2: First Rain and Final Requests

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I watched in silence as Octavia and Bellamy interacted, and as the criminals began to comment on Octavia's 'crime'. I growled and pounced at the one who called her the girl under the floor, but someone caught my arms, pulling me back and away from the boy. I turned to see Bellamy holding onto my wrist still, a scared look on his face as I turned. "Let go" I spat and he quickly let my arm go, I turned to the younger Blake before ruffling up her hair.

"Let's give them something else to remember you by," her brother said which piqued her interest. I turned to the criminals as Octavia became the first person to step on earth in 100 years. I stood in the doorway, my arms crossed and then looked over the remaining 97 criminals.

"Now listen here. I have been sent down here to ensure your survival, but I don't care if you live or die, so you can listen to me and live. Or you can rebel and I'll just leave you stranded. Well, see how long you survive then. They all looked between themselves, amused. "Go on then, go have fun. Let's see how well you guys survive on the planet you're from. I walked back into the ship and up to the controls, no power, all systems were down. I sighed and fell into the controls seat, running a hand through my hair. "why did he of all people have to sneak on" I groaned before standing up and kicking one of the metal panels on the wall. Soon a young boy with goggles climbed into the control room and sat on the hatch looking at me silently. "yes?" I snapped, turning to him.

"Just wanted to see if you'd like any company, or maybe if you wanted to come outside yet and experience the world from the ground?" I shook my head then sat cross-legged opposite the young boy. "I'm Jasper" He smiled, extending a hand. I laughed and shook my head.

"Storm, or Agent Emmerson. How old are you Jasper?" I looked into his eyes and watched as he smiled widely,

"17" he chirped, I nodded then looked around the room, sighing. "You?"

"I'll be 24 in a few weeks" He raised an eyebrow "I know, how did you, a girl, get so much power so young?" He nodded. "I was raised to kill. Not to be friends with people, I was trained for this all my life, and then I trained others" He nodded sullenly.

"Is that how you know Bellamy?" He asked, looking up shyly as if he were afraid I'd hurt him. I nodded. "You trained him when he was going to be a guard?" I nodded once again "What happened, I know he got fired because of his sister... but you and him... something bad happened. It's so tense, everyone can see that"

"I think that's enough questions, Jasper, let's go see what's going on, and how many more are dead already" I rolled my eyes and dropped down the hatch, scaring one of the criminals as I landed. Jasper followed and then put a hand on my shoulder, one which I quickly slapped off. "Don't get things wrong Jasper, I may tolerate you because you listen, but don't think that makes us friends" He nodded and I walked downstairs and off the ship to see people gathering together to start looking for rations and firewood, Jasper joined those collecting wood and I started clearing the area around the dropship of branches and bushes. I felt eyes on me and turned to see many teenage boys and one pair of older, brown eyes staring at me.

"Get. To. Work. I will kill you" I commanded and they all laughed.

"With what gun" One of them called out loudly, laughing. I closed my eyes and focussed on my breathing before walking over to the boy. I grabbed his arm, quickly twisting and flipping him so he was kneeling in front of me with his arm twisted up his back, I leaned down to him and laughed before pushing him into the dirt.

"I don't need a gun to end you" I turned back around before going back to what I was doing.

"Hey Assassin" I heard the familiar voice call, I didn't even turn around to flip him off, just doing so from behind my back. "How about you be a leader and not just a bully then, if that's what you're supposed to do?" He taunted. I turned, rage in my eyes as I looked at the Blake boy.

"How about you just shut the hell up Blake, you aren't even supposed to be here. I was sent here by Jaha so he could give me a dignified death, I was supposed to save these guys save Tavy and then I would pass them on when the rest came down, after which I was free. I would leave and never come back, now you've just made this a whole lot harder because I've got to put up with your face and try not to kill someone" He shut his mouth and raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes before walking off to find a clear spot to begin building a tent. As I began to put the tarp from the ship over the frame I had built I saw people queuing up to Bellamy, my eyes rolled and I disappeared back into my tent to begin putting things together inside of the shelter.

Soon after I had completed putting together a bed as well as building a bow, which I will start making arrows for, I heard the crowd outside begin to chant 'whatever the hell we want'. My eyes rolled, knowing exactly who was behind the ridiculous idea of a society without rules. Taking off my jacket, I hid the gun holster under the bed, with a pile of miscellaneous pieces of scrap. I sat on the makeshift bed and began to sharpen pieces of metal from the dropship into arrowheads. Soon I began to hear a small pitter patter on the material of the tent, and my 'door' was pulled open to reveal Wells Jaha at the door.

"Agent, it's raining, the first real rain" He smiled, I glanced out, and directly in my eyesight, Bellamy was talking to another guy, his hair beginning to fall from its gelled place. "we should collect it" the young Jaha uttered and I blinked before looking back to him.

"Yes, water will become more important" I stood up and we both walked from the tent, I felt Bellamy's gaze fall on me as I proudly walked past, Jaha in tow. I looked over my shoulder and smirked at him before taking off my jacket and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Bellamy" One of the boys called, getting his attention back. I dropped the jacket on the floor at the base of a tree before gripping one branch and climbing up slowly, I looked over the beginning of the campsite and then out into the distance, at Mount Weather and the lake nearby.

"Storm" I heard the deep voice call, I looked down to see Bellamy looking up at me, he climbed a few branches before slowing, furthering himself from me but climbing high enough. "we need to talk to one another"

"Why the hell would I ever want to interact with you Blake, the only time I'll smile at you again is when you're dead" He sighed and I laughed. "Hell, I use to see so much in you. You'd have been a brilliant guard but you fucked up. And you can't blame me for it. You can't blame me for any of that"

"Then explain how they found her Storm? You were the only one who knew, and you knew before I told you, you're their best spy, and even you said none of them knew. Tell me how they found her" He demanded, I looked away and shook my head.

"I don't know, but what does it matter? We both know that's not the real problem here Bellamy, and that never was. So, what do you want, because we both know you didn't risk your life coming up here for answers" His eyes widened and then he nodded slowly. "What do you want, I want this conversation over, and then I want you to never utter another word to me or about me"

"I need your bracelet," He said blankly, I looked up and my hand fell to the bracelet we all had on, the one that transmitted our vitals. "If they think you're dead they won't come here. Not with all the others dying" I shook my head

"No. I won't take it off. You can prise it from my cold dead body. But I'm not taking this off for you" He sighed and nodded, pushing himself from the branch and getting ready to climb down.

"Why did you do it?" he asked softly, weakly. I looked down and saw the sadness in his eyes, it made a lump rise in my throat and I took a shaky breath before swallowing hard and returning a cold stare to the broken man in front of me.

"You know what happened between us, you happened. Just like you ruined your chances to be a guard, to protect Tavy. You ruin everything, and I'm not letting you ruin Earth" I pushed myself from the branch and quickly climbed down, running off into the bushes before Bellamy could even get down the tree. 

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