3: Fresh Wounds and Old Scars

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I was lying in my tent, trying to ignore the world outside, when the rustling of my tarp door opening lead me to sit up and glare at the person entering, but my glare softened when I saw the young Blake girl limping inside. "Storm, please. I trust you more than anyone" I stood up and she lay on the bed, I pulled down her trousers and quickly made my way to the door.

"Someone bring moonshine and a shirt. Now!" I yelled, everyone was staring at me before Jasper ran to the door and passed me both.

"You'll help her right?" I nodded before walking back inside. I knelt beside Octavia before ripping a strip from my sheet to dab the moonshine onto her wounds with.

"Storm?" She whispered I looked up and she smiled weakly. "you looked after whim after everything, didn't you?" I looked down, knowing she meant her brother.

"Some people don't want help" I muttered and then began to wrap her leg. "Some people don't listen to their friends who are hurting. Some people cause the hurt" I added before standing up and handing her the trousers once again. "I tried Tavy, I spoke with Jaha for hours, to give him a semi-decent job. It was the best I could fight for. I gave him all I could, even if he didn't appreciate what it cost me" I turned before walking from my tent, allowing Octavia to get dressed in peace.

I walked towards the dropship but turned away when I saw Bellamy and a boy I had come to know as John Murphy in the doorway. He was arguing about the lack of food, suddenly I heard the conversation stop and Bellamy greets his sister. "Hey O" He cheered. "better?" The only response I heard was the loud crack of skin hitting the skin. I turned to see Octavia glaring at her brother, her face contorted with anger.

"What the fuck did you do Bellamy Blake" He looked at her confused. "You had everything, you were given everything and now she can't even bare to say your name" Octavia slapped her brother again, and I had to stifle the laugh before it escaped. "You know what, I don't care. But you need to fix it, because we all know she will be the best leader to ensure our survival, as well as the fact that you broke her. You're the reason she was sent down here... you're why she chose the suicide mission" Octavia stormed away from her brother and I saw Bellamy's gaze fall to me, but I quickly span before walking off.

"Storm!" I heard his voice call, the deep tone breaking as my name ended. I bit back the pain inside me, hearing him say my name so sadly. "Storm please" He choked and I turned, walking up to him and pinning him to the ship by his throat.

"What Bellamy, what else do you want? Because of you, I got put on desk duty, I was removed from any field action because they couldn't trust me. I got moved out of my room to a cupboard, I had a curfew, and I wasn't allowed to do anything. I had to give everything I had up because of the mistake I made when I decided to put my faith in you" He looked at me shocked and I pressed my finger into his chest, "I. Hate. You." I turned around to everyone that was now staring.

"Yes everyone, look at the man and woman who both had intentions to lead, neither can be around one another. Now you get one. You get him. I'm leaving, I am going because even out there, with the grounders, I'd feel more cared for, more accepted" I stood up and headed back to my tent. Octavia, Wells, Monty, Clarke, and Bellamy all followed me inside as I pulled my holster back on and loaded the two guns I was given. I looked towards all of them and raised an eyebrow. "well? What do you want?"

"You can't leave! Storm I've only just got my big sister back, I can't lose you because of Bellamy!" Octavia cried, I sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder, she buckled and then wrapped her arms around my waist, resting her head against my chest. "I need you Storm, the camp needs you. Even if they don't know it yet" I sighed and looked to the rest of the visitors. Ignoring Bellamy.

"Come on girl, Jas has only just met you, you can't leave him already" Monty laughed and I smiled lightly, Clarke nodded, showing that she agreed with their opinions. Bellamy just looked guilty, and angry, he turned and then walked out without a word.

"Storm, please tell me it's fixable... whatever he did. I can't lose you" Octavia begged, I ran my hand through the young girl's long hair before closing my eyes.

"I honestly don't think so. I don't think I'll ever forgive him for what he did to me Octavia, but that doesn't mean I'll ever desert you" She smiled then nodded, before pulling back and wiping a tear from her face. "Speaking of Jasper, where is the goggle boy?" I asked and suddenly their faces all turned grave. I raised an eyebrow and Monty spoke up.

"We were attacked, he got speared... we need to go find him, that's why we came back" I nodded then walked from the tent, scanning the crowd for the man I hated most, but the man I knew would be of the most use. He was stood by the entrance, girls surrounding him, all in rolled-up shirts and laughing idiotically. I rolled my eyes then walked over to him, pushing girls out of my way.

"Blake, we're leaving, search party" He blinked and I turned on my heels. "Now Blake" He followed me back to the group and we both came to find Finn and Clarke arguing about the validity of the mission, I rolled my eyes before Clarke turned to Bellamy, whom I was aware was standing very close behind me, I could feel the heat from his body against my back.

"He looked up to you, and he saved your sister" she stated, looking directly over my shoulder, to the man behind.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming too" Octavia jumped in, I shook my head at the girl and Bellamy also protested, we may hate one another but we both care for the young girl's safety.

"I hear you have a gun Bellamy" Clarke stated, I turned around in shock and watched as Bellamy lifted his shirt to reveal the pistol in his waistband. My eyes lingered on the faint outlines of the abs he once had as a young guard. I looked away but caught the smirk on his face as I turned.

"You wish" I muttered and I heard him hum in agreement.

"You want them to follow you, and right now, they're thinking only one of us is scared" She motioned to herself, me, and Bellamy, I chuckled and pulled my jacket tighter around my body.

"Murphy, come with me. Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp" He barked before turning back towards the group. We all walked towards the main exit for the camp as everyone resumed building the wall that surrounded it. I walked in silence, with Monty beside me as Bellamy and Clarke walked in front of us. I felt Mont's eyes on me as I just stared at Bellamy's back, he'd grown taller and broader since I last saw him, which for a 21-year-old was surprising. His curly hair was now free of all gel and hung loosely around his face. I could tell they were arguing about something but didn't care to know what.

I felt Monty elbow me gently, getting my attention, I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and he had one eyebrow raised and a half smile looking towards Bellamy then back to me. I shook my head and laughed to myself.

"Hell no, I wouldn't make that mistake. It was bad enough being his friend on the arc, the punishment it got me. I'd never allow myself to fall for him" I laughed, seeing Bellamy's face turn halfway to look over his shoulder. "Mind your own business Blake" I snapped, he quickly turned to face forward again as we continued forwards. 

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