42: The Orphan

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We all walked into the room and I watched as Monty started up the computers, I sat down beside him. The screen lit up with videos from the harvesting room. Raven lie on a table; Clarke's mum was chained up beside Marcus Kane. All the people we knew were locked away, and about to be killed.

"Tell them to stop. Now!" Bellamy growled, shoving a walkie talkie in Dante's face.

"I won't do that" Dante punctuated, looking to me with tired eyes. I looked away before my anger spilled, a soft kick in my stomach distracting me, I placed a hand over it, feeling the movements inside. Monty took my hand in his and he then nodded to Bellamy and Clarke. I nodded before looking back to the screen.

"Emmerson" I heard Clarke whisper.

"Yeah?" I called, turning. She was staring at the screen and I noticed the guard on it. "Oh, don't mind me" I called out, looking down. Monty chuckled then looked to the screens.

"Carl Emmerson, Mount Weather Security Detail, come in" Clarke spoke down the walkie, before looking to me and passing it over. I nodded then took it in my hand, watching the screen. I watched as he picked up his own then spoke into it.

"Who is this?" He asked casually.

"I'm sure you'll know my voice Carl" I spoke gently, watching as recognition flashed across his face on screen. "I may be weakened in the mind but we all know I'm still the strongest one in this mountain... Now, let me speak to the boy" I growled. I turned to them all to see everyone smirking, apart from Dante who looked worried. Emmerson moved onscreen, walking out of sight on the first camera, so Monty switched perspectives.

"This is president Wallace" Cage spoke down the walkie.

"Don't think so highly Cage, we both know you weren't elected, you overthrew your father... speaking of which... I have daddio here with me" I watched as his face fell. "Guess who told me his plan to tear me apart more so you could use me as a weapon" I chuckled then glared to Dante. "We'll here's the situation Cage, I have the only person hat has or will ever love you, and you have my people... I'm sure you know what I want"

"I can't do that" He replied, a cold look on his face.

"Well let me tell you what I'll do then, you have one hour, drilling must stop immediately however, to decide. If you do not return my people with no further injuries. I will start by using these pliers to pull every last one of Daddies teeth out, then I will crush pull out his nails before crushing his fingertips. Next comes his ears, which I will post under the door to the community room, after which I will break each bone in both of his arms" I looked around to see each and every one of the people in the room looking scared of me.

"I will then start to stab and slice at him, one for each member of the 100 we have lost to date. And then more for each one you are holding captive right now... now I make it out to be 48 in there? And since 102 of us came down... 4 of which are here... that means 98 of the originals are dead or in captivity, plus you have multiple of our reinforcements there... at least 7 onscreen right now... so that's 105... do you think Daddy could handle it?" I watched as Cage's face turned to one of horror. "And if he is, by some miracle, still alive, I will take a bullet from one of your own guns and force it into his temple, by hand" I took my thumb of the microphone button and lent back, watching a cage argued with himself.

"How do I even know he is there?" Cage asked, I walked up to Dante, holding down the button. He stared at me and smirked, until I stamped on his toe, him letting out a groan. "You wouldn't actually do that, he has offered nothing but kindness" Cage countered and I chuckled.

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