WTF: Redux

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One of my favorite moments, and by favorite I mean most laughable, is when Jack Thorne has Scorpius bring up the logic of prophecies. Have a gander.

DELPHI: The prophecy must be fulfilled. We will fulfill it.

SCORPIUS: Prophecies can be broken.

DELPHI: You're mistaken, child, prophecies are the future.

SCORPIUS: But if the prophecy is inevitable why are we here trying to influence it? Your actions contradict your thoughts - you're dragging us through this maze because you believe this prophecy needs to be enabled - and by that logic prophecies can also be broken - prevented.

Brah. hahaa dood. No, man. You're not allowed to use logic to discount prophecies (which contradicts and rejects OS-Canon btw), and then ignore ALL logic everywhere else. That should tell you what kind of person we're dealing with here.

We're Back!

OKAY, so... According to the play, by Scene Ten of Act Three, all the turmoil from the alternate universe garbage has been set right. We are back in the Origin Universe. Albus is in Slytherin. Ron and Hermione are back together (THAT'S RIGHT! DON'T YOU EVER TRY TO...! *a bunch of you hold me back from charging* Let me go! Noh, they know! They know what they did!).

(okay, Mike)

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(okay, Mike)

This means that Rose exists. Her brother (Herbert?) also exists. But Panju is gone FOREVER!! NUUUUUU!! haha

Everything is back to normal. Chaos normalized, universe restored. Harry lives. Redux.

*there is a strange feeling at the back of his mind*

*is he responsible for setting things right?*

*more importantly, did he forget to eat breakfast?*

New Problems

Where is the Time-Turner? Well, Scorpius says that he lost it in the water. Hopefully, they didn't destroy the merpeople's mer... village... when they decided to dredge the lake in order to find it. We have no idea, actually. This plot point is never resolved. Poor merpeople. There's probably some house elf in scuba gear tearing through their mervillage as we speak. Tragic.

Then Scorpius reveals to Albus that he still has the Time-Turner, so they decide to destroy it together. Why did they need to do this in the Owlery? Oh, right. So they were conveniently not in the dormitory when Harry and Ginny arrived. And so Delphi has a place to just... show up again... because she does that in this play.

Albus had sent her an owl because he's still crushing. That means they must be in the Owlery! Where else can one send such things?

Delphi showing up at the exact moment they are planning to destroy the Time-Turner is hilarious when you take a step back. And how they hesitate to destroy it because they need to list out all the ways it could be destroyed. It's such transparent storytelling. BE. MORE. CREATIVE.

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