Now we are back to Yami!!
As the sun started to come up, I counted another day as it was 2 days since I've been caught. Yugi's and my little talk a few days ago...that's been the only thing keeping me going. I still fear that he will try and come after me... Dawn never seems to have a limit when it comes to flirting with me either.
"Yammmmmmi! Does this one like nice?" she asked and spun round, showing the 50th outfit she had put on. Tristan just kept clapping, no matter what she had on but none of it impressed me...
"Hm? Oh yeah that looks really nice, I like the colour," I lied but she didn't look convinced. She was getting more upset with me.
"Your lying..."she mumbled and stormed over to me. She was hovering over me, but she had something in her hand. Before I could get a good luck, she was already in mid swing. "I don't like lairs!" she screamed and had struck me on my back. From all the times that I have been fighting I have been getting my back smacked against everything.
She kept beating me...she was even drawing blood. "NOW you'll never lie again! Will you?" she asked and stopped smacking me. I had to try and hold back the blood in my mouth as she asked me...but when I didn't respond... "You...won't...lie...WILL YOU!?" she screamed and kicked me in my stomach. I couldn't hold myself back and ended up coughing up what I tried to hold back.
"N-no! I won't lie!" I yelled while continuing to cough. She looked satisfied and backed away from me. My throat was hurting from coughing up so much blood and my head was starting to spin.
"Tris-Tris, can we just leave him with Dom and go out for some lunch? I'm getting hungry and I don't think you have any food here do you?" she asked and he shook his head smiling at her. They both soon enough left and Dom come in to keep watch of me.
He just sat on a chair near me and never let his eyes leave me for a second. "So what's you deal eh? Why are you working for Tristan when you could do other things?" I asked but he didn't answer me at first.
"I...don't have anything," he mumbled and I heard the slight bit of sorrow in his voice. "I just lost my brother...the last part of my family is gone and I had no one! Tristan met me and said if I helped him get you, he would help me get a family."
This now fully grown man, probably in his 30's, was now a crying mess right in front of me. He has lost everything, he just wanted a way out. "Look I'm sorry Dom but doing this to me won't help you," I said and seemed to get through to him. He stood up from where he was and grabbed for something behind him. Is he going to let me out? Have I made him see the light?
I thought finally, a break that I wouldn't have to fight my way out. He pulled something from behind his back and what I saw made my face go from a a deer caught in head lights. He had a small pocket knife and just stood there, knowing fine well that I could see what he had. "I have no powers. So...I can just do this and get away with it!"
He didn't move his body, just his arm as he threw the knife into my shoulder. I screamed in pain as I could feel the blood oozing out of my shoulder. "O-oh god....h-hes going to kill me! I-I just need to take it out...." Dom panicked and went to pull the knife out. Knowing that it would hurt me even more I tried to swing around and make sure that he couldn't grab it.
"D-Dom...Just leave it...please let me go...and we can get out of here can do right...." I mumbled and tried to ignore the pain. He looked as though he was confused, trying to figure out what he wanted to do.
"Let me think about it...Tristan will be back soon so I need to clean you up," he said and then pulled out a key from his side pocket. Unlocking my shackles I collapsed into his arms, not wanting to move or risk the knife going deeper in. "I'm sorry...but once your arm is back to normal I'll have to chain you back up..."
"Don't" I mumbled as I faded into unconsciousness....
Now Switch! Yugi! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
After waiting for two days I have had enough of waiting around. I just wanted to stay for a bit as I didn't want the others to start to suspect me. I waited for the sun to start setting but as I was about to leave the game shop...
A sharp pain shot through my shoulder and made me topple over. What is this? I didn't hurt myself so this can't be- A horrible thought coursed through my mind and I couldn't take it. Ignoring the pain, I grabbed the door knob and went to dart out but someone was on the other side and I collided with them.
"Owowowowowow! Jeez man where are you off to in such a hurry!" someone yelled and I instantly knew who it was. When I looked at who it was, my thoughts were correct as Joey and Kaiba were standing in front of me. Joey held out his hand and helped me up. "Where are you off to at this time Yuge?"
Crap I need to think of something...anything that won't get them suspicious of me... "Well, I ordered some new duel cards and needed to go pick them up as they can't come to me, they're ill so I said I'll make the trek," I said and Joey just smiled at me, but Kaiba didn't show any sign of emotion. He grabbed my arm and dragged me away from Joey.
"I know what your doing so don't even bother to lie to me Yugi, your going to save him aren't you? Your just trying to not get us involved."
I couldn't lie to him, I don't think anyone could. Maybe Joey and Mokuba could but normal people can't. "Yeah that's exactly what I'm doing. And what your going to do is make sure Joey doesn't come after me."
He once again didn't show any emotion but he nodded his head. Once he was happy we joined Joey who was pouting at us. "Hey come on! What were you two talking about!" he yelled and threw his arms around our shoulders.
"It doesn't matter Joey, come on we're keeping Yugi from getting his shipment,"Kaiba said and started to drag him away. He looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up. Heh, never expected Kaiba to help me. But I can't focus on that...Yami I'm coming after you.
My internet is back up guys! But thanks to school I won't be able to update much but I will try my best!
Once again Yami is going through a little bit of pain but Dom...he has also been suffering. Can you guys forgive him for what he has done? Also Yugi is now on his way to try and save him. Just a few more chapters left guys and they should be good one! I hope you guys enjoyed this, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...