The 8th Story

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A few weeks later, a burst of life rushed out from the production offices of the new play based on the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

We're getting a book!

An influx of new marketing material spread through social media like a wind spell from the elder wand because of the first words we were allowed to see.

An influx of new marketing material spread through social media like a wind spell from the elder wand because of the first words we were allowed to see

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Fans had heard rumblings about the play being the 8th story before, but now it was official. It had the most officialest officialness! HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS was not the final story! We were getting an 8th book! The news dropped like a surprise album by Beyonce.

But there was some confusion. It was a book, but apparently not a novelization. They were just giving us the play script.

JKR rushed to Twitter.

JKR rushed to Twitter

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The official announcement was that print and digital editions of the script would be available immediately following the world premiere of the play

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The official announcement was that print and digital editions of the script would be available immediately following the world premiere of the play. The first performance was scheduled for Saturday, July 30th, which meant we'd be getting the 8th story on July 31st, Harry's birthday.

As a cynical, graphically minded individual, it was obvious to me that the publishers were capitalizing on the vagueness of the book cover. And to avoid the backlash of fans who were starting to realize that they were being deceived into buying a play script (which would likely be foreign to the eyes of the majority of fans), they released an updated cover image.

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