20: Fear Becomes Reality

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(Warning, some topics may be distressing)

I looked to Bellamy, my eyes pleading, he nodded. Knowing what I wanted, and knowing I wouldn't do it if he didn't agree. "Lincoln, go home. Go to your people and blend in. Be safe, I know we will meet again" He smiled to me and looked out to the ground in front of us. "I will escort you out, and they will all know you are forever welcome here" I looked to Bellamy who nodded silently, before moving away from the drop hatch.

Lincoln followed me out of the dropship, looking around to all the criminals around us, who stared silently as I walked him to the gate. We turned and I looked to everyone, speaking proudly and clearly as I watched Bellamy appear at the door of the dropship. "Everyone listen up. Lincoln fights with us, you have a problem with that and you come to me. You want to do something about it you face me. You even think about hurting him and I will hurt you" I threatened, watching as they all stared, no-one saying a word. I nodded to Lincoln, signalling that he may go. He squeezed my shoulder once more before retreating into the woods slowly.

I turned from the gate and made my way back towards the crowd of people, they all let their heads hang as I limped towards the dropship. "Also, I am back, and I am not letting people walk all over me again, you have an issue then come to me. But don't think I won't put you in your place" I growled before walking up to Bellamy. "Where do you want me to sleep Bellamy?" He smirked and I laughed, slapping his shoulder.

"How do you feel about Murphy's tent? You spent a lot of time there anyway, and it's the biggest other than mine" He reasoned, before thinking. "or you could have mine if you need-"

"I'll take Murphy's, at least I'll have that to remember him by, and his jacket" I smiled weakly, Bellamy nodded, placing his hand on my shoulder and smiling weakly to me.

"Well you'll be next to me anyway. And I have a feeling we'll spend more time together now anyway" He hinted, elbowing me gently.

"As co-leaders. But Bellamy, don't think I've forgiven what you did to John and Lincoln. You tried to kill John and you tortured Lincoln" He looked down, shame on his face. I put a hand on his shoulder and sighed. "We need to start over. If this will work, we need to work together and put them first" I looked out to the teenagers around us. He nodded slightly before sighing lightly.

"Storm, can we talk, alone. No-one else just us, let everything out, lie all our cards out and just get things settled. Then we can start planning our plan for the grounders and just how we run a functioning society" He asked, taking my hand in his. I nodded and felt Bellamy tug at my hand gently. I stumbled slightly and he gasped, catching me before I fell. He looked down to my leg and sighed. Bellamy quickly crouched and knocked my knees out, lifting me up into his arms.

"Where are we going?" I laughed and he smirked slightly before walking out the gate. I looked back to see the 100 staring at us, some of whom were glaring slightly. I closed my eyes, leaning my head against Bellamy's shoulder. "You know... this would have been so easy on Earth without you" I whispered and he chuckled.

"I can't imagine being down here without you, even when I didn't know... I was scared Lib. So, scared. I couldn't have done what I have without you" I shook my head slightly then opened my eyes, staring at the side of his face, admiring those light freckles.

"You would have done fine. Maybe we'd have a few more that left... and Lincoln wouldn't have been tortured... but you would have found a way to survive" I looked around and saw that bellamy was approaching a lake. "the water?" I asked quietly, Bellamy nodded then walked from the forest into the clearing, setting me down on the grass bank, not far from the water edge.

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