37: 413 Prisioners, 9 Years, 1 Child Rule

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Days seemed to pass quickly and I grew to know the people around me, they were all welcoming and very quickly the 50 of us managed to integrate within society, except for Clarke. Though I had my suspicions about their intentions, I managed to keep my disbelief to myself, whereas Clarke made it clear she didn't trust the mountain men.

"You have to try this pie" Jasper whispered, passing it to Monty and then myself. I shook my head and he shrugged. "It's great" He laughed.

"I don't actually eat meat, if I have the choice" both of them looked to me shocked. "what?"

"The assassin... is vegetarian?" Monty asked, making Jasper chuckle.

"I'm probably closer to vegan... but I'm not too bothered, I just don't like milk, cheese and eggs. If it's in something though, and I can't taste it... I'll eat it. Just not meat, I hate the stuff" I smiled, both of them looked to me shocked and then went back to eating their food while I picked at my salad.

"Not eating?" Jasper asked, and I shook my head.

"I can't" I muttered, his hand fell to my shoulder and he smiled weakly.

"He wouldn't blame you, you didn't know he wasn't following" He reasoned and I shook my head, refusing to let the tears fall.

"He died thinking I hated him, he thought I used him for what I wanted and then left him to die" I argued, under my breath.

"No, Bellamy loved you. He would be glad you're safe, even if he didn't make it with you" Monty sighed, reaching over to take my hand from across the table.

"If he really loved me, why did he call me a slut and tell Finn that Raven was better in bed?" I muttered, bitterly.

"Because he wanted to get you riled up, Bellamy loved it when you were pissed off because it made you more passionate about saving all of our asses. And you became the leader he knew you could be, you inspired us" Jasper interrupted, making Monty and myself chuckle. I began talking to Monty, barely even noticing as Clarke sat on the other side of Jasper and began talking to him. Suddenly my attention was drawn to the conversation. "Way out?" He asked, "look around you Clarke. There's no one hunting us here. First time in our lives we're not hungry, why would we want to leave?" He asked, I nodded and looked around, I lost everything a week ago, and now at least I was safe and didn't have to worry about leading them through a losing battle.

"Our friends out there need our help" She whispered.

"What friends? Finn and Bellamy are dead Clarke, what don't you get about that. They're gone" I spat, glaring at her, she leant back when she saw the pain in my eyes. No-one other than Monty or Jasper dare bring up Bellamy near me, they were afraid I would snap.

"They're looking for survivors" Monty whispered, "and they're better equipped to find them than we are" he added.

"This place is too good to be true" she argued, her eyes pleading with me. I shook my head, not enticing her to go hunt more.

"You're bumming me out, I'm gonna get more cake" Jasper rasped, his voice shaky. He quickly got up and walked off. I glared at Clarke who got up when she saw Jasper talking to someone. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Monty who shrugged.

"You like it here right?" He asked, I shrugged before looking around.

"I see her point, it does seem too good to be true, but I need to recover before I even think about digging through their secrets" Monty nodded then we both fell back into a comfortable silence, eating our food.

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