Staying alive!

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I blinked away my tiers as my name got called from above me. Slowly raising my head, I saw him. His eyes were half open and he had a massive smile on his face. My whole entire world has just lit up. Yugi...who has been asleep for over a month and he has been in a comma...has finally woke up. "Y-Yugi...?Am I dreaming...?" I asked and it honestly feels like a dream.

He laughed quietly as he was still weak from what happened today, even when hurt he still tries to laugh. "H-hey don't push yourself. Your s-still weak," I mumbled and sat on the edge of the bed. I can honestly cry of happiness here...he has woken up before his birthday.

Glancing over to the window I saw everyone standing at the window, all as happy as I am. The doctor also came into view and his face was a bit shocked. He came in and joined me at Yugi's side. "It's a miracle that you have woken up Mr Muto. You gave us quite the shock but I think your big brother was the most scared of us all," he said and pointed to me.

We both had to hold our laughter in as everyone thinks that we are brothers. "Anyway it might be a while until your body is healthy enough to even attempt to try and walk around. I give it about a month or so," he said and left us at that note.

"I think I might need to tell everyone that we're not brothers..." I said and let out some laughter. Yugi tried to laugh as well but he had to stop himself as it would hurt him. "Do you want the others to come in?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yeah but once everyone has seen me...I-I want you to come back in if there's time..."he said slowly as his throat hurt. I nodded my head and left, leaving Tea to go in first. Now that he is awake, we need to fill him in on what has been going on. After Tea was done seeing him Serenity went in, shortly followed by Duke.

They didn't stay in as long as I did and they all came out with big smiles on their faces. "Alright dude. You can go back in now,"Duke said and shoved me back in, making me stubble in and gaining a laugh from Yugi.

"You that happy to see me your falling for me?"he laughed and my face was going red. Was that meant to be a joke or is he serious? I pushed my thoughts aside and returned to his side. We just sat and watched t.v and it was coming time foe guests to leave. "I guess you need to go better come see me in the morning," he said and I thought he would of saw the pull out bed.

"Actually Yugi if you just turn your head ever so slightly you'll see a bed that I'm staying in. The hospital has let me stay to look after you," I said and as soon as he saw the bed his face started to go crimson. I missed teasing him.

"Wait...have you been watching me sleep! I never knew you were like that Yami,"he joked and turned away from me. I swear he is trying to test me.

"I haven't but would you like me to?" I asked and he laughed at me. I guess his alright with talking and laughing now, that's good means that he can talk with everyone. The whole hospital kicked out any visitors and only a few people were allowed to remain, me being some of the few.

We just sat and watched t.v but Yugi started to get sleepy. "I wanna go sleep that alright?" He asked and yawned. Laughing at him, I walked over and helped him lay down. I tried to walk away but Yugi grabbed my sleeve. "Will...will you stay with me?" His face was completely red and he was looking at me with his puppy eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't sleep until late and I'll see you sleep."I joked and he lightly punched me, or with the little power he had. "If that's what you want," I climbed into his bed while he tried to make room. He ended up cuddling up to me and he laughed against my chest. "Who's tickling you?"

"No one...I'm just missed this so much. Just to hold you. It made my fight worth it..."he mumbled and made my face heat up again. I looked down at him and he put on the biggest smile I have ever seen him with as he was cuddled up to me. He was sound asleep in my arms, where no one could take him away from me.

Someone came in and saw us lying in the bed. I manged to look over my shoulder and saw it was the doctor that told us about him. "I'm glad to see that your brother has awoken. But what do you plan to do. Are you going to stay here and look after him or will you return home?"

"If it's alright with you doc I want to stay here. I just got word that our grandpa has travelled overseas so if I went home. It would be a ghost house and besides, I'd rather stay here with him," I said and ruffled his hair.

The doctor laughed at us and then went back to his job. Now that I think about it I don't think anyone has informed Yugi about what has happened. To Kaiba and his brother... I need to remember to tell him tomorrow, but for today he deserves the rest. Sleep well's great to have you back...

AWWWWWWWW Yugi finally woke up!!! And the first person he saw was Yami. The gang finally had some peace today but like all good things, that peace will not last. I hope you guys enjoyed this little cute chapter and AND STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!

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