Act Three Summary - 1

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Scorpius enters Headmistress Dolores Umbridge's office with a different set of clothes. Umbridge tells Scorpius that she has always seen him as a Head Boy. He is a natural leader and a great Quidditch player, which comes as a surprise. He's never liked Quidditch. And yet, ever since she found him in the lake three days prior, she's noticed that he has an obsession with Harry Potter, and is constantly asking people about Cedric Diggory and the Battle of Hogwarts. The Headmistress asks if there is something she can do to get the old Scorpius back. He insists that he'll soon return to normal. Umbridge smiles. She then places a hand to her heart and says, "For Voldemort and Valor."

Walking the Hogwarts grounds, Scorpius bumps into Karl Jenkins and Yann Fredericks. They remind him of their plans to torture Mudbloods in the dungeons tomorrow night. Scorpius is surprised to learn that this was his idea. Then Polly Chapman invites Scorpius (addressing him as "The Scorpion King") to something called the Blood Ball. Then Polly notices blood on her shoes and uses the term "Potter" as a curse word. In response to his confusion over the Blood Ball, she tells Scorpius that the Augury says the future is theirs to make, and she's making hers with him. Then Polly exits saying, "For Voldemort and Valor". Scorpius repeats the phrase.

Now at the Ministry, Scorpius enters the office of the Head of Magical Law Enforcement and finds his father, Draco Malfoy, sitting at what was formerly Harry Potter's desk. Draco is angry. His son kept him waiting and did not apologize. He demands that Scorpius not humiliate him at Hogwarts by asking questions about Harry Potter. Scorpius asks if Draco was involved in the Muggle-born death camps, and asks what his mother felt about it. Draco tells him not to use his mother's name in vain, then reveals that he had no part in the Death camps. His wife was sympathetic to Muggle-borns, which is why Lucius Malfoy disliked her. But Draco defied his own father for Astoria. Apparently, it was the bravest thing she'd ever seen. Scorpius confesses that he doesn't want to be the person he is now. That he wants to be more like his mother. Draco says that she always helped him find the light in the darkness. Draco tells his son that whatever he plans to do, he needs to do it safely. Draco doesn't want to lose his son as well.

Scorpius is in the Hogwarts library trying to learn how Cedric became a Death Eater, when Craig Bowker Jr. asks why he's there. Scorpius asks why he can't be. Craig quickly grovels and apologizes, stating that the Potions homework wasn't ready. Scorpius then realizes that, in this new reality, Craig does his homework for him. Craig tells Scorpius that Professor Snape's assignments are very difficult, but he is honored to complete the Scorpion King's work. The realization sets in that Severus Snape must still be alive...

Scorpius enters the Potions classroom, where he asks Snape if he is still working for Dumbledore. Snape denies ever doing so, beyond his teaching duties while Dumbledore was Headmaster. Scorpius confesses that he knows Snape secretly spied on the Death Eaters for Dumbledore and then killed him as a part of their plan. Scorpius continues by telling Snape about the Time-Turner and how he's from an alternate universe where Harry Potter succeeded in defeating Voldemort. Snape states that Harry Potter won the Triwizard Tournament. Scorpius counters with his own history, that Cedric was meant to win as well, but they humiliated him and he became a Death Eater. Snape tells him that Cedric killed Neville Longbottom, causing Scorpius to realize that this is what truly changed the future. Neville was supposed to kill Nagini, the final Horcrux, before Voldemort died.

This narrative is too much for Snape to believe, so Scorpius reveals a secret only known to Albus Dumbledore: that Professor Snape loved Lily Potter! Scorpius tells Snape that Harry is alive, and that he named his son Albus Severus. Deeply moved by this, Snape takes out his wand and locks the door. He tells Scorpius that they need to go to a hidden room in the roots of the Whomping Willow.

Once there, Scorpius is pinned to the table by Hermione. She is apparently a rebel, leading the resistance against Voldemort. Snape tells him that Scorpius is trustworthy, so Hermione lets him go. Scorpius confesses that this version of the world is his fault. Before he can clarify, Ron enters, notices Scorpius, and points a wand at him, rather awkwardly. Hermione and Snape explain that Scorpius is on their side.

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