16: Pain, Suffering and Selflessness

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As Clarke ran back down the hatch, Miller quickly shut it behind her, blocking the entrance and turning back to Bellamy before nodding. Bellamy turned back to the grounder he had captured and pulled back his fist, muttering something before punching Lincoln once again, I gasped lightly, quickly putting a hand to my mouth to hide the sound. Lincoln's lip split open and I watched as more blood began to trickle down his face.

"Where" punch "Is" punch" Storm" punch, he doubled over, hands on his knees and I head his voice break. "where is she?" he whispered, hoarsely.

"Bellamy... why is the agent so important to you?" Miller asked, and I almost laughed, did he not know by now, everyone did? Bellamy stood upright and by Miller's face, I would assume gave him the same look I had.

"I loved her, and I'm pretty sure she felt the same. I mean she was supposed to. The ark screened all potential guards to see who made the best match to make faster, stronger agents. She was the outcome of such processes. I was her perfect match apparently, and we worked, for a while" He let out a shout before punching Lincoln again. "we had an argument, Storm was pregnant, and I wasn't the father... at least I don't think I was. Anyway, I let out my anger in a negative way, I found another girl who had shown interest in me..." I felt the tears well up again, and Lincoln looked up to me, sadness in his eyes. He knew the full story, he was the only person I had ever told what happened.

"Anyway, I didn't care for the girl but she was easy. Storm found us together, and she screamed, and begged it not to be real, she doesn't cry, but that's the closest I had seen her. I felt awful instantly, but it was too late, she wouldn't forgive me. Less than a week later they found Octavia and I was removed from guard duty, banned from ever seeing or speaking to Storm again" He punched Lincoln, but weaker than before. I watched as Bellamy sat on the ground, his head hung while his arms wrapped around his knees. He was thinking, a glare on his face. "Finding out the 100 was coming down to Earth tore me apart, I still loved Storm and I knew that if I went to Earth I wouldn't see her again, but Octavia was my sister and I have a duty to protect her" He stood back up, regaining his strength.

"Jaha was like a father to Storm, since both her parents were killed when she was young, and when I was told the only way I would get on this ship to protect my sister was to kill him..." my eyes widened at the information and I felt my anger rise once again. "I was going to break her heart one last time before leaving her forever" suddenly the hatch below started rattling before thuds were heard.

"get out of my way miller" I heard Clarke order, and suddenly he moved, she stormed up and made her way directly to Lincoln with the knife in her hand. "What's on this?" she asked, I saw Bellamy glare at all the guys who were in the room, a silent order to never speak of it. Octavia soon came through the hatch, but she stood far back from the scene in front of her.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked, looking to the blonde and the blade in her hand.

"He poisoned the blade" she turned back to Lincoln and I blinked, it wasn't his blade. It was mine. "all this time, you knew Finn was gonna die no matter what we did" she accused, I shook my head, Lincoln didn't know.

"Storm, that must be what he did..." Octavia and Clarke looked to Bellamy as he pieced together something in his head, he recognised the knife. He must have thought.... "You killed her with her own weapon" he accused, his face contorting and his body tensing. Octavia looked to her brother, shock on her face.

"The vials" one of the criminals said, holding out Lincoln's medicine pouch, I smiled. He would have it somewhere. Even if Finn irritated me to the ends of the Earth, I didn't want to be the reason he died. I widened my eyes, waiting for Lincoln to look to me, I could mouth what plant it was to him and he would show them the antidote, then he would be free.

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