4: Self Worth or Self Hate

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"How come they didn't attack until Jasper crossed the river?" Finn asked and I rolled my eyes. At least Clarke saw sense as she explained the boundary. I sighed and saw Bellamy look over his shoulder once again, my gaze fell to the ground as I tried to ignore the Blake boy. I heard something about Finn tracking Jasper, and Finn yelling at Bellamy. I watched as Bellamy turned and began talking to wells who was on his other side. "You're invisible, and it feels that no matter how hard you try to do the right thing, she never sees you. She never sees how much you care" Bellamy muttered and I saw wells nod. Someone else had noticed his affections towards a certain blonde haired female.

"I'm not the only one though am I Bellamy, wanting to be seen" Bellamy laughed and shook his head. "I find that difficult to believe... I mean she's your age, she's beautiful, strong... I could honestly say I could see any man falling in love with her if he got close enough" I looked down, a tear in my eye, quickly brushing it away I finally hear Bellamy speak up.

"Any man could, until he got to know her, she's so damaged, and she could never love someone fully. She's a lone ranger, doesn't do partners" Wells rolled his eyes and soon they began debating about the nature of me. The bickering was interrupted by groans coming from ahead, we all rushed forwards to see Jasper on display for everyone to see, his wounds covered with some form of medicinal wrap. Murphy went ahead with Clarke to cut the boy down.

I heard a muted growl in the distance, too quiet for most to hear, and my hand went up to reach the gun in my holster Suddenly a louder growl rang through the clearing and I felt someone push me behind them, looking up the curly mop I rolled my eyes and went to reach my gun, only to find it gone. A panther came out of the bushes and I heard gunshots, none of which hit the panther. Wells had a gun, but it wasn't mine. Bellamy. Suddenly Bellamy raised a weapon of his own and shot once, hitting the panther straight in the head, and watching as it fell to the floor. He held out the weapon and I snatched it from his grasp before turning to Jasper.

"Don't touch my weapons again, or you'll join the panther" I threatened over my shoulder. Once murphy and Clarke managed to get Monty down I laid him out on our make-shift stretcher and grabbed one end, Bellamy picking up the other. We all set off back towards camp and Clarke walked alongside, holding Jasper's hand. Finn and Wells carried the panther behind us, as we all began to walk back proud of what we were bringing home, hope.

We got home and all the kids began to cheer as Bellamy announced dinner, they all queued up while it cooked and I disappeared back into my tent, lying down in the bed and letting out a sigh. I heard everything quiet down as the day became night and everyone went to bed, other than the few who were on watch. I laid down in my bed, thinking back to my life on the arc, before Bellamy, and before he ruined everything.

"Agent Emmerson" Chancellor Jaha called out, I turned to smile at him as he held his arms open. I laughed and shook my head. "I know, you don't do hugs" Nodding gently I smiled.

"What did you need to see me so urgently about Chancellor?" He smiled and I tilted my head slightly. "What?"

"Screening" He hinted.

"After this long? You found someone?" He nodded.

"We knew when he was a young boy, but we wanted to be sure before we let him near our prized woman" I laughed and he sits down in front of me, motioning for me to do the same. I sit and raise an eyebrow. "Bellamy Blake applied to the guard this year, he is 18 years old now, no longer a child and he has shown the promise needed to allow him near you. To make him worthy of you"

"Worthy? I'm an orphan who was raised by the Guard, Chancellor" He shook his head and then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Storm, I think of you as my own daughter, so brave and strong, your parents would have been so proud, and our screening tests have shown that this boy, Blake is the only one capable of keeping up with you and your mind" Jaha said, I nodded and he smiled. "I am putting you in charge of his training Agent Emmerson, you are to shape his mind into that of one of our top guards, but also crack the Blake boy, understand his mind" I nodded then stood up. "I'll take you to him, come meet 'your 'perfect match'" I followed the chancellor out of the room and through the twisting metal halls of the arc.

Jasper screamed out in pain once again and I walked further from the dropship, I see Bellamy laughing with his Goons, and a young girl crying on her own, walking slowly towards her I crouch down. "Hello sweetheart, I'm storm" I whispered and she looked up to me, fear in her eyes. "I won't hurt you darling, I don't hurt children" I whispered. "But don't tell them that" I winked and she chuckled, nodding. I sat on the ground beside her and patted my lap, "come here, I'll look after you" I whisper, she nods and then climbs into my lap, hugging me tightly and burring her head into my shoulder. I closed my eyes and rested my head-on top of hers, rubbing a hand up and down her back comfortingly.

When she settled, I lifted my head and looked around, most people had gone to bed, however I saw Bellamy, Atom and Murphy all sat outside the dropship staring at me.

We walked into the room with the new recruits and I stood beside the chancellor and more guards, "Welcome recruits..." Jaha started his speech and I scanned the group of young men, trying to guess which one would be my 'mate' by the books. None of them really stood out, but there was one boy at the back, scrawny, dark hair and brown eyes, with light freckles covering his entire face. An innocent look to the face, I smiled gently and he looked me in the eye, something none of the others had done. It had to be him. "... and Andres, William... you're with Montgomery. Finally, Blake, Bellamy, you will be with Agent Emmerson" I saw the young boy stand up and scan al of the guards, I stepped forward and marched over to him, currently towering over him, though there was only 11 months between us.

"Blake, you're stuck with me for your training, sorry" I laughed before turning on my heel, "follow me, were off to the gym" 

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