15: First the Arsonist, Now the Grounder

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I press my ear to the metal, faintly hearing the commotion down below. Octavia protesting her brother capturing Lincoln. Clarke agreeing, then everything fell silent. I pressed myself harder to the floor, hoping it would help in any way.

"Tie him tighter" bellamy suddenly ordered, my breath caught in my throat at the thought of them tying Lincoln down, he will be pissed when he awakens. They ordered Octavia out but she argued.

"You did all that for us" She spat, disgusted, tears brimmed in my eyes as I imagined what Bellamy might have already done. "I don't even think he speaks English, he sure as hell didn't to Storm" She added, and I knew why. To get to Bellamy.

"Don't say a word about her" He growled to his sister and I bit into my lip, wincing once again.

"Why, you pissed she left you because of Murphy? And that she made friends with Grounders. You know he calls her Skai Gona, but we're the Kru. Don't you think it's odd. She isn't part of the Kru" Octavia teased before continuing. "He always spoke softly to her. Not once raising his voice like you, he ran his hands through her hair, he calmed her when she came in angry"

"Octavia..." Bellamy warned, and she laughed lightly.

"So... First John, the arsonist, and then a grounder... looks like she actually has moved on Bellamy. You're stuck on her, so in love while she finds it elsewhere" I rolled my eyes, knowing Octavia was now just trying to rile Bellamy up.

"Get out Octavia!" He shouted, before I heard a clang below, something had hit the wall. "You don't know anything about it so stay out of me and Storm's relationship"

"What relationship Bellamy, you fucked it up" She added, before the hatch below slammed shut. I closed my mouth, which had dropped at some point in the argument.

"I'm sure you'll understand this" Bellamy chuckled darkly, and I heard Lincoln's deep groans below. I bit into my knuckle to stop myself from screaming at the sound. I crawled towards the hatch and unlocked it, tipping my head out slightly to see Lincoln tied up in the room, cuts and bruises already scattered across his body. He looked around the room weakly, and his eyes locked with mine before he quickly looked away. I saw one of the criminals opening his sketchpad. Lincoln thrashed in his restraints and bellamy smirked.

"I this we found something he doesn't want us to see" they flicked through the drawings and I saw the drawing of Octavia Lincoln had done while she slept on the floor of our cave, her head in my lap. They flicked over to see the tally marks.

"Its our camp" another muttered, pointing to the sketch of the campsite, accompanying the tally.

"I'm guessing if I counted all those marks, it would add up to 103" one commented, before Bellamy leant over, looking to the tally, and how many were crossed.

"That's how many we've lost, and another..." He stood up quickly and made his way to Lincoln, his hand wrapping around his throat. "What happened to her" He growled. Everyone stilled, silent. "Where is Storm?" he draw back his fist and punched Lincoln in the stomach, I bit back a sob as he groaned then glanced to me and glared at Bellamy. "Skai gona" he spat, slowly. Lincoln remained silent, when all I wanted was for him to give me up.

"Get the hell out of my way" I heard a familiar voice call out. Clarke. Good, even if I hated what she did to John, she wouldn't want Bellamy torturing Lincoln, she wouldn't want to endanger herself.

Bellamy looked to the Hatch, and to the Skai Kru blocking it. "It's ok. Let her through" he nodded. Clarke climbed up, her eyes widening as she took in the scene in front of her. The grounder tied up, welts all over his body and blood covering most of his face.

"Well, if he didn't hate us before, he does now" she whispered, looking to Bellamy and then back to Lincoln, a hint of guilt in her eye.

Bellamy shrugged, not caring for Lincoln, he was nothing but meat, a target for Bellamy. "Who cares? How's Finn? Alive" he turned to Clarke, who shook her head, not accepting his topic change.

"His people will care. How long until they figure out where he is? And what happens when they do? I mean, when they come looking for him? They will, Bellamy" She looked back to Lincoln as I realized she never felt remorse towards what they had done, she was worried for Finn, and how quickly the grounders would retaliate. Bellamy placed a hand on her shoulder, and she quickly turned back to him.

"Relax, princess. No one saw us take him" I felt anger build up within me as he called her my old nickname. Had something happened between them while I was away, it was enough time for Octavia to believe I had moved on to Lincoln, so was it too unrealistic for Bellamy to sleep with Clarke?

"He was chained up in that cave the entire time, and thanks to the storm, we didn't see a soul on the way back" Bellamy smirked, proud of himself for his kidnap. I rolled my eyes, of course no-one would notice Lincoln disappearing, he was a loner, a scout who only returned to report back. I managed to sneak into a camp full of 80 people without being seen and I had an arrow in my leg. Of course, he could take an isolated grounder from an unmarked cave. None of them knew where Lincoln lived.

"Ok. In case you missed it, his people are already killing us" Clarke looked at him as if it was a surprise to hear that Bellamy didn't care about taking the grounder. Bellamy wasn't worried about the grounders that were already attacking when he held one captive, he would murder him for intel. And then take another.

"How many more of our people need to die until you realize we're fighting a war? We're not soldiers, Bellamy" I rolled my eyes, of course she would now try to play on his guilt. Heartless or not, he wouldn't want the blood of 100 teenagers on his hands. He was too proud to know he couldn't save them. "Look at him. We can't win" She pointed to Lincoln, who up until this point had remained silent other than his groans of pain. Clarke was right about one thing, grounders were the leaders when it came to torture. Lincoln wouldn't give up a thing. The 100 Skai Kru couldn't inflict the pain on him that he wouldn't be prepared for.

"You're right. We can't. If we don't fight" Bellamy growled before turning back to Lincoln. A menacing smirk on his face. 

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