34: A Façade of Strength

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Bellamy gripped onto my arms tightly, his eyes not leaving mine as everyone rushed around him. "Murphy" he muttered, raspy. My eyes tore from him to look in the direction he had gone, the drop hatch now shut. Bellamy jumped up and ran to the ladder, banging into the metal with his hands, his shoulder, anything he could.

"Murphy!" He began shouting, "Its over" he added, looking down to me and then back to the drop hatch. "There's only one way out of this for you" he growled before I reached up, grabbing one of his hands. Bellamy looked down to me, his eyes fuelled by rage. Suddenly there was an explosion from above, my eyes widened and I felt a sob build up in my throat, John was up there. Bellamy banged against the door again, it finally falling open. My grip on his hand tightened, not letting him up.

"Bellamy" he looked down to me before frowning. "don't, you could get hurt" He looked up before pulling his hand from me.

"I'm going to kill him Storm, and nothing will stop me" He whispered before shooting up. I quickly followed Bellamy up, my heart torn. Sure, Bellamy was protecting me, and John did what he did, but I had fallen for him, even if he was fake. Tears began to fall as I got into the floor above, there was a massive gaping hole in the wall and John was gone, a sigh escaped my lips and Bellamy turned to face me, his face falling. He quickly ran to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Bell, I-" I sobbed and he stroked my hair softly, not uttering a word. I listened to his calming heartbeat and tried to steady my breathing.

"I know, let's get back down there. We have people to protect, and you need to keep it from your mind. We'll deal with this tonight, when we have time to ourselves" I nodded at his words and pulled back taking a step back. "Do you think you can keep it together until then? If not I'll get Octavia to-" I nodded quickly, drying my eyes.

"I need to do this Bellamy, get him out of my mind. I can't think of what he did" Bellamy looked away, his hands fisting and his brow furrowed, I reached out, my hand taking his. "The camp need their leaders. We can't let them know, John tried to kill us, and he failed. He may have escaped but it isn't as important as ensuring everyone's safety. The grounders are more important right now" He nodded and picked up my chin, tilting my face to look up at him. His warm eyes searching my face.

"I believe in you princess, and if you need time at any point, just ask. Code Jaha" He smiled, I copied it and took a deep breath before stepping back, smoothing out my clothes.

"How do I look, and my face?" Bellamy just smiled and nodded.

"You always look beautiful" he whispered, making me blush. He chucked then walked towards the drop hatch, sitting on the edge before lowering himself, using his bicep strength to lower himself before dropping. I watched biting my lip as Bellamy showed off, once he was down I walked over to see him waiting below, arms out. We smiled to each other before I dropped down, landing safely in his arms. Everyone looked at us, confusion on their faces as Bellamy carefully placed me down. I turned and walked towards the crowd who all looked at us warily.

"we're going after Clarke, Finn and Monty" I stated flatly, looking around to see all the concerned faces. "we don't abandon our own" I added, they all smiled widely and I looked up to the man beside me who was just staring at me, proudly.

"Raven needs to stay, build up defences, we've lost all out gunpowder because of Murphy, Storm will come with me" Bellamy commanded, everyone nodding. No-one dare argue with the leader today.

"We've got movement outside the south wall" I heard, from Jasper's walkie talkie. Everyone became alert and ran into position. I stayed put with Bellamy and felt his hand wrap around mine, when no-one was looking. The gesture brought relief to me and I looked up, he was staring ahead, his face unreadable.

"What is it?" He shouted when everyone stayed silent.

"Clarke and Finn" Someone responded, Bellamy let go and ran towards the south wall. I stayed still and looked around. There was around 80 people left from the original 102, and we needed everyone we could gather. I watched as they walked in and everyone swarmed them. My face fell when I realised Monty wasn't with them. I walked off towards my tent as I heard everyone talking outside, suddenly everyone dispersed and I heard possessions being moved around outside. I picked up my knife before sitting on the bed and staring at it. Tears fell down my face once again and I threw it to the floor, fuck Murphy. Fuck everything about him, his gifts, his kisses. He was playing me the entire time. I grabbed my gun from under the bed as well as the knife Lincoln had given me when we were with the grounders.

I walked from my tent, head held high, when I made my way to Bellamy and Clarke, I realised they were arguing. Clarke wanted to leave, and everyone was on her side. I laughed and rolled my eyes, ever the coward.

"What do you think Storm?" She asked, everyone fell silent and stopped gathering their things.

"I think running away right now would be the stupidest thing we could do. You may think the ocean will bring us sanctuary, but all our resources are here, our protection is all here. You leave now and you will be a target. I'm not going to tell you what to do, because I'm not controlling you, I am not your parents. But just know, you leave these walls and the grounders will pick you off as they have done so many times before" I turned to see everyone staring at me, even Bellamy was surprised.

"Now, I am going out there and I am going to bring Monty home with me, whether or not you are all here when I get back is up to you, but I will be coming back here, and I won't leave you all unprotected again" Everyone smiled at me and I turned towards the gates, heading towards them before someone caught my arm, Bellamy.

"I'm coming with you, just wait. Please" he whispered, I nodded and stood by the entrance, staring as everyone discussed between themselves, unsure, that is until Raven made her way up, clinging onto Jasper, she had been hit.

"we got lucky" I heard her tell everyone, "if Muphy hit the fuel tanks instead of me, we'd all be dead" My eyes widened and Bellamy walked towards me, an eyebrow cocked.

"There's rocket fuel down there?" I asked, walking towards the now injured girl, she nodded.

"Enough to build a bomb?" Bellamy asked and I waved my hand, silencing him.

"No gunpowder anymore... do you think you could rewire the dropship?" Raven nodded, catching on. "Go up, fry them" I smirked

"I like your thinking girl" she laughed and I glared at her.

"Yeah, well I'm glad you like something other than my ex" I spat, before turning to Bellamy. "We'll find Monty, bring him back, and probably the grounders as we do so, they'll realise I'm still alive" Bellamy nodded, remaining silent. "Get on and shut the doors, then light 'em up"

"Go to the reapers, don't get caught... but lead them to the grounders... they can fight each other as they both try to kill us, that'll draw them in" Finn added, I nodded. The reapers were one of the few things that scared the Tri Kru.

"I can do that" I nodded, Finn smiled to me, his hand resting on my shoulder. He took a rifle from one of the guys nearby.

"Let's go shall we?" he asked and I smiled softly, he returned it then looked to Bellamy. "I assume you're joining? You wouldn't leave her unprotected?" Finn laughed and Bell nodded, heading to the gates.

"We'll be back with Monty, Jas, you help Raven" Finn called, and we all set off, the delinquents to defend the camp, and us to find our friend. 

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