54: But it's easy when you have a fantastic mother.

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Lincoln bounced gently on my knee, as I watched his eyes light up with the same familiar joy. "Who's mummy's little boy" I whispered, cuddling him close as he cooed again.

"Storm!" I heard the older Lincoln boom, running through the halls, "They're back" He quickly took Linc from my arms, making my head snap up to his towering frame. "Skai King has returned" He repeated, eyes staying on mine. I nodded, quickly pushing myself from the bench I had been sat on for the past hour. "Main entrance" He added as I looked towards the hall, a smile formed on my face and I quickly ran from the room, the sound of heavy footing was all I could hear, my own feet. Once I had been trained to be silent, a long time ago, but it didn't matter now.

The recovery team were all piling in, but Bellamy was nowhere to be seen. Raven looked to me before nodding to the hallway on her right. I offered a small smile before heading down, looking into each exit, hoping to find him. "Bellamy?" I called out, voice cracking with the sudden realization of what I was about to tell him. "Bell?" I tried again, the only response I had was a door slamming. My eyes widened, and I ran towards it, knocking suddenly, loudly. "Bell, I need to talk to you!" I shouted, urgency suddenly filling my voice, urgency and fear. "Please" My voice cracked once more, and the door opened quickly to reveal a disheveled Bellamy.

"Bellamy we-" "Storm now isn'" "I need to talk about Li-" "Seriously Storm, leave me alone" "Bellamy, Linc is-" We both blurted out over one another, barely catching what the other was saying. "What's going on?" I ask, as Bellamy's tired and weak demeaner froze.

"Linc? Is he okay?" Bellamy tensed up, eyes searching mine.

"It can wait, what's got you looking so... not Bellamy" I whispered, looking over him once again. His shirt was part tucked and part untucked, blood and dirt covered it now, though he didn't seem to have any cuts, any visible ones at least. His hair was messier than usual, and his voice was hoarse.

Bellamy remained unmoved, eyes full of fear. "Is Linc okay, don't tell me something-" My head shook quickly, knowing he thought he was hurt.

"Bellamy, talk to me" I muttered, making him shake his head, his eyes tearing up. "Bell, please" I begged, pushing I'm backwards into the room, it was a bedroom, he sat on the bed and I watched as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I should have protected her more, she was too kind for this" Bellamy muttered, looking into his lap. "Gina was attacked on the recovery mission, a grounder killed her Storm" He mumbled, making my jaw fall. My heart cracked in pieces, my love for Bellamy might have made me dislike the girl, but he loved her, and it's hurting him. I wrapped my arms around him, wishing I knew what to do. "I broke her heart, and then left her alone... she died because of my negligence" He snapped.

My brow furrowed at his admission, looking up to his tear stained and muddy cheeks. "What?" Bellamy sighed, before wrapping his arms around me, pulling my body onto his lap, and burying his head in my neck.

"I broke up with Gina on the way to mount weather, she was upset, I lied about my reason, but she knew the truth. I could see it in her eyes. She was hurting because of me, and it made her caution lapse... I would have been there to watch over her, but I couldn't bare the sadness in her eyes..." Bellamy sobbed, fingers knotting in the material of my shirt. "I told her that I just didn't want to be in a relationship with anyone, and that I didn't want to string her along, because I've done it before, I've hurt those I claimed to love. I wasn't going to be responsible for holding her back when she might bump into someone that would truly love her" Bellamy sighed. "Everyone on this camp knows our story Lib, and they know that I can't love another person like I loved you, they know you'll always be there in the corner of my mind, and now that you have Linc, I worry about you both so much more... it's not fair to get into a relationship with someone when I am not putting them first"

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