48: Braving a New World

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As I slowly walked to Bellamy's side, I pulled the sheet tighter around Lincoln, keeping him close to my chest. Dad followed, staying close behind me. I turned to face the camp, which was now busy with everyone working hard. I felt dad's hand fall gently on my shoulder. Abby turned towards me, her smile growing. Slowly, one by one, everyone turned to stare at the thre- four of us stood in the doorway.

"Storm's up" someone called out. Everyone cheered and I felt a smile form on my face, they fell silent just in time to hear Bellamy speak up.

"I told you they missed you" he laughed, I looked round to all the smiling faces in front of me, everyone accepted my return easily.

"Is it all over? Are you better?" someone asked and I chucked.

"It was never a bad thing, I was just very ill during it all" I explained, finally walking towards my people when Lincoln let out a loud gurgle. Everyone's eyes fell to the bundle of sheets in my arms.

"Wha-" someone asked, but they fell silent when Lincoln ran over, looking down to the baby in my arms, he smiled up to me and I held Linc out to him. He bit back his smile and delicately took the baby into his arms, brushing the sheet back with his thumb.

"A little boy" I whispered, Octavia ran to his side and looked down to my son. "Lincoln Bellamy Marcus Blake" I added, "Linc for short" I chuckled, Lincolns eyes widened and he quickly wrapped one arm around my shoulder, squeezing me to his side.

"You, named him-?" he cut himself short, putting his other arm back under Linc, he looked down to the little boy then up to me, and finally Bellamy and my father. "Thank you" he whispered to me and I nodded.

"I'm going to finally catch up on what I missed, I'll ask my d-" Lincoln shook his head.

"I'll watch him, I'm sure Octavia want's to get to know her nephew" Lincoln laughed, Octavia's eyes widening. Lincoln shook his head when he realised what she assumed. "Octavia, you're like her sister..." he reasoned and she nodded, sinking back slightly

"I wish he was" she muttered, and I knew she meant Bellamy. I pulled her into a hug, and she squeezed back lightly. "You bloody cow" she laughed and I raised an eyebrow. "How did you hide that?"

"I've been in mount weather for a lot of it... they kept a close eye on me" I laughed, she nodded then pushed me to the group of people gathering.

"Go, take Linc and let everyone meet him, they won't leave you be until you do. I'm sure he'll want to sleep soon enough" I nodded, realising he hadn't slept properly since he was born. Lincoln passed my son back to me and I cradled him in my arms, kissing his head softly.

"He is a handsome little man already" he whispered, I nodded. He had a lot of his father's features. The tanned skin, dark hair and light brown eyes, they would darken soon enough. I was glad, because his father's eyes are a beautiful colour. "He has the perfect balance of you and his dad" Lincoln noted.

"No, he's definitely his father's son. He has my nose" I laughed, tapping his nose gently.

"Your eyes shape, and smile" he added, I shook my head and he nodded.

"That's his father there. A cheeky little smile, that flattens on top when it gets bigger" I noted, remembering Bellamy's smile perfectly.

"Just shut up arguing and go show him off, you should be proud" He pushed me gently towards the crowd, everyone was surrounding Bellamy shouting out questions while he laughed and waved them all off.

"Just ask Storm when she's ready, you know she'll answer every question. But give her time guys, she's just had a baby for goodness sake" he laughed gently and I smiled, walking up behind him, placing a hand on the small of his back. Bellamy looked down to me and then now yawning baby.

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