46: Request: Denied

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I walked back to the training room to see Bellamy still in there, now shirtless with his fists raised, I opened the door, stepping into the frame to watch. Bellamy hopped around lightly sparring with Lincoln. Lincoln blocked every punch Bellamy threw, and landed a few on him in return. He landed a kick on Bellamy's stomach, launching him back. I jogged towards them, elbowing Lincoln in the ribs, he doubled over and looked to me. I noticed the group of criminals stood alongside the wall where the door was, I smiled and waved to each of them, who all waved back then looked to Lincoln.

"Come on Emmy, I actually need to practice. I need to fight. You can't" Bellamy groaned, I stepped aside and laughed.

"You're right, you need the practice, Lincoln managed to floor you too easily. I trained you better than that" I chuckled then stepped aside, watching as Bellamy's anger rose, Lincoln nodded to me and I stepped away from the combat zone. They both raised fists again and I watched and Lincoln got Bellamy to the floor in less than a minute. Bellamy doubled over, groaning. He rolled over and met my amused eyes, forcing himself up. He ran to Lincoln, throwing fast, hard and calculated punches, all of which knocked Lincoln back. But Lincoln quickly recovered, flipping Bellamy over his back and raising his fist over him.

Lincoln began talking to the students as Bellamy walked towards me, pulling his shirt over his head. "can we talk?" I asked, he nodded slightly, turning away to face the students and Lincoln. "5 minutes, my old room" I ordered before walking off, knowing my room was on this section of the ark. I walked out as I heard Lincoln call out to Bellamy. As I walked through I saw Marcus working in the old logistics room, I peeked in and called out. "Hey, going to talk to Bellamy about tomorrow... I'll talk to you when you're not busy" I called, he turned quickly then smiled, nodding.

"Whenever you want, never again will I be busy when you want me" He replied, I smiled then looked around to see no-one around.

"Thank you, dad," I muttered before ducking back out and making my way to my room, when I entered the code, the door slid open. Bellamy was already inside, cleaning up the paperwork which was strewn all over the room. "You don't need to clean my stuff away you know?" I chuckled, he shot round and smiled to me.

"you always hated this place being a mess, I wanted to help... sit down, let me finish just this bit, please" he smiled, I sat on the bed and lifted my feet, deciding not to argue for once. Bellamy picked up the last few papers, neatening them up and placing them on the pile on the desk. "I don't know where you want them, so I'll leave it with you" He sat down beside me, eyes falling to my stomach again.

"Please don't do that, you'll make it obvious" I whispered, he nodded then met my eyes.

"You needed to talk?" Bellamy asked, tentatively. I nodded then scratched my head slightly. "What's wrong?" he asked quickly, "you only do that when you're nervous or scared, the latter is a rare occasion" I chuckled.

"I'm not, it's just phrasing this right... asking in a way that doesn't demand..." he raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "Do you want to be there? When the time comes?" I looked down then back to Bellamy, watching as his eyes widen.

"When you?" I nodded. "Do you want me there?" he asked, his eyes pleading.

"I... I don't want it to be about me, you want to be here for me, because you weren't... My dad will be there, and Abby... but I will be alone otherwise. I don't want anyone else with me. But with you, it's a different story altogether. I don't think I could do this alone, honestly it scares the hell out of me after last time. But at the end of the day, all of this is my decision, my body, my baby... so I can't make you go, I don't even really have the right to ask. But I am" He raised an eyebrow. "Bellamy, will you come to the birth? I'm scared to do it without you" I admitted, his eyes softening.

"Of course, I want to be there anyway. After everything, I know right now we're rushed for the baby, but I'm going to do all I can for you and your baby... as is Marcus I assume, but with everything we've been through... I can't not go" he laughed. I nodded then ran a hand through my hair. "Everything is going to change after the birth, isn't it?" he asked weakly.

"between us, yes. Right now, I need you, I needed you when I found out, and when I was so ill because of it. Afterwards, I'll be focused on my baby" he nodded, taking my hand in his. "All I wanted was you, being back here though, in the same position as before... it reminds me that I did it without you before. But I don't want to this time"

"W... we can pretend, if you want?" I looked to him confused, "that none of this happened, for now... until he or she is here. We are back on the ark, and I was the father, I'll be a good dad to him... I'll be better, I promise" he begged, looking down at my stomach sadly, I felt the tears welling up.

"Bellamy, you aren't ready for this, just like you weren't back then. I would like you to be part of his life, but I can't do this to you, you've already got all them to worry about protecting, you can't be a father" I muttered, pulling him in close, hearing the sobs against my shoulder. "You get all the good of being the father, but none of the stress. You can talk to him, hold him, play with him... no nappies, no middle of the night crying, no feeding and burping" He nodded against my shoulder.

"but they won't call me dad?" he whispered, broken. "I'm not the dad" he reminded himself, breaking my heart a little at the pain in his voice. He sat up and wiped the stray tears. "I'm not the dad. Someone else is. I'm just a friend..." he spoke, flatly. "Not even that" I looked down, not wanting to see his hurt eyes.

"Bell-" He stood up and walked to the door.

"The dad should be with you, since you cared so much about him to sleep with him and then me..." Bellamy snapped, I leant back, shocked. "Ask him instead, if you even know who it is" he stormed out and I looked down to my stomach, cradling it in my arms. I lied on my side and let the tears fall silently. The kicking grew more frequent and I smiled to myself.

"It's me and you now kiddo, and your pops" I added with a chuckle. "I never knew my dad growing up, and now I have him, I just hope you don't go through half of what I did to get him" I sighed, feeling a tightening in my stomach. I groaned and stood up, stumbling to my door. I opened it, doubling over as the pain intensified. "Someone! Someone help!" I shouted, tears now falling as my breathing increased, people ran over to me and I felt hands on my back and shoulders. "Get Kane and Abby" I ordered, before stumbling back to my bed. Falling onto it in tears. I heard people running up and down the halls, shouts beginning. I curled up, cradling my stomach tightly. I'll protect you this time, I'll keep you safe. Soon I saw my dad run in the room, straight to crouch by me bedside.

"Now?" He asked urgently. I nodded, "did Bellamy do something?" he asked and I sobbed, shaking my head.

"I asked him to stay with me, when this happened. He said yes, then talked himself out..." I sobbed, Marcus picked me up in his arms, running through the halls. Everyone seemed to move out of his way without thinking. I felt my pain become cramps and I cried out again. I was placed on a bed, dad looking away as Abby placed a sheet over my lower half and began to unbutton my jeans, she pulled them down quickly and pushed up my legs, eliciting a scream of pain. Dad grabbed my hand tightly before kissing my head and running off again. "No, don't leave" I begged, Abby looking up sadly.

"Storm, your contractions seem to have started, but your waters haven't broken yet, if they don't soon I may need to do it manually" she assured, I nodded, too distracted to care what she was saying. I shut my eyes tightly, hands covering my face a I bit into my thumbs. Someone grabbed a hold of my hand, dad was back. I kept my eyes closed and face scrunched to stop the screams as I felt liquid gush down my legs. "that's it, well done... Storm, the baby is coming. Bite into this if you need, just focus on breathing evenly, and pushing" she soothed, handing up a bunched-up cloth. I felt it in my hand and quickly bit into it, letting the tears fall.

Dad wiped away my tears with his thumb and squeezed my hand with his. "Squeeze as tight as you want Lib, just push the pain to me" I the voice sooth, I squeezed down hard and bit tightly. Trying to get rid of the pain I was feeling.

"I can see the head, come on Storm" Abby called and I cried out. 

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