12: New Promises, New Commitments

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Walking back towards the rows of tents, I found myself stopping at the one which had belonged to Murphy. I bit back the frown that was brewing and made my way inside, collecting a few of his prized possessions, his worn leather jacket, a few weapons he had made in his short time in the camp. I bundled them up into a make-shift bag and stepped out to see Bellamy waiting just outside for me, a bag of his own.

"Bellamy?" I asked, looking down to the bag, a confused look evident on my face. He chuckled and shook his head before holding out the bag.

"I want you to come home to me Emmerson, so I got you as much as I could find that would keep you alive. There's enough rations for at least three weeks, and a water bottle big enough to get you through almost an entire day. A blanket and sheet in case you find a cave you want to settle in" I nodded and took the bag, throwing it onto my back before nodding to the leader. His warm brown eyes meeting mine. "Come back if you need anything?"

"I will, and I'll bring everything back with me Bellamy. I'll check on the camp and then I'll be gone again" His expression saddened and I looked to the ground before taking a deep breath and looking back into his eyes. "I'm not leaving John, especially not alone out there. You all have each other. He was innocent in this, he needs someone to protect him" Bellamy looked to the ground ashamed, before whispering once again.

"He killed Charlotte" I shook my head then took a step closer to Bellamy, pointing my finger into his chest.

"You killed her, and Clarke. John had nothing to do with any of this, if you had kept control of your new toy then John wouldn't have been strung up for a murder he took no part in, a murder he would have never committed. He was innocent, and he considered you a friend. You kicked the crate from under him, you would have killed him with no evidence other than what your new girlfriend said" I turned and walked off before Bellamy could utter another word. Making my way through the gates, I walked out into the forest in silence, appreciating the night sky.

I could hear the water of a river or stream due north, and took off following the sound. Treading carefully, I made my way back to the cliff face in which I last saw John, hoping he would have understood me. I came to the opening to find it empty, shaking my head lightly, I retreated to the trees and climbed up high, safest option. Stay above eye level, the ground has animals and people that could hurt me, people don't tend to look up.

I opened the bag Bellamy had given me and took out the rope he had stashed inside it. Tying it to one branch, I laced it back and forth until it made a small hammock type bed, enough to hold me up and safe for the night. I gently laid down and then pulled out John's jacket, quickly putting my arms through the sleeves, I laid down and pulled the blanket over myself, appreciating the comfort the scent of John gave me. I laid back down to sleep when I heard rustling nearby, my eyes shot open and I peeked through a gap in the ropes, watching as two grounders ran past the tree, directly beneath me. I turned quietly and watched as they bounded across the open greenery.

Shrugging slightly, I laid back down and closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion and stress of the day drag me into sleep.

Minutes, or hours, into my sleep I felt a sudden jolt. I quickly grabbed the nearest steady thing and blinked to focus, I could see grounders below, looking up to the tree I was in, one made eye contact with me before throwing something up, a rock. I gripped my bags tightly and then stood, looking for the nearest escape. I began to run, and jump through the branches when I heard a cry, "SKAI KRU" one yelled, before I heard many other voices begin to follow me. Looking back over my shoulder I could see the many faces that were on my tail, when suddenly everything turned black once again, as I fell into the dirt below.

"disha skai raunon did nou strat kom go houm" I hear someone talking, my eyes are covered and my wrists tied behind something which I can only assume is a wooden pole of some form.

"This sky person was not going home" a voice muttered behind me, they understood the grounder? "They had food and water, as well as weapons and blankets. Enough for one person to move far away" I turned towards the voice but a hand pushed my head straight forwards. My blindfold is removed and I see grounders all around, a woman stood in the centre looking down at me, the leader.

One stepped forward and poked my cheek, I turned to look at him, only to have my cheek slapped when I turned. I glared at the man and he smirked before doing it again.

"Nou, em ste a gona gon the skai kru. Ba em ste nou houm der" The woman spoke, before turning and watching as the crowd walked away, she ordered someone behind me before retreating herself. I felt my hands untie and then watched as a tall, tanned man stepped infront of me, crouching down, I watched him silently, noting his dark band tattoos areound his arms and going up onto his chest, his features had the same battle worn scars, however his eyes were softer than those of the man who had just hit me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, I recognised the voice, he was my translator. I nodded and he shook his head. "They are scared of you. They've seen how your people are scared of you. They see you being a benefit to us all" he explained, I raised an eyebrow and he looked over his shoulder to where the people were once stood. "Anya, our leader, she sees that you have no ties there. The one you did care for has gone. She thinks you may be of use" He added.

"I won't give up information on how to kill those people" I stated, looking directly into his eyes. "Your people can torture me all they like, I still have some commitments to some of those people" I added.

"The young dark haired girl, and the leader" He nodded, I looked to him confused, Bellamy and Octavia. "I am a scout, sent to watch the Skai Kru" I nodded and he held out a hand, a tradition I'm sure he saw many do when we first landed. "I will be training you, and then you can decide to stay with us and help our people get food, and whatever you wish to do to help. Or you may leave. They will not try to keep you" I nodded and he stood up, holding his hand out once again. I took it and pulled myself up.

"Have you seen John since he left?" I asked softly and the grounder looked to me before shaking his head, "You will tell me if you do? I left to find and protect him. Since I failed in doing that with the Skai Kru?" The grounder nodded and I smiled. "Will you teach me your language?"

"If you wish to learn it, however, we do all speak your native tongue too" I shook my head then followed as the grounder lead the way to a home made from wood collected in the forests.

"I don't want to inflict my traditions, I want to forget that world" He raised an eyebrow but nodded silently, "it has offered me nothing but pain" 

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