51: Ground Missions and Missed Admissions

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"Jas" Monty spoke up, looking to his friend beside him. Jasper quickly met his eyes, raising an eyebrow. "Shall we go do that thing we needed to do...you know" He nodded his head aside, making me chuckle.

"What thing?" Jasper asked, making Lincoln belt out a laugh.

"Yeah, that thing" Lincoln said, pulling Jasper from his seat, Jas looked to me and Bellamy before nodding. Monty quickly walked out, followed closely by his friend. Lincoln smiled to me, before looking down to my son.

"Tel em Gona/Tell him warrior" He met my eyes, his full of pain. "Ai will nou, ba skai king souda understand skai goufa/ I will not, but sky king must understand sky child" Bellamy looked between the two of us, making me sigh. I looked down to my son. "I would want to know Em" Lincoln added before turning on his heel once again. I looked up to see Bellamy staring down at me, confusion all over his face.

"What are you keeping from me?" He demanded quickly, face hardening. I let out a breath.

"Bellamy, I don't ask of much, only your trust. Trust that I will tell you when the time comes. When you need to know, which you don't right now" His eyes narrowed and Bellamy shook his head, sitting on one of the tables.

"What are you keeping from me?" He demanded once again, face flat and showing no emotion. I looked away, not wanting to meet the dead stare of the man I use to love. "Emmerson!" He snapped, making me jump a little. I shook my head before rushing away from him, Bellamy grabbed onto my shoulder, spinning me around to face him.

"Blake, there are things you need to know immediately, and things you don't" I sighed, before meeting his eyes once again.

"But Lincoln does? I thought we were going to try from a clean slate again? You blame me for ruining things every time... but look at what you're doing Lib!" He sighed, looking away from me, I swallowed loudly before looking down to my boy, who just stared back at me.

"It's about Lincoln's father" I whispered, which made Bellamy's head snap back to face me. Eyes wide. "Lincoln guessed it the moment he found out. I think he just wants me to tell everyone so I don't have the stress of keeping it in, and so he doesn't get pressure from Octavia or even you about who it is"

"So... Lincoln knows but I can't?" He crossed his arms, letting out a huff. I smiled to Lincoln before brushing my and through his short, dark curls. "Who else? Kane?" I nodded gently and Bellamy's mouth set into a frown.

"He's my dad Bellamy, do you think he'd let me keep it a secret?" I asked weakly, hoping Bellamy would just drop the topic, but knowing he never would.

"He's been you dad for less than a week Lib... I was your friend, and boyfriend for 10 years" He begged, eyes meeting mine. "If I guessed... would you tell me? Or would you lie and say no?" I shook my head.

"I promised no lies. If you got it right, I would tell you, but it doesn't matter" I sighed gently.

"It does to me, because it feels like I'm the only one who this is being hidden from" I shook my head slightly, looking to the walls.

"Bellamy, our people don't know. It would cause too many problems if they did. I don't want all eyes on my son as he grows up, watching to see who his priorities lie with" Bellamy raised an eyebrow before looking to the dark-haired boy.

"Lincoln" he whispered finally climbing from the table, Bellamy looked down to my son, sighing. "Dark hair, tanned skin, the deep brown eyes" He muttered, looking up to me. "You never really had a type, maybe just assholes" he whispered, making me laugh loudly. "But I know one person with those features, one you would have to keep secret if he was the father" I looked up to Bellamy, my eyes widening.

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