Act Four Summary

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Wizards and witches cram into the Grand Meeting Room as Hermione takes center stage. She informs them that the body of Craig Bowker Jr. was found at Hogwarts. Hermione has no information on the identity of the killer, but tells the crowd that they have discovered a new prophecy and that Voldemort indeed had a daughter. Professor McGonagall is shocked and asks if the child of the Dark Lord was in custody. Hermione says that Delphi has hidden herself in time with the help of an illegal Time-Turner that was stolen from her office. McGonagall places the blame on Hermione, but Harry steps in to say that the most important thing was to stop Delphi before she rewrites history and allows Lord Voldemort to rule the wizarding world.

Albus and Scorpius are at a train station, asking a Stationmaster for help. Through his thick Scottish accent, they understand that they are too late to catch a train. Albus looks at the timetable and realizes where they are: October 30, 1981, the day before Voldemort killed James and Lily Potter. Albus assumes that Delphi's plan is to make sure that Voldemort succeeds in killing his father. Scorpius realizes that it was his fault, because he told her that prophecies can be broken. Albus and Scorpius rush to Godric's Hollow before Delphi can succeed.

Albus and Scorpius walk around Godric's Hollow. Scorpius is shocked to learn that Albus had never been there. Harry tried to take him several times, but Albus refused. Scorpius shows him St. Jerome's graveyard and points out where the statue of Harry Potter and his parents will eventually be located. Then he points out the house of Bathilda Bagshot, author of A History of Magic. Albus sees the house of his grandparents, Lily and James Potter. Then he spots them outside, walking with a baby. Scorpius stops Albus from moving closer, reminding his friend that they cannot be seen without affecting time. They start to develop a plan.

Dumbledore appears in a portrait in Harry's office. While arguing, Harry tells Dumbledore that he is letting his son down the same way that Dumbledore disappointed Harry. This exchange goes on for some time, turning very emotional. Then, Draco enters and tells Harry that he is in the possession of a second Time-Turner from Theodore Nott!! The one that Albus stole was apparently a prototype. Oh, and this Time-Turner does not have a time limit. Draco explains that he was hesitant to admit that he possessed such a device because it would lead people to believe that Scorpius was indeed Voldemort's son. Harry tells him that they both tried to give their sons what they thought they needed, not what their sons truly wanted.

Outside of James and Lily Potter's home, Albus and Scorpius are thinking of ideas to relay a message to Harry in the present. They cannot talk to anyone or they will risk changing the future. Albus sees Lily wrapping Harry in the blanket and he remembers that his father always held the blanket on the anniversary of his parents' death. Through the conversation, they realize that Albus accidentally spilling Ron's love potion on the blanket could create a chemical reaction that would be revealed in the present. In order for Harry to get the message they would have to write it onto the blanket using tincture of Demiguise which is known to react with the pearl dust in love potion. Conveniently, Bathilda Bagshot lives nearby, probably has some in her house, and always leaves her doors unlocked...

At home, Ginny finds Harry sitting on their missing son's bed. This is his second worst All Hallow's Eve. Harry says that he shouldn't have survived. He was supposed to die, and now it was all his fault that fifty people have since died trying to save him. Ginny says that Voldemort killed those people, not him. Harry looks at the floor and sees his blanket. He sadly mentions that it was all he had from his parents and now it was filled with holes caused by Ron's love potion. Harry opens the blanket and Ginny notices the holes spell out: "Dad. Help. Godric's Hollow. 31/10/81." It's a message from Albus, explaining where he can be found in time. Harry kisses Ginny and tells her to send an owl to Draco, informing him that they need to meet at Godric's Hollow with the second Time-Turner. Harry sends Hermione an owl with the same message.

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