4 am | lonzo ball

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I was in my room, pacing back and forth. My boyfriend, Lonzo, and I just got into our first major argument. It was stupid. I was jealous of how much time he spent with basketball and all the girls that try to be all close with him just because he's the star point guard.

I laid on my burgundy cover on top of my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was really upset and tired but I can't go to sleep upset. It just makes the next day be terrible. I got up and walked to my bathroom.

I looked a wreck. My straight hair looked frizzy and thin. My eyes looked huge. And a string of bumps were coming in on my left cheek. I sighed then washed my face and brushed my teeth.

After that, I put a face mask on and checked the time. It was almost 3 am. I sighed and leaned against the sink. I was admiring myself in the mirror but also thinking of Lonzo.

"Fuck him, you're a beautiful piece of chocolate. Chocolate goddess. If he wants one of those light bright groupies, he can get them. Shit." I said to myself while looking in the mirror. I grabbed my phone and turned on Foolish by Ashanti.

"Mhm, fuck him." I stuck my middle finger up at myself in the mirror. I let out a soft laugh as my roommate walked inside of our dorm.

"Girl go to sleep." She said while laying on her bed. Her name was Brianna. We were kinda cool.

"Uh, no. I'm obviously distressed. Can't you tell?" She looked at me and nodded. She patted the end of her bed with her foot, signaling for me to sit down.

I sat by her foot and looked at her. She looked tired. "What is it now? Another essay?"

I always whine and complain about everything. But tonight was different. I shook my head. "Lonzo." I said.

"The point guard? Y'all get in an argument?" Her eyes perked up. We've been dating for six months and I only tell her good things about him. He only does good things. He treats me so nice and well. Like a gentleman.

"We got in an argument." I said. She sat up and pulled her purple cover over her upper body, leaving only her head for me to see.

"Well, go on. Tell me about it." She said and I did. I told her everything. When I finished, my tears stained my face mask and snot was everywhere.

"See. That's good. It's best to get it out." She rubbed my back before I got up and went to the bathroom to fix myself. Her major is business but she'd be better as a therapist or doctor. She really knows how to make someone feel better.

I washed my face again before wrapping my hair up then putting my scarf and bonnet on. I turned the bathroom light off and sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling once again. I picked my phone up from the nightstand Brianna had placed it on. 4 am by 2 Chainz was playing.

"Uh what do you think you're doing?" She asked while turning the lamplight on. I looked around the room, trying to see what she was talking about.

"That's a sign girl." She said and I raised my eyebrows. "The song. It's almost 4 am. Go apologize to your man." She said while crossing her arms. She says everything is a damn sign.

"He's probably sleep. He had basketball practice earlier and-" I tried to make excuses but she cut me off.

"I'm almost 100% sure he's not because you guys just had your first argument. He's as distraught as you. So go over there and apologize." She said as the song ended. "He's literally right across campus. Just sneak over there." She threw me my slides.

I sighed and rubbed my face. "I don't know Bri." I did want to apologize but I just didn't want to face him. I felt myself get embarrassed just by thinking about it.

"Girl, just go. Damn. Maybe you'll get some finally get you some lightskin dick." I rolled my eyes. Lonzo and I haven't been intimate at all, like ever. But we haven't got into an argument ever either. Tonight has been a night of firsts...

"Well, it is a night of firsts." I got out of my bed and slowly slid my slides on. "Hand me my sweats." I pointed to the drawer and she shook her head.

"Those are dick you down shorts! They're cute. Now just go." Bri laughed. I looked down at my pink, satin shorts. I waved her off then slowly walked out the door.

It took about 5 minutes for me to get to Lonzo's dorm because I kept stopping and turning around. I finally got there and knocked on the door. I let out a nervous sigh. I really hoped he wasn't sleep.

I heard the locks turn and he opened the door. He looked stressed and tired. He opened the door wider and gestured for me to come in. I walked in and looked around. His roommate wasn't in here.

I sat on his bed that was covered with magazines and tissues. I moved his laptop to the nightstand and threw the tissues away.

"I just wanna-" I said but he put his finger to my mouth.

"I forgive you." He chuckled and got the magazines off the bed. He laid on the left side of the bed and I laid beside him. I arched my back and put my hands in my shorts. I heard him grunt.

"What's wrong?" I asked while turning my head around to face him. He was biting his lip.

"I'm gonna be honest." He sat up and took the covers off of our bodies. I turned and faced him. "I really wanna make love to you. Like slow, intimate sex." He licked his lips while staring into my eyes. I smiled before biting my lip.

"Okay." Was all that escaped my mouth before he kissed me.

I guess Brianna was right. I am gonna get some lightskin dick.

i don't even watch basketball lmao but these fine basketball boys deserve imagines! don't forget to keep sending requests in 💕

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