53: It's Hard Growing Up Without A Father

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3 Months Later

I sat at the edge of the with Lincoln beside me, both of us watching as my son slowly crawled around the bed, looking between the both of us. He crawled towards Lincoln who chuckled and tickled my son's sides until he tumbled onto his side, laughing. My smile grew and Linc let out a small yawn before rolling onto his stomach, head facing away from us.

"He's smart" Lincoln noted for the 5th time today. "Unlike his father" He laughed quietly, making me push on him gently, looking away at the mention of Bellamy. "Gona, you can't keep hurting yourself because of him..." I nodded weakly before looking to my now sleeping son.

"What can I say Lincoln, I love him, I've seen who he truly is inside, I love him as he is, no guardsman, no king of the skai kru... I love Bellamy god damn Blake. The pain in the ass who is so hot headed and impatient he'd switch from calm to screaming to playing with our son in moments..." Lincoln nodded, knowing firsthand how quickly Bellamy switched when Linc was around. "I would take every single one of his flaws, because they're who he is, I accept that, I love that. But he doesn't love me anymore, and that's okay. I should focus on my son" I looked down once more to the sleeping body, watching as his small chest rose and fell rhythmically.

"Go Gona, talk to him. Tell Bellamy, talk to him about it all. I'll watch over Lincoln Jr" We both chuckled and Lincoln took my son from my arms, nodding to the door. I wavered in my seat, turning to the door before looking back to Lincoln and my son. "Take as long as you need to sort out all the details he needs, I'm sure Aunty Octavia would love some time with her Nephew" I nodded, standing up before a thought sprung to mind, one that made a smile come to my face.

"God, a year ago I was stuck behind a desk wanting to kill myself, now I have a baby with the man I hated most and I'm running after him. How life has turned around" I laughed, before walking out the door.

"Chancellor's office, I heard Kane had a mission for him!" Lincoln called as I pushed my feet faster and harder, knowing the first place to look. My feet made unusually heavy I made my way towards my dad's office, knowing Bellamy would have gone to see him, I charged through the door to see Marcus and a few others crowded around a table.

"Dad, where did Blake go? I need to talk to him" Dad's eyes widened and I let out a breath, looking around to all the faces of the new council, who looked more confused than anything. The only knowing faces were those of my father and Abby Griffin, who smiled proudly to me.

"He's leaving with a team for the recon..." I rolled my eyes, knowing that he would be surrounded by a team I would have to fight against to pull him away for a few moments. Knowing he would be torn between seeing his son and knowing the truth, or going on the mission he had been set. "you might just ca-" I made my way out of the door before dad could finish, running through the halls as fast as my feet could physically push me. I could see the team from the window, Bellamy fastening a gun around himself, he looked back at the building, an unreadable expression on his face, a mix of regret, sadness and something else I couldn't place. Bellamy ran a hand through his shaggy hair before turning to the team. I ran out of the entrance, calling out for him, hoping he could hear me from the gate.

"Agent Blake!" I shouted out, making him spin quickly as everyone began to leave. He looked back to the team and to me once more, a pained expression taking over completely as he turned to follow the team. "Blake, we need to talk!" I shouted once more, before doubling over, panting loudly. "He's your son" I whispered, my breath catching in my throat, as I looked up to see the team already making their way into the forest. "Nice chat" I laughed bitterly before standing upright and turning back into the building, I could see my father stood in the entrance, sympathy filled eyes meeting mine.

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