"So the time has come...I thought you would of collapsed climbing them stairs since you pretty much beat up like an egg," Tristan teased and turned to face us. His face had a big smile on him and he had his arms crossed on his chest. "So who are the two you are setting free from the last game?"
"....I chose..." It's so hard...how can I chose? Joey would want me to save Kaiba and Mokuba but Kaiba would want me to save Joey and Mokuba... "I chose Mokuba and Joey..."I mumbled then Tristan nodded. He pushed a button to revile them back in the room where I just was and they slipped out of their chains.
"There! They're set free now! SO the last prise is big Seto Kaiba? Nice choice," Tristan laughed and stood up from where he was. "Oh! Little shrimp your awake! This changes everything now,"he said and his grin grew.
Grabbing Yugi's arm, I dragged him behind me hiding him behind me. "Whatever you have planned leave Yugi out of it. This is between me and you, he has nothing to do with it."
"He has everything to do with it! Remember when you first saw him duelling? Did you ever notice this on the other guy?"he said and pointed to a badge on his left shoulder. "He was working for me, I wanted to see if Yugi's mind was gone, but he was just as strong as before."
I felt Yugi begin to shake behind me and turning to face him, his face was full of horror. Turning back to Tristan his eyes had started to glow and he started to walk towards us. "S-s-s-stay away from us!" Yugi yelled and took a step back taking me with him.
Tristan kept walking to us as we kept walking back, until Yugi hit a wall and forced us to stop. "Did you hear it when the duel was going on little shrimp wasn't the same? Hes not the same person you fell in love with."
"Why don't you shut up! Yeah something MAY of happened but that doesn't change that he is the same!" I yelled and Tristan face went blank.
"Are you lying to yourself? That thing behind you is just a vessel of a demon! Now come here my friend," Tristan said and taunted us. I took a glance at Yugi and he stopped shaking, in fact he was smiling. I was about to ask something but he started to move from behind me to Tristan.
I grabbed his arm and he spun around to face me. Then what he did surprised me... he smacked my arm away and jumped for Tristan. He high-fived him and they were smiling like two friends that hasn't seen each other in 5 years. "Ahhhh so nice to see you, so hows the games been?"Yugi asked and his voice was deeper then ever.
"Yugi what are you doing?! Get away from Tristan!" I yelled at him but he didn't move, didn't say anything. Oh...oh god no don't let it be!
"Heh you think Yugi is still here? Your wrong. Hey Tris-Tris can we just let them all go? I can't be bothered with anything I just want to sleep," Yugi said and latched onto Tristan. I could feel my heart sink lower and lower as Yugi was choosing not to be with me.
"Sure if that's what you want. Sorry Pharaoh if you want Yugi back better come back again!" Tristan yelled as he pushed a button. I tried to leap forward to grab Yugi but something smacked me from behind knocking me out.
Once I awoken I saw that I was lying down in a bed, staring at the ceiling. "Oh good! Seto, Joey hes awake!" I heard and glanced to the side, reviling Mokuba sitting next to me. Both of them came through the door and Joey's face was full of relief.
"Yami We're glad your alright! You took quite the blow to your noggin," Joey said and smiled as he knelled next to me. It hit like a ton of bricks as I frankly scanned the room, my thoughts proving me right.
My tears started to come down as I ended up with my hands on my head. "I-it's n-not alright J-Joey. Where the h-hell is Yugi!" I yelled and Joey's face dropped. I could tell that by his face...they had left him. "W-why didn't you save him instead of me!"
"We couldn't get to him, you can't go after him though you need to rest. After everything you've been through you need it," Joey said and forced me to lay down. I turned my back to everyone as I cried to my self. It was that damn demon that's inside of Yugi that made him like this!
Night time came soon enough and we all ate at Joey's place, but I never spoke one word to anyone. "I'm going to the game shop for the night....bye," I said and left before anyone could get a word in. That was the best thing I could think of so they didn't think much.
I started to head in the direction of Tristan house once again...I wasn't about to let this slide... I didn't even notice for how long it took me to get to the house, I wasn't even thinking that I was extremely hurt and probably did need to rest.
'I don't care about myself...I just need to get him back and away from that freak!' I yelled at myself and turned the door knob, the coldness of the house woke me up from my thoughts. I don't care what it takes...I will set the both of them free...
I wanted to get at least one up today, as some things has happened and I wanted to take mind of it .Also we passed over 900 reads!!. I do really hope you guys enjoy this.
Well Yugi has finally lost the fight with the demon inside of him. I wonder how Yami is going to save them? And what's happened to Bakura and the others? I hope you guys enjoyed this, if so let me know down below AND STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!

It's Too Hard...
FanfictionYami is finding it difficult being away from everyone and now has returned to being Atem. A few years has passed and Yami finally has a mirror into Yugi's world and is able to see what he is up to. Unfortunately it isn't going well with Yugi as he i...