39: Visions of Those Passed

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"Ember? How are you doing this morning, I heard you were in the medical ward last week?" A woman whose name I had forgotten asked, I smiled gently in return. No-one had yet noticed that I had begun to wear hoodies to cover the small bump I had developed.

I had seen my fair share of normal pregnancy on the arc, and even a couple in mount weather. I was very small for the apparent timeframe my pregnancy was at, All it took was a baggy hoodie to cover the small bump. The doctors said that I was around 4 weeks from due date in a normal timeframe, but that gave me 2-3 days at the rate the baby was growing.

I quickly stood up and walked towards the door, when someone caught my arm. I turned to see Maya. "Oh good, you're alone" she smiled. I raised an eyebrow and she pulled me out of the room, through the corridor. "One of your people is looking for you, from the outside" she added.

"Outside? They found more of us?" I gasped, Maya quickly clapping her hand over my mouth before shaking her head.

"He snuck in, looking for you. Brown hair, brown eyes, quite tall... for us anyway" I nodded.

"Finn" I suggested, Maya shrugged,

"He didn't tell me his name, he killed a guard, stole the uniform and asked me where he would find you... but considering your state, I figured I would find you and tell you first, so you were prepared" I nodded then looked down to my covered stomach. "You don't look it" she whispered and I smiled. "Still so skinny"

"Where is he?" I asked softly, needing to see a familiar face.

"Someone saw him and pointed out the blood, I pretended he was exposed and so I've got him in quarantine, isolated room, high risk... also known as Birthing room for Ember Blake. No-one can go in without the code. I chose the code., and you're due. If anyone asks you could be feeling uneasy so it's for safety" She smiled, I hugged her.

"People really underestimate your genius" I laughed and she nodded, pulling my hand. I followed her through the halls, feeling my baby moving around as I do so, kicking gently. I felt a sharp pain in my ribs and doubled over slightly, groaning.

"Em?" Maya asked, I looked up before slowly standing.

"Got a kick to it" I muttered, and we slowly began to walk again. Trying to ignore the throbbing inside of my ribcage. An alarm began to go off and I groaned slightly. "Go ahead Maya, Finn will need to get to the others. You'll know where I am, and he will be able to carry me when we go" She nodded before rushing off. I limped behind her, and as I turn the corner I see the backs of Maya and Finn, a smile forming on my lips. I never realised how physically similar he was to Bellamy, same height, they looked like they were similar weights. Though I'm not surprised with how little some of us were eating.

"Bye Finn" I whispered before going into my birthing room, I fell onto my back on the bed and brought my legs up slowly, groaning in pain. The alarm was growing more frequent and I groaned, rolling over and covering my ears. I heard someone banging on the door, before pressing into the keypad. A code which clearly wasn't right, because I heard the 'denied' noise. I rolled over in the bed and climbed off slowly, hunching to one side to stop the pain as I walked to the door and peeped through the hole. Jasper. I opened the door and he smiled, rushing in.

"Ember!" He cheered, wrapping his arms around me.

"Jas, what's the alarm about?" I asked, he shook his head and cupped my face in his hands.

"we're going home Ember. There are survivors out there" he whispered. I shook my head.

"Jasper, this is home. I'm being looked after, I no longer have to worry about people hunting my own, I can raise my child with peace of mind they will grow up in a safe place" He looked down, teary eyed.

"This place isn't safe. You think they care? They are killing our people... so far there are 3 that have gone missing, never to be seen again. Clarke being one of them" I shook my head, no. It wasn't true

"Clarke is too strong. She left Jasper. She left us, just accept it. Clarke left, Bellamy is dead, I'm a mess, our leaders are gone. We need Mount Weather" Jasper walked out without another word and I laid back down in bed, turning my back to the door. Alarms began again and I pulled the blanket up, pressing it against my ears to block it out.

I felt hands shake me, pulling me from my peace, my eyes opened to see Bellamy in a guard's uniform. "Bellamy" I whispered, tears beginning to pour out of my eyes, my hand reached forward to his aged face, the face I had come to love so many years ago, "I couldn't save you, I'm sorry" I sobbed, closing my eyes again.

"Storm? It's me, we need to go" He whispered urgently, I shook my head pulling the blanket over my head.

"No! Just go away! He's dead, you're dead" I sobbed, turning away from the hallucination in front of me, one I had seen too many times now, and got my hopes up too many times. "He's dead" I whispered, broken.

Suddenly I was lifted from the bed, my blanket still wrapped around me, as I felt the person walk from the room, holding me close. I tried to focus on the sounds of their footsteps, or their breathing, but all I could focus on was Bellamy's scent. Even my nose memory couldn't let go of him. "Jasper" A raspy voice called from above me. "She's having an attack, we need to hurry" he continued. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then Jasper's soothing voice.

"Ember, we're going to get you out, and safe. I promise" Jasper quickly left and I felt the arms tighten around me. "Be careful with her, she's been unwell recently" Jasper warned, and I was thankful he didn't tell anyone the truth. Soon the person holding me set me down again. I held my blanket around my shoulders and looked around to all the 100.

"Ember" They all whispered, and I looked down, too tired and weary. Over the past few days I had grown tired, and food never seemed to keep me nourished. I stumbled slightly to be caught and have strong hands hold me upright. I looked over my shoulder to see Maya and Jasper behind me, Bellamy holding my shoulders. I shook my head tears falling.

"Em?" Jasper asked and I looked up. "You're crying again"

"I keep seeing him Jasper, he's dead and I can't stop seeing him everywhere I go" Jasper quickly wrapped his arms around me, trying carefully to not press too hard on my stomach. "I just miss him so much, I'm falling apart"

"I know Em, Bellamy will live on though, just remember that. He loved you" Jasper smiled and everyone nodded. A tear fell from my eye and I nodded.

"We need to get out of here" I whispered. All the criminals around me smiling proudly. "I'm sorry I haven't been the leader you needed" I spoke, looking to all of them. "In times of great sadness, we need to come together, doing things alone are not how the world should work. We were sent down here together, we built a home together, and we may have lost some of the most important people to us, but we must have faith. And we have to make things right for them"

"I'm proud of you, my beautiful storm" I heard him whisper behind me, I blinked away the tears and took in a shaky breath. "You've always been so strong, so beautiful" 

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