his voice and Tea had utter sadness on her face. What is going on?

Not thinking any more I sat down, just to be attacked by Tea as sh e hugged me tightly. "I'm so sorry for what I did yesterday Yami... I just want Yugi to be like he used to..."she cried and I couldn't help but smile at her. She is trying to make up for what she did and I would have to be heartless if I didn't accept her apologies.

"Don't worry Tea. It is in the past so no need to bring it up. What's going on down here anyway?" I asked and Tea moved from hugging me to my side wiping away her tiers.

"Well as you can see gramps is not here. The reason is that he has disappeared last night while you two were glued to each other."he said and I had to try and stop myself from blushing after the remark but hearing the news Joey said was more important. Joey explained that he left to pick up some things from the shop and got stopped by someone. That's the last time anyone saw him.

"Yami I think you better tell Yugi whenever is good, but maybe now isn't the best time as he is only JUST starting to heal." Joey said and Tea nodded her head in agreement. "Anyway go wake him up otherwise we are going to be mega late for school."

Oh yeah I forgot that they still are going to school. They must be in their last year otherwise they wouldn't be in school any more. Walking up to the my room I heard pacing around the room and when I opened the door, Yugi pounced on me. "Hey why didn't you wake me up! Next time you wake up before me get me up or I'll do the same."he giggled and my face was once again turning red. This is the way he used to be and it drives me mad. I don't know if he is putting up a act or if he is actually back to his old ways.

"Come on Aibou we need to go or the others will chop of our heads," I said and grabbed his hand, beginning to drag him. Once we got downstairs Joey and Tea were already at the door and getting ready to run. It took us about 10 minutes to get to the school and everyone was out of breath bar me, but I was used to this so the running didn't affect me.

Tea and Joey had a faster pace into the school but Yugi was trailing behind. "Hey Yami I need to ask you something but not here, at lunch meet me at the rooftop please?"he asked and I nodded. I wonder what's on the little ones mind, but I can't read his thoughts like I used to. I He smiled and ran off joining the others. My mind is full of unexplained things, like why are shadow games still happening? Where has grandpa went off to? What is going on with Yugi?

Ugh this is starting to give me headache and I rather not have another one. Ignoring everything I ran to join the others and we soon enough got to the class. Joey opened the door and I completely forgot... me and Yugi look a lot like. The teacher glanced at us and her face went into shock seeing us. "Um teach this is my twin brother... Yami Muto and he is going for the last year," Yugi said and bowed.

I couldn't thank him enough for his quick thinking but to say that I was his brother? I guess that's better then most things. I bowed as well and when I raised my head I introduced myself. "Hello everyone. My name is Yami Muto and I hope to do well," I said and everyone clapped. The girls in the class started to sequel and even had started to blush. We all took our seats and I took an open seat next to Yugi.

The class was not too bad as we learned about history and it seemed like Yugi was in his own world. We finally had our lunch break and I couldn't even take a breath before Yugi grabbed my hand and dragged me to the roof. Once we got to the roof I expected him to let go off my hand but he didn't. He squeezed my hand and then the next thing he did was pin me against a wall. "Tell me what Joey said isn't true Yami..."he said and the colour of my face drained.

How did he hear of what we were talking about?! he was asleep then! "I can hear you ya know..."he mumble and then I knew what was going on. It was the mind link I was told about by the gods before I came back. "What has happened to my grandpa and don't lie to me Yami... everyone always does and I don't want you to start doing that too!" he cried and nuzzled his head into my chest.

I couldn't not tell him now. If he is like this now then it would of been the same when I would of told him. "I don't know the full story...but it seems like he has disappeared Yugi. Joey just told me this morning..." I said and felt Yugi's sobs get more and more deeper. "Don't worry, we WILL find him I promise you that," I continued and Yugi become more quite.

"I...I trust you Yami and thank you for not lying to me..."he mumbled and tighten his grip. We soon enough found our way to the ground and we just sat for ages holding each other as Yugi kept crying. His problems keep building...but now I have power to do something. I will sort this out Yugi so you can rest easy.

Dun dun dun...another chapter bites the dust!!!

Anyway sorry about this message but I just wanna say a massive THANK YOU for the reads, we have hit over 100 reads and I can't thank you enough. I hope you all are enjoying this enough. Please let me know what you think! Because feedback is the best thing about writing. Until next time!!

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