6: Mental Scars, Physical Harm

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Bellamy and myself walk from the dropship without another word, as we walk out the delinquents fall silent, the two most dangerous leaders, walking side by side.

"Hunting time Boys, who's coming?" Bellamy called, a few of them stepped forwards as I glanced over them, a few I recognised. Others I paid no attention to. I quickly disappeared into my tent before returning with my bow and arrows. Bellamy looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. I flipped him off before walking towards the gate. "Let's head out" He called from behind me.

Almost immediately after getting out from the camp I climbed a tree, watching as the delinquents all looked up at me inquisitively. "Don't pay attention to me, focus on yourselves" I snapped and they all quickly looked forwards. We made our way forwards, and I kept catching Bellamy looking up to me, I would flip him off every time, which only made him smile to me. I saw something moving behind the group, catching sight of blonde, braided hair. I squinted to focus and saw a young girl trailing behind the group. I hung down from the branch and slowly dropped onto the floor. Bellamy turned raising and eyebrow to me.

Suddenly a twig snapped behind me, and bellamy span, launching a knife. My arm snapped out and I grabbed it, looking to the girl behind me. "You okay?" I asked, she looked up at my hand and the blood that was now trickling from the blade I held tightly in my grasp. I chuckled then took the blade from my hand and examined the cuts. "I'm fine, just a couple of small cuts" I ripped part of my shirt then walked to the girl as I wound it around my hand. "Are you okay?" I repeated. She nodded and bellamy slowly followed me.

"who the hell are you" He ordered, and I turned to glare at him, slapping the blade back into his hand, handle first. He nodded to me then looked back to the girl

"Charlotte" she whispered quietly. I smiled and stood upright.

"I could have killed you. Why aren't you in camp?" He asked, I slapped the back of Bellamy's head then leant back over to the girl.

"With that guy dying, I just... I couldn't listen anymore" she explained and I patted her head with my hand, she ran close and wrapped her arms around my hips.

"Jasper isn't going to die sweetheart" I pulled her arms from my hips and knelt in front of her. "We have Clarke who takes after her mum, she's an amazing doctor. And jasper is too stubborn, he wouldn't even cower away from me" I chuckled and she smiled then nodded. "here, take this... just don't aim towards any one of us" I passed her the bow and slung my arrow case over her shoulder. She smiled and gripped onto it tightly then nodded.

"Ever killed something before?" Bellamy asked the girl and she shook her head towards him. "Who knows, maybe you're good at it. Like Storm here" He nodded towards me and I raised an eyebrow.

"You're lucky there's a child here" I muttered before taking Charlotte's hand in my own and nodding in the direction we were heading. We started on in the direction and I looked down to Charlotte who was looking up and smiling to me. "You're safe with me" I whispered, before looking ahead once again to see Bellamy looking at me from over his shoulder. "Face the front Blake. Nothing to do with you!" I yelled, feeling Charlotte tense beside me.

Birds squawking in the distance grabs my attention, and I stop. Charlotte calls out to the group who all turn to look at me. Suddenly they fly overhead and a loud horn blows. I looked out to the group and then around us, no attackers. In the distance, I see a yellow fog approaching. "Run!" I yelled, and we all set off in different directions. I pick Charlotte up and she climbs onto my back as we run, I can hear footsteps behind me as we run south of the fog.

We find some caves and Charlotte dives inside, running to the other side as Bellamy and myself try to patch up the entrance, blocking whatever it was out. We hear Atom coughing in the distance and I bring Charlotte in, covering her ears as she hugs me. Once the noises outside stop I let go of the young girl and take off my jacket, piling it on the floor for Charlotte, Bellamy follows taking off his jacket and placing it over her as she lays down.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" she asks quietly, I shake my head and look to the entrance.

"I'm going to keep guard, you and bellamy can sleep. I'll rest when we get home" She nods then rolls onto her side and closes her eyes. I look up to see Bellamy looking at me silently, "what?" I demand and he shrugs before looking away. "just go to sleep and stop pissing me off Blake" He shakes his head and sits beside me.

"Why?" he asked quietly, after a while. I looked up and raised an eyebrow, avoiding looking into his eyes. "You know what I'm asking, why did you do that, what did I do to deserve it?" I shook my head and sighed.

"What did I do to deserve it Bellamy? What did I do to deserve anything that happened up there?" He looks down, a frown on his face. "Why did anything happen up there?"

"Get some sleep Emmerson, I'll keep guard, we can swap halfway through if you want?" I nod and lay down on the floor, Bellamy pulls off over shirt, leaving him in just a t-shirt on the cold night, he shrugs and lays it over me. I pull it close, feeling the comfort of his scent wrap around me. "You were all I ever wanted" he whispered so quietly, I wasn't sure he'd even said it...

"and you broke me more than they could" I retorted before turning away. My eyes shut lightly and I let myself fall asleep to the first dreamless sleep.

I woke up to hear Charlotte screaming out, and bellamy's hushed voice. "Charlotte, wake up. It's just a dream" He whispered. I smiled and stayed facing away. "do they happen often?" I hear Charlotte sigh and I frown, feeling bad for the poor young soul. "What are you scared of? You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it" He advised, I bit my lip to hold back a laugh.

"But I'm asleep" Charlotte uttered. I frowned and felt the shirt on top of me shift, as bellamy sat beside me.

"Fears are Fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep. Storm taught me that, you can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, and fear is death. Here, take this knife" I hear his shaky breath, my smile grew, he remembered what I taught him so long ago. "Now, when you feel afraid, you hold this tight and say, 'screw you I'm not afraid' alright?" I heard Charlotte repeat after him and then a small, muffled pat. "slay your demons kid. Then you'll be able to sleep" I felt him lay down between me and Charlotte, turning slowly I peeked to the girl behind him, sleeping once again.

"You did well" I whispered and he smiled softly. "What are you afraid of Bellamy?" he sighed then cupped my cheek in his hand, before quickly snatching it away when he realised.

"once, I was afraid to lose you. Now all I have is my sister. And I worry you'll be the one to hurt her" He admitted and I shook my head, never would I hurt Tavy.

"I couldn't, and you know that. I care too much about her" he nodded and I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I picked up his wrist with my hand and removed the arm, he nodded sullenly and looked down to my hand.

"Can I see?" he asked, gently taking my hand in his. I nodded as he unwrapped the cloth, wincing as he saw how deep the cuts were. "you need to see Clarke when we get back" I shook my head then re-wrapped my hand. "Ember..."

"No Bellamy. You don't get to call me that anymore. You lost that right when you stopped being a friend" He nodded and I rolled onto my back, staring at the roof of the cave. "How did my life get so messed up. I was a normal kid" 

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