It must of been just a few minutes, but it felt like hours just sitting with Joey waiting for Yugi to come back down. The only thing that we could do was to try and help Yugi see the truth ahead of the darkness. "Come on Yami, seeing the great Pharaoh like this reminds me that I'm human. But wait are you even human now or are you still a Pharaoh?"Joey asked.
"I am human now, I guess I never said that and I only said that I was replaced as Pharaoh. An old relative has come from the shadows and now has taken over so that is the only way I was allowed to return here." I said and Joey nodded as I explained. Once again we sat in complete silence with only the sound if the t.v .
Footsteps could be heard form upstairs and this was my second chance to try and help Yugi. He came down and I shot to my feet. "Yugi... are you alright now?"I asked but didn't take a step forward as it might make him freak out again. He didn't look at me first but when he did, he looked me up and down.
"Tell me are you the real Yami or are you Atem? Or are you just someone who is trying to help me because news flash your just making me worse."he said and walked in, stopping right in front of me. He might want to see if I was real or not. He grabbed my hair and tried to pull as he kept poking at my body.
"OWwww! Yugi that's hurts!" I yelled and he stepped back, taking a good look at me. He then started to cry and looked horrified.
" can't be real...but I thought-you...there's no way..."he cried and started to walk to me. Joey was on edge and stepped forward encase Yugi turned on me. I put a hand out to stop him from moving towards me and I took a step near Yugi. Before I knew it Yugi jumped forward at me and gripped onto me.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I thought you were gone for good...too much stuff has happened...and it's all been my fault because I wasn't strong enough,"he cried. He believes me! He isn't pushing me away like last time. Putting my arms around him, I brought him into more of a hug as he cried his eyes out.
"Yuge, have you come back to your senses now? This truly is Yami and he has came back for us, he came back for you,"Joey said as he began to cry. Why are these guys so emotional? I guess somethings never change. Joey joined into our hug and we soon found our self's on the floor all cuddled around.
After a while of hugging we moved to the couch and Yugi tried to stop himself from crying. "So Yami *sniff* how did the gods allow you to return? I thought you were gone into the after life for good?" Yugi asked and having to explain to Yugi as well is a bit of a pain but it's worth it to be by his side again.
"Although I might not have the powers I used to I will get Tristan back from the shadow realm, if I don't then I will never forgive myself," I said and Yugi looked at me in horror. He might be scared of me dueling in a shadow game, but wait something can work! "Yugi, some people are noticing you right? Well we look a lot alike so if I go out in your place-"
"No no no! I just got you back and you want me to let you go play in a shadow game!? Forget it it's too risky and I'm not losing you again! I have a dark spirit so if I lose at least I will let the spirit take over and you wouldn't have to worry..."Yugi said and he made me furious.
"How can you say that in front of me! After everything we have been through and everything I have said! I almost lost you to the shadow games and I'm gonna let that happened again!" I yelled and didn't realize but I punched the table and my fist went right through.
Yugi didn't flinch but Joey jumped into the roof. I didn't want this but Yugi was pushing my limit by saying all that. "Fine be that way! It's nothing new to me, like you can know what has happened to me and you'll never understand!"he yelled and went to leave.
"Wait Yuge you can't leave! Just listen to him and things will be different!" Joey yelled but Yugi didn't even look back as he slammed the door shut. "For god sake Yugi! I'm real sorry Yami, he is been like this ever since we lost Tristan and with every shadow game he plays, he gets worse."
"I am trying and he is acting like a 7 year old. He doesn't know that I have been watching him the entire time and it has been killing me watching him suffer and I couldn't even protect him. Everyone that has hurt him and has turned him into this- this thing I will show no mercy to them or anyone," I said but felt something stir inside. I started to sway but Joey steadied me.
"Hey dude your starting to look pale, maybe your still not used to the human. There is a spare room upstairs so you can sleep in there."Joey said and brought me up. Once he left I looked out the window to see the dark sky. Yugi and I still have a long way to go until our relationship is rebuilt. I won't be able to tell him my true feelings until that spirit has left and all the darkness is purified in his heart. We'll get there one day Yugi, one day...

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...