WTF: The 4th Wall

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The phrase "Breaking the Fourth Wall" originated on the stage. There are three walls surrounding the characters, the fourth wall being the invisible barrier between the stage and the seats. When a character within the play addresses the audience, verbally or non-verbally, they have "broken" that fourth wall. A great example would be Matthew Broderick's performance in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

While this does not directly take place in Cursed Child, the character of Scorpius is often given dialogue that speaks for the audience. I do not think this was entirely intentional. Since Scorpius was created to be the fan-insert, his words incidentally express the logic and irritation of the fanbase, because we have basically broken the fourth wall to join them on stage. A few of his lines so accurately point out flaws in the play, it's as if JKR and Co. were subconsciously aware that the fans were going to completely disagree with the logic of their narrative. How prophetic...

Here are some examples of Scorpius Malfoy speaking for the frustrated and confused audience:

Example 1:

AMOS: This is going to be dangerous.

ALBUS: We know.


AMOS: Delphi - perhaps if you were prepared to accompany them?

DELPHI: If that would make you happy, Uncle.

She smiles at ALBUS, he smiles back.

AMOS: You do understand even getting the Time-Turner will risk your lives.

ALBUS: We're ready to put our lives at risk.


Example 2:

ALBUS: What is your name?

TROLLEY WITCH: I've forgotten. All I can tell you is that when the Hogwarts Express first came to be - Ottaline Gambol herself offered me this job...

SCORPIUS: That's - one hundred and ninety years. You've been doing this job for one hundred and ninety years?

Example 3:

SCORPIUS: Albus, whatever you've got to prove to your dad - this isn't the way.

ALBUS: I don't have anything to prove to my dad. I've got to save Cedric to save Rose. And maybe - without you holding me back - I can make a proper go of it.

SCORPIUS: Without me? Oh, poor Albus Potter. With his chip on his shoulder. Poor Albus Potter. So sad.

Example 4:

SCORPIUS: You don't know how good it is to be back here, Albus. I hated it there.

ALBUS: Apart from the Polly Chapman fancying you bits.

SCORPIUS: Cedric was a different person entirely - dark, dangerous.

He was? Hmmm... You don't say...

Example 5:

DELPHI: I don't just want you to stop him. I want you to humiliate him. He needs to fly out of that maze naked on a broomstick made of purple feather dusters. Humiliation got you there before and it'll get us there again. And the prophecy will be fulfilled.

SCORPIUS: Wasn't aware that there was a prophecy, what prophecy?

Example 6:

ALBUS: You know what annoys me most of all? Dad will think we did it deliberately.

SCORPIUS: Albus. Really? I mean, really really? We're - trapped - lost - in time - probably permanently - and you're worrying what your dad might think about it? I will never understand the two of you.

Scorpius, my pal, you're not alone on that one.

Scorpius, my pal, you're not alone on that one

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