The only way...

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Our second day of torture began but the only good thing, if I can even say that in this situation is that I'm able to wake up and see Yugi. It looked like he was already up before me. "Took ya long enough sleepy head, how are you feeling?"he asked me.

Remembering my 'statement'yesterday made my face heat up, but I tried to hide it the besy I could. "Um y-yeah I'm not too bad. Feel a little better then yesterday, what about you Aibou?" I asked back and he returned with a smile. Ever since we got here I haven't had the chance to see him smile and that is enough to warm my heart.

A knock came from the other side and Triatan brust in, and the faint smell of alcohol filled the room. "MORNING LOVE BIRDS! Hope ya didn't do anything last night. Oh wait YOU CANT!" he yelled and started to dance around us. I can't believe what has happened to him... I need to fix this somehow. He came and cut our legs free and kept our hands tied and him and Dom took us to Kaiba and Joey.

"So they took you up to least your kind of ok," Joey said as he tried to smile. I thought that they would've took Yugi back up to the platform but they left him with me, tieing us to the ground. I noticed Kaiba wasn't awake and when I tried to say something the intercom went off.

"YEEHAA good morning gentleman and don't I have a special present! Well it's kind of only for Yugi and Yami but HEY you two get to watch!" Tristan boomed and I couldn't help bit get more angry. Then something hit me...

"Tristan answer me! What have you done to Solomon!"I yelled and Yugi looked at me in horror. Tristan started to laugh through the speak then he went quite. "I'm not taking this crap..."I whispered and started to struggle in my ropes. I kept going and going not expecting to get anywhere but then...


I was actually free! My wrists had marks from where the ropes were and my body was still in pain. I went to untie Yugi but his ropes were more tighter then mine. "Yami quick he's coming! Go and hide!"he yelled but I shook my head continuing to try and untie him. "Damn it Yami just go and hide!"he yelled and bashed me away with his head.

He had determination in his eyes but he was also hiding fear. I gave up with a sigh and hid behind the closest box to Yugi. A few minutes later Tristan showed up with a tied up Solomon. "Where...the...hell...has...he...gone...?" He growled and I could of swore I saw Yugi shake. I can't just let this happen I need to knock him down!

"Hmm I dunno why not check where your ego isn't?" Yugi said and he sounded full of confidence. I was actually feeling a small smile starting to appear on my face until... a huge smacking sound rattled through the warehouse. Glancing back I saw Yugi laying on the ground...with a red mark on his face.

"DON'T TRY AND TALK SMACK OF YOU'LL GET SMSCKED!" Triatan yelled and continued to kick him. I had to clench my fists in order not to yell at him and lunge out for his neck. "Now... I'll ask one more time but nicely since I like you Yugi..." he said and grabbed Yugi's hair forcing him up. ""

I had enough of watching and went to look around. Anything would be good to smack some sense into him. 'Yami...hurry and get to the crane above us...' I heard and didn't even think to look up. A crane with what looked like some objects dangling. I knew instantly what to do and followed it to the bridge above. I had to sneak passed a office and taking a peek in I saw Dom and some others. A noise came from behind me as the bridge began to shake and I had to think fast.

I hid behind where the door was going to open and after a few seconds it slammed open, hitting me in the face. I had to bite my lip to stop myself from letting even a peep escape my lips. "Damn it I swear there is a ghost here, we need to relocate like yesterday," he said and went out of my sight. A hand grabbed the other side of the door and I shut my eyes fearing the worse.

After I heard the door shut I manged to catch my breath but felt somthing coming from my nose. I felt it and looked at fingers to reveal blood... oh well just a little nose bleed. I went on cralwing to get the crane and finally got to the control pad that I could use to drop it. 'Alright Yugi I'm here try and distract him away fron you!'

'I can't Yami...he might not let go of me...just drop it...'he said and my face instantly drained of colour. I can't ...I don't know what's in there!

'Yugi there's no telling what is inside of those boxes! I'm not risking this!' I yelled through the mind link. There has to be some way for him to move away from Yugi! I desperately looked around for something, anything that could help but I couldn't find anything and time was running out...

'Yami I'll be fine. Take this chance and drop the boxes on us...'he said and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I can't do this....I refuse to do it to Yugi! My tiers were coming out faster and and faster and keeping the nose down was getting harder. 'Hold on let me try something...'

"Hey Tristan remember Serenity ? Yeah she's never liked you! She always preferred Duke!" Yugi yelled and coughed up a little blood. Tristan face twisted and he picked up Yugi. What he did next sent shock all down my spine as he tossed Yugi into the electrified water... 'Now Yami...'

With tiers in my eyes I pressed the drop button and whatever was in the boxes had now fallen on Tristan knocking him out cold. But I didn't care... what I cared about was getting to Yugi as he is trapped umder water tied up! It didn't take a second thought to jump after him...

Ahaha I'm so evil. Please don't murder me guys. Hope yous enjoyed seeing Tristan...or whatever has him under its control get what they deserve but Yugi...his hands are tied together and he is going through what Yami went through. But jue to his body already being weak...OK I'M GOING TO SHUT UP NOW!!

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