9: Testosterone and Looks that could Kill

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I sat on the ground outside the dropship, sharpening the arrowheads I had just made, and watching as the 'men' built a wall, or struggled to. I groaned and threw my arrows to the floor, tired of watching them struggle. I took one rock from the pile and began to place it when I head Murphy speak up.

"This section should be finished by tomorrow. Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around and waist for us?" I turned to see him yelling at a teenager who had just put down his rock and walked off, I raised an eyebrow.

"I just need some water Okay?" I looked away once again and continued walking towards the wall with the rock I had. I rolled my eyes when another voice spoke up.

"Murphy, get the guy some water" He ordered, I glanced over to see him smile and laugh with Charlotte before he too went to place a log on the wall. I watched as his back muscles contorted under the shirt, tearing myself away I heard a teenage groan and then yell.

"What the hell is wrong with you Murphy?" I turned around to see murphy pulling up his zipper. I stifled a laugh, unable to make out what Murphy had said in response. I walked towards Murphy and he laughed before pulling me in for a hug, I smiled then pulled back, glancing around to see Bellamy glaring at us, rolling my eyes I leant against Murphy and looked up to him.

"The king looks pretty pissed that the Queen is with me" he winked and I laughed, slapping his chest. "Really, its grinding his gears"

"I don't care, Bellamy doesn't control me. He was the one that ruined everything, he has to pay the price" I looked up and watched as Murphy raised an eyebrow. "He never believed in me, he cheated, he lied... He's the reason I got put in isolation. Why should I bother making him feel comfortable on earth?" Murphy nodded and I stepped back, before pressing a kiss on his cheek and walking back to my pile of stones and logs. After putting together, the parts of the wall I had, I turned to see Bellamy and Murphy by the dropship, I smirked and snuck up behind them.

"You need to back off Murphy" Bellamy warned, I rolled my eyes and listened. "Seriously, Storm is deadly, and I wouldn't want her to do to you what she did to me and my family" I frowned and heard murphy laugh.

"What, you don't want her to give me a chance, you don't want her to realise I could treat her better than you ever did. You don't want her to see how much better she could be treated, that not all men cheat and lie to the woman they love... because you did. Didn't you. You loved her, and you still do. But you fucked up. You ruined your only chance and now you don't want her to move on" I heard Bellamy laugh lightly.

"Murphy, you have no idea what happened between me and her" He chuckled. "No idea"

"I know you lied to her, you cheated on her, you never believed in her, and you got hr removed from the job she loved most" Murphy jabbed, I sighed and walked past them without another word, they both fell quiet before I heard a thud, I turned to see Bellamy had punched Murphy in the face, murphy held his jaw and slowly turned to face the leader before drawing back his fist and punching back. I walked off to find Clarke and Octavia, who were inside of Bellamy's tent, and soon after the 'leader' followed behind me.

"Finished your ego fight Blake?" I muttered and both the siblings looked to me.

"I don't know why you like him" Bellamy retorted.

"He's a good friend, and cares about my happiness, he's willing to defend me when I'm not around" bellamy rolled his eyes and I smirked.

"Grounders didn't kill Wells. It was one of us" I heard Clarke say before walking into the tent, they all turned towards me, shocked.

"You know, with secure information like that you should really be quiet if you don't want others to hear it" I stated blankly then sat down, "so... leader" I glared to bellamy "what will you do?" I challenged and he thought for a moment.

"What do you advise?" He asked, I laughed and shook my head.

"No. you don't get to treat me and my friends this way then ask my advice, you think your so much more capable than me, go for it" He took a deep breath and Clarke made the decision for him.

"Get out of my way Bellamy" she tried to push him but he held her back, a smart idea, she is a brave girl but she doesn't know how to lead a functional society.

"Clarke be smart about this. Look at what we've achieved... the wall, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us" I nodded slightly, before looking to the blonde. I lost focus as I looked at the knife, something about it seemed familiar, but I couldn't place it. "we don't even know who's knife it is"

"oh really, J.M. John Murphy, the people have a right to know" she declared, causing for me to shoot up, Bellamy looked to me and then to Clarke. I ran out and looked to the wall and Murphy. "You son of a Bitch" she yelled, running up to Murphy, I saw Bellamy out of the corner of my eye, watching me carefully.

"What's your problem?" murphy asked, clearly unphased by Clarkes sudden outburst. She held up the knife and he took it from her hands. "My knife, where'd you find this?" He asked, looking over to me. I smiled weakly and shrugged.

"Where you dropped it when you killed Wells" she announced for everyone to hear, I face palmed and sighed audibly. Looking back to Murphy quickly.

"Where I WHAT?" Murphy asked, shocked by the accusation. "Grounders killed wells?" he almost asked everyone. I shook my head and he looked to me pleadingly. The fear in his eyes telling me all I needed to know. "Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" he asked, looking over to the apparent 'leader' of the camp. Who remained silent, and looked to me. I glared and looked back to Murphy. "I didn't do this" he yelled, unsure of what else to do.

"They found Well's fingers with your knife John..." Bellamy trailed off.

"I say we float him!" a familiar voice called out, I turned to see Octavia stood with her brother, my eyes widened and I looked to John who looked scared for the first time since we'd landed. I wasn't going to let this happen. It can't. I felt charlotte grab my hand and look up to me, scared. I covered her eyes with one hand and looked on as the group began to chant as Clarke tried to back track what she had set into motion. She looked to me and I glared in her direction.

"Bellamy! You should do it!" One cheered and his eyes snapped to me. I sent him a glare that told him all he needed to know. He did that and I would never say another word to him.

"This is on you princess!" he pointed to Clarke then looked at me pained, "you should have kept your mouth shut" he added before walking to murphy, who was now tied with a rope round his throat. I watched as bellamy looked straight into my eyes as he kicked the chair out from under murphy. I let go of charlottes eyes and heard her gasp as I reached for the blade in my waistband. I quickly span launching it towards the rope and as Charlotte screamed, Murphy fell to the ground.

"Stop! Murphy didn't kill Wells. I did!" She cried and everyone fell silent, I looked down to the girl beside me and then to Murphy who lied on the floor gasping for breath, as Clarke and Bellamy ran to Charlotte I made my way to Murphy, pulling the rope from his neck and cradling his head.

"John? Are you okay?" He looked up to me and nodded, still gasping for air, I looked over my shoulder to see Bellamy looking at me before disappearing with Clarke and Charlotte. As John sat up I stood up, turning around before walking through the gates of the camp and running into the woods. 

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