36: Familiar Faces

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We walked on in the forest, looking for Monty. I remained silent while the two guys behind me continued their discussion, both about me and a few other things at camp. By now they were well aware I no longer cared or was paying attention.

"So, who was better? My ex or yours?" Finn asked with a chuckle, gaining my attention. I heard Bellamy sigh, though I didn't move or react, I walked on as if I hadn't heard.

"Well, clearly Raven is more experienced with that kind of thing" He trailed off, I felt a lump in my throat and tears building up in my eyes. "You know... what someone likes" Bellamy clarified before falling silent.

"Whats that?" Finn asked, I turned in the direction he was pointing and looked ahead to see a Reaper come into vision.

"Go back, I'll get them to follow. I am better adapted to the environment" I explained, Bellamy looked at me in shock, he reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek, finally realising I had heard him. "Go Bellamy" I growled and he let go. Finn and Bellamy turned before heading back towards the camp. I started breaking sticks and rustling branches to gain the Reapers attention. When it looked up I stared at the disfigured face in front of me, pierced and maimed from the fights it had been in.

The reaper let out a shout which I recognised, a derivative of Trigedasleng. He was alerting the others, soon I saw another 10-15 reapers come into my eye sight, I took off running towards the camp, my feet flying over the sticks and stones on the floor, jumping over roots and swinging between trees. I was quickly catching up with the guys as I could still see branches moving from their own trail. I could hear the growls behind me which reminded me of what was behind. Once the camp was back in focus I ran past the walls, witnessing the fights going around. Most of the 100 were on the dropship already, but I saw Bellamy fighting a grounder outside.

I ran up and quickly pulled Lincoln's knife from my waistband, running towards the grounder and jumping on their back, they looked round to see me, eyes widening. I snarled to the man I had once known before pressing the blade into his throat. Bellamy looked at me shocked and then to the dropship where everyone was waiting.

"Come on" I called and we both set off towards the dropship, I jumped in as the doors began closing, turning to see Bellamy still by the gates fighting, he looked at me apologetically as the door slammed shut. I screamed and banged on the door, Jasper and another boy trying to hold me back from opening it. Instead we all focused on the other woman who had jumped in before me. Anya. Everyone held out their weapons and waited for me to give the order. I stepped forwards, my hand combing through her hair before fisting at the bottom of her head.

"One word and you'd be dead" I whispered. "The man I loved was out there, fighting your people and I just watched my people sacrifice him, now I have no-one here to worry about disappointing. Everyone I care about is dead or soon going to die. I have no more reason to be a good human being." She looked at me, the warriors strong gaze faltering for the first time.

"You wouldn't, you know our people to well" She whispered as I pressed Lincoln's knife into her throat.

"I killed Otan, Anya" Her eyes widened and I nodded. "You still think I wouldn't kill you?" She remained silent and I threw her to the ground. Turning back to the criminals. "She lives, when the fire ends we kick her out and let her go back to her village, where everyone will be gone, dead. She will be a queen with no people, alone and weak" I walked to the controls panel and opened the door, stepping out and looking to where Bellamy had last been. Skeletons lie around, none I could identify. I crouched down and examined the bodies closest to the area, female, female, missing an arm, a leg. None seemed to be Bellamy, but he was here.

Smoke suddenly surrounded us all and I heard Anya mutter two words before everyone began coughing. 'mountain men' I looked around alarmed, pulling my shirt over my face in hope to give myself more time. I crumbled to the ground like everyone around, pretending to fall to the gas. Soon after I saw men in hazmat suits coming towards me. My eyes finally shut, unable to stay open anymore, as I drifted into a slumber.

I awake in a pure white room, sitting up slowly I look around to see a heart monitor and various other medical supplies, all of which were white in casing. I stepped off the bed to see that I had been dressed in a white dress, I lifted the bottom to see the bandage on my thigh had been changed and cleaned thoroughly. Peeking a little further I saw that I still had my normal underwear, thank god. They didn't strip me fully. I looked up to see a door in front of me, walking to the window I raised an eyebrow, looking out of the window, quarantine. I was in a quarantine ward?

Stepping back, I watched as someone walked past, stopping at my door. I couldn't make the face out behind the mask, they held up an identification card. My door was opened and they walked in, shutting the door behind themselves.

"Storm? Leader of the 100?" they addressed me. "You are no longer contaminated, you may follow me to the next level to get some new clothes" I looked at the person in front of me confused. "You get to join the community" he added before removing the mask. I saw Monty smile to me.

"Monty" I cheered, running into his arms, he hugged me tightly and chuckled, pulling back.

"Seriously though, they sent me because I'm familiar with you, come on. We'll get you some clothes and you can come to eat with everyone" I nodded and followed behind him, staying as close as I could when we walked through the halls. "Clarke woke up earlier and broke out, she's being held... but most others are already out. You'll see them in the dinner hall"

"How many of us are here?" I asked, and it was almost as if Monty knew the real question.

"They didn't find Bellamy, but with me and you, 50" I nodded then sighed, "they think some escaped during the battle and are still out in the forest, the ark came down too, they're searching for survivors" Monty informed me, I smiled, hopeful that if I were to lose everyone, maybe I'll find Jaha.

"Jasper? Octavia?" I asked and Monty sighed.

"Jasper is here, Octavia is not" he turned around and pointed to a room. "I'll wait here, you pick something you like" I nodded and walked in, before calling over my shoulder.

"Octavia is alive Monty, she was with Lincoln, if they haven't found her it means they're alive and safe" I saw him smile once more before shutting the door. Looking around quickly I pulled on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, simple and comfortable. I looked around for anything I could use as a weapon before sighing and unlocking the door, posing for Monty who just chuckled in return.

"I bet you're hungry, let's get food" he laughed and I nodded, my hand falling to my stomach, which quickly rumbled. "You haven't eaten in nearly a week" I nodded and we quickly got into the lift and made out way up to Level 5.

"So, this place? What the hell is it?" I asked and Monty chuckled.

"From what I've been told in my time here, it was a bunker. When the nuclear bombs started to go off, a community made it's way here, and they survived under the ground, never able to return to the surface" I raised an eyebrow and he shrugged. "Radiation is too high I suppose"

"We were exposed to higher radiation on the ark, which explains why we can survive. Solar radiation doesn't deplete at the rate nuclear does" I added, Monty just nodded in agreement before leading me to a hall full of people who were of various ages. I saw some familiar faces within.

"Storm?" Jasper yelled out, running up to me and hugging me. Suddenly everyone began to stare and he pulled back turning to everyone. "This is Storm Emmerson, the most skilled of our warriors and the oldest of the group, sent down to protect us... she was a guard on the ark" Jasper beamed and I laughed before looking for anyone else I knew. Jasper pulled me towards one of the many tables, "you missed the class about this place but I'm sure we'll fill you in on anything you need to know. Monty's an expert by now" They all laughed and I nodded, without a word. 

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