52: Fatal Lies and Family Values

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"Gona? Are you okay?" Lincoln called, taking a nervous step towards me. I nodded gently and he walked over quickly, sitting beside me. Lincoln eyed me tentatively before biting into his lip. "He didn't take it well?" Lincoln asked under his breath.

"He didn't understand, I wasn't very clear" My voice came out as barely a whisper. Lincoln raised an eyebrow and I looked down to my son. "He was so good with Linc, he stopped him crying instantly, and I've never seen him smile so much" I admitted, looking to my little boy. "I never thought we could be a normal family, but then, watching them together, I didn't feel like we were in the middle of a war. It felt safe and normal" Lincoln nodded sullenly before letting out a sigh.

"How did he react, even if he didn't get it?" He asked, not looking away from the dark-haired boy in my arms.

"I told him I couldn't have picked a better father for my son, and he just said that he wished it were true" Lincoln smiled widely making my eyebrow raise.

"That's good, you've planted the idea in his mind, and he wants it to be true. Gona, he will be so happy when he realizes all he wanted to be true- is" Lincoln chuckled, making me smile weakly. "Just don't hold onto it for too long, that will be what would anger him" I nodded, looking to the little boy, feeling my smile grow.

"Lincoln, do you think Bellamy and I will ever get over everything? To be the parents our son needs? I'm so scared we will fail him" I sighed, brushing back my son's hair, to see his small coy smile once more. "We fall apart every time and I don't want Lincoln to grow up watching that" I sighed, looking to the grounder beside me.

"Bellamy loves you, he always has, even you know that. You fight because you hurt each other and have no reason to talk things through, but you've never had the reason you do now" Lincoln placed a hand on my son's back. "Babies don't make toxic relationships better, but you and Bellamy never had someone to care about more than yourselves. You both want to be parents, amazing parents. Do you really think either of you could do anything to hurt your son?" I shook my head quickly, never looking away from my son. "Bellamy doesn't need to know the truth to have that family bond pull him to the boy, Bellamy feels protective over his son, and the mother of his child"

"We're a mess, I just want things to work this time... but a family? Bellamy could barely deal with a monogamous relationship" I muttered, making Lincoln bellow with laughter. He nodded through his laughter, making me smile.

"Gona, stop being silly and just talk to him. It's what's best for the both of you, and your son. Me and Octavia can spend some time with little Blake, you need to straighten things out once and for all" I nodded to myself, before passing my son to his namesake. Lincoln smiled to me as I slowly stood up.

"You're right... I just need to lie down all my cards, tell Bellamy the truth and how I feel about him. How could I possibly expect us to be a functional family if I'm not willing to be vulnerable" I muttered to myself, pressing a kiss to Lincoln's cheek and my son's forehead before turning from them both and walking out, my head held high. I walked through the halls quickly and silently. I took in several shaky breaths as the halls twisted and turned towards the old Guard's Ward. I hoped that he was in and hadn't wandered off, I quickly made my way towards it and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard his rough voice call out, only for the door to be opened by a pretty Brunette who's eyes widened at the sight of me. I peeked over her shoulder to see Bellamy pulling his shirt on. Bellamy stood behind the girl who just looked up to him without a word as he scanned my face. "Storm, what're you doing here?" He asked with a timid smile as I stared blankly, the girl in front of him coughed nervously before speaking up.

"I- I'm going to go back to the garage, I'll see you later babe" She quickly pressed a kiss to his lips and rushed off, keeping her head low. Bellamy chuckled nervously and ran a hand through his hair.

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