side bitch | offset

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"Kiari, I'm literally so fucking tired of just being a side-" He interrupted me before I even got to finish.

"You are not, I repeat, are not damn side bitch. Why you keep sayin that shit?"

"Why you keep makin me feel like I am then?" He had a dumb look on his face.

"You, never let me be around you and ya niggas, you always hit me up when it's late, and we always gotta keep shit a secret. Why can't I ever be in public with you? Why do you always want me to meet you here? Why can't we meet at Starbucks or something? Why can't we just have a simple little date?" I got everything off my chest. By the time I was done, my cheeks were red. I was embarrassed but happy I had gotten everything out.

"Well shit nigga. My bad thug." Kiari shrugged while texting away on his phone. I shook my head, flabbergasted.

"That's it? That's all you're gonna say?" I got off of the bed and put my clothes back on. "I can't believe you." I slid my slides back on and went to the door of his room.

"Wait guh." He sat up and covered his chest with the beige colored blanket I was sitting on. "You really want a date?" He put his phone on the side of him.

"Yes Kiari ugh. That's all I want." I groaned.

"Well lemme tell ya somethin first."

"I'm all ears." I crossed my arms and leaned my head against the door.

"You are a side bitch. But close the door on ya way out." He put the plaid cover over his face. I scoffed and slammed his door shut, then went out to his front door and slammed that one too.

"Fuck that nigga."

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