WTF: Magic Most Dumb

352 42 56

Tickle Tickle

You would assume that a play about Harry Potter would showcase stunning examples of our favorite magic from the books. By all accounts, they really pull off Polyjuice transformations. As well as an old standard, like Lumos. I think a few good spells was all we needed. You know, less is more. Then, the audience would feel free to suspend their disbelief during potential battles, and magic could be implied without the need for incantations. Here's one line that I think exhibits this concept properly from the duel between Harry and Draco. The very end of the duel in fact:

The two square up - HARRY throws a chair. DRACO ducks underneath it and slows the chair with his wand.

See? Simple. There was no need for an incantation to be uttered, and the audience was able to accept that these men, these wizards, were powerful enough to cast nonverbal spells. However, JKR and Co. had taken a different stance for the rest of the duel.

(note of caution: the dialogue they exchange here is... rather regrettable.)

DRACO and HARRY: Expelliarmus!

Their wands repel and then break apart.

DRACO: Incarcerous!

HARRY dodges a blast from DRACO's wand.

HARRY: Tarantallegra!

DRACO throws himself out of the way.

You've been practicing, Draco.

DRACO: And you've got sloppy, Potter. Densaugeo!

HARRY just manages to get out of the way.

HARRY: Rictusempra!

DRACO uses a chair to block the blast.

DRACO: Flipendo!

HARRY is sent twirling through the air. DRACO laughs.

Keep up, old man.

HARRY: We're the same age, Draco.

DRACO: I wear it better.

HARRY: Brachiabindo!

DRACO is bound tightly.

DRACO: That really the best you got? Emancipare.

DRACO releases his own binds.


HARRY has to throw himself out of the way.

Mobilicorpus! Oh, this is too much fun...

DRACO bounces HARRY up and down on the table. And then as HARRY rolls away, DRACO jumps onto the table - he readies his wand, but as he does, HARRY hits him with a spell...

HARRY: Obscuro!

DRACO releases himself from his blindfold as soon as it hits.

Okay, let's break down this sideshow of a duel.

Expelliarmus. Obviously. An old disarming spell. Familiar to audiences everywhere. I'm with you. And I understand Draco using a binding spell right away (Incarcerous), but Harry responds with Tarantallegra? Seriously? Harry Potter is the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and he strikes back with a Dancing Jinx? Why would that at all be effective in a real-life battle?

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